

This was published 10 years ago

Rolf Harris guilty: Key moments from the trial

By Nick Miller and London

The letter

A letter written from Harris to the father of the main complainant has been the central battleground of the case.

Its first reading was the biggest surprise of the prosecution’s opening ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ speech, when Harris’ ‘dark side’ was aired in his own, miserable words.

In it Harris confessed to an adult affair with the woman, but denied he assaulted her when she was a young teenager. He expressed his guilt and regret, but said the relationship “progressed from a feeling of love”.

Rolf Harris in London after being found guilty.

Rolf Harris in London after being found guilty. Credit: Reuters

The prosecution came back to it again and again, asking why he would have apologised if, as he claimed, it had been an adult relationship. Why he would have felt guilt if the relationship simply fizzled out? Could such an apparently loveless, clinical series of sexual encounters really have begun as he claimed?

The defence, though, said the letter simply showed Harris had been consistent all along. Almost two decades ago he told the same story as he did on the stand: regret for an adult affair, not guilt over secret abuse.


The voice of ruin

The main complainant gave evidence from behind a curtain, but the sound of her voice was portrait enough of a devastated life.

Low and nervous, sometimes sharp with anger but more often a dulled monotone, this disembodied voice was coloured by disgust, regret and venom as she told of alcoholism, anxiety, and abuse.

It was chilling.

Tonya Lee’s mistake

Confident and clear when she took the stand, complainant Tonya Lee hit trouble under cross-examination.

She had described how her alleged abuse by Harris ruined her youth theatre tour of the UK, taking the fun out of it and triggering anorexia that was clearly evident by the end of the six week journey.

But confronted with the tour timetable by defence counsel Sonia Woodley QC, she had to admit that the night she met Harris came at the end of the tour, not the beginning – so it couldn’t have had the effect she described.

“She got the date wrong,” said prosecutor Sasha Wass in her closing speech, arguing it was a simple mistake after so many years that should not taint the rest of her evidence.

But coming on top of the admission that she had lied to her police about arranging paid media interviews, Ms Lee’s plausibility was significantly damaged.

Rolf under fire

During his evidence in chief, Harris had given an entertaining, animated performance of his favourite anecdotes, followed by a sombre, explicit confession of extramarital sex. As a musician, surely he must have known these notes would make a discordant tune. But worse was to come.

Faced with Sasha Wass QC’s cross-examination, within minutes he had admitted to hiding a “dark side”, and confessed that when his main accuser was 13 he had been sexually attracted to her bikini-clad body.

It was a trap well-laid by an expert advocate, but even so he sprung it too easily. And some of his excuses at other moments came across as unconvincing, even bizarre.

Claiming that it was “physically impossible” to put his tongue in the mouth of an unwilling 12 year-old was another lowlight.

The Cambridge video

But worse was to come. When asked if he was in Cambridge at the time one of the complainants said he abused her, he played his trump card: he had never even been to Cambridge until a couple of years ago.

When this claim was reported in the media, the public quickly alerted prosecutors to ‘Star Games’, a TV game show from 1978 shot in Cambridge and featuring Harris.

A snippet of the episode was played in court, and various details matched the strongly-challenged account of his accuser. And there was Harris, prominent on screen, bouncing like a kangaroo, captain of his team.

Harris, deflated and angry, made a mess of recovering from this setback. He tried to argue that it had been shot in the anonymous suburbs of Cambridge (it was shot right in the centre of his historic town). Then he said that neither he, nor any of the contestants had known they were in Cambridge.

Whether or not this was a believable excuse, his credibility had taken a hit.

Bindi’s day

No-one knew the main complainant in the case better than Harris’ own daughter.

Her job was simple: to give the jury her insight on how and why this woman would have lied about being abused, and why her father should be believed.

She gushed and cried and stood her ground against the prosecution. “This is not about helping my father it’s about me telling the truth,” she said

She said she and the girl “stuck together like glue” as teenagers – it was simply impossible that her father could have abused her friend without Bindi knowing, she said.

She said the complainant had confessed to an affair with her father, not accused him of abuse.

She said she now saw Harris “as a father and as a man” and came to court every day to support both her parents.

It was a ‘more in sorrow than in anger’ speech, finishing with the claim she still loved the main complainant “very much”.

The sick defence

Though bits and pieces of the defence had been aired through witnesses, at the end of the trial it needed an expert closing argument, a skilful stitching of the patches of denial and implausibility into a whole cloth of a ‘not guilty’ case.

But on the day it was due, defense counsel Sonia Woodley QC was nowhere to be seen. She had suddenly taken ill, been rushed to hospital, and was too unwell to continue the trial.

Over what must have been a nightmare weekend, her junior counsel Simon Ray had to pull together his own closing speech, which he delivered quietly, almost apologetically, and which was over in less than half the time the prosecution had taken to summarise their own case.


Mr Ray’s strategy seemed to be to counter Ms Wass’ sharp rhetoric with his own pragmatic doubt, to be the voice of reason in the face of outrageous claims.

But when it drew to a halt the public gallery were left looking at each other shaking their heads, wondering why Harris’ last push for freedom had been so lacking in fire.

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