

This was published 9 years ago

South China Sea dispute: Fancy a cruise in hotly contested waters?

By Chris Zappone

Fancy a cruise in hotly contested waters?

China and Vietnam offer tour cruises to island outposts in the geopolitical danger zone of the South China Sea. The Philippines is also planning to send tourist cruises to islands under its control.

What better way to show off ownership of the islands than having patriotic citizens do something as normal as holiday in these far-off spots?

Of course, few of the islands can accommodate tourism. Frequent tropical storms buffet the low-lying sandbars and reefs, making access difficult.

Vietnam's offshore oilfields are also on the itinerary for passengers on sovereignty cruises.

Vietnam's offshore oilfields are also on the itinerary for passengers on sovereignty cruises.

And the sea itself is swarming with military as well as commercial ships.

Every year $US5.3 trillion ($7 trillion) worth of trade passes through the South China Sea. Meanwhile, countries that surround the sea have increased their military spending by 5 per cent in 2013 alone. They are beefing up their military presence to the tune of $US40 billion by 2016, according to arms tracker group SIPRI.

Japan has embarked on manoeuvres in conjunction with the Philippine navy, a move warned off by China. The US Navy's Seventh Fleet continues to sail through region, and is accused by China of increasing tensions. Even the Russians plan to carry out naval drills with China's navy in the South China Sea next year.


In this mix, tourists from China and Vietnam are already making the journey into the crowded sea lanes. China began services to the Paracels​ in 2013. Vietnam began similar cruises to the Spratly Islands in June.

The Coconut Princess, one of the Chinese cruise lines making the trip to the Paracels.

The Coconut Princess, one of the Chinese cruise lines making the trip to the Paracels.

"Tourists will have a chance to visit the DK 2 platform, Bach Ho (White Tiger) and Rong (Dragon) oil fields and Truong Sa Lon Island," reported Voice of Vietnam at the time of the tours were announced.

"They will also be able to examine up close for themselves historical items proving Vietnam's sovereignty over the Truong Sa [the Spratly] archipelago."

The Philippines plans a tour of its islands next year after buying a boat and creating lodging for tourists on Palawan, where a small community lives.

One shouldn't underestimate the appeal of being lulled to sleep by the sound of oil-exploration platforms at work, or snapping pictures of lonesome markers of sovereignty.

Patriotic cruises to disputed islands are just the latest element in a combustible mix in the South China Sea. Given China's rapid economic and political development, it has been elevated in a kind of geopolitical tug-of-war between Beijing and, by extension, the US, Japan, and Australia, among others.

To the fury of its neighbours, China has laid claim to almost the entire sea through the so-called Nine-Dash Line, which skirts the coasts of the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Commercial cruises follow a long list of ploys to prove the various islands belong to the claimant nations. These past efforts include issuing maps with favourable boundaries, issuing passports with images of those maps, oil exploration, boat ramming, pamphlets and brochures, and even TV shows.

Way back in 1975, so the story goes, one islet in the Spratlys changed hands when the then South Vietnamese reportedly lured Philippine troops away from their posts with prostitutes.

More recently, China has drawn the most attention in the region, using its industrial and military might to dredge up sand on islets and reefs, covering them with airstrips, military barracks and civilian infrastructure.

In the past year and a half, Beijing has created about 12 square kilometres of land in the South China Sea.

The island building lets China project deeper into its neighbours' space and, in effect, builds "sovereignty on 'castles of sand'".

And the blend of tourism and military power is troubling, too, because of the fog of uncertainty it spreads in an already tense region, where Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia also have claims.

Like China's island building, turning the islands into a tourist destination blurs the issue from a diplomatic and military one to a tourism and trade one. And the more the issues can be blurred, the less hope there is of finding a single venue for a lasting resolution to the overlapping claims.

La Trobe University international relations lecturer Michael O'Keefe​ said while patriotic cruises to the South China Sea "may seem like a surreal example of conflict tourism" it was another way for nations such as China, Vietnam and the Philippines to "diversify" their claim to the areas.

"It's very clever, though, because it distracts from the obvious militarisation," he said.

If patriotic tourism isn't enough, the strategy of countries such as the US and Australia complicates the issue, because, while they have no view on the ultimate ownership of the islands, Washington and Canberra are adamant they don't want any country to seize control of islands by force or coercion.

And which country is most likely to do that?

How far the US, Australia and even Japan would go to stop China is yet another imponderable. Western authorities have denounced China's island building. But military options are less clear.

In fact, the US Navy refuses to say how close to the disputed islets it is sailing or even where in the South China Sea it is operating.

In June, the commander of the US Navy in the Pacific, Harry Harris, was asked what kind of action by China in the region would cause the US to rescind China's invitation to international biennial naval drills in Hawaii.

Admiral Harris said: "I don't want to tell you exactly what those conditions are, because China might come right up to those conditions."

In other words, there is a red line on China's behaviour - but the US won't say what it is.

It's into this haze of conflicting claims, stretchy limits, overlapping authorities, and even a blending of civilian and military purposes that the cruise ships sail.

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