

This was published 10 years ago

Rolf Harris takes to witness stand in trial to defend sex abuse charges

By Nick Miller

London: Rolf Harris’ star turn on the witness stand started like a chat show, became an intimate, embarrassed confessional and concluded with defiant denials.

On Tuesday morning Southwark Crown Court - where the 84-year-old faces 12 charges of indecently assaulting four girls - was treated to a one-hour performance by Harris the entertainer, celebrity and raconteur.

At one point he even sang the chorus to Jake the Peg, “diddle-iddle-iddle-um”.

But the jury also heard an agonised description of his sexual affair with a “flirtatious, coquettish” friend of his daughter, more than 30 years his junior.

Giving evidence: Rolf Harris arrives at Southwark Crown Court on Tuesday. Harris is charged with indecent assault, and denies the charges.

Giving evidence: Rolf Harris arrives at Southwark Crown Court on Tuesday. Harris is charged with indecent assault, and denies the charges.Credit: Reuters

Harris gave a detailed account of the first time she “invited” him to touch her in a bedroom in his family home, his heart pounding, and he described their repeated sexual encounters over a decade.

He insisted the encounters were consensual and began after she turned 18.

He also confessed to a fling with a 35-year-old lodger that almost wrecked his marriage.

Then, one by one, he was taken through a list of other women he is accused of sexually assaulting, and he claimed not to remember any of them – but he was absolutely certain he never touched them inappropriately.

Key supporter: Rolf Harris arrives at Southwark Crown Court with his wife Alwen Hughes.

Key supporter: Rolf Harris arrives at Southwark Crown Court with his wife Alwen Hughes.Credit: Getty Images

The 84-year-old entertainer faces 12 charges of indecently assaulting four girls between 1968 and 1986.

Harris has pleaded not guilty to all charges, but has never before spoken publicly about the allegations against him, or his affairs.

On Tuesday, after two weeks of prosecution evidence, Harris took the witness stand dressed in a dark pin-striped suit and purple tie, to fight for his innocence and his reputation.

He began by telling the story of his climb to fame as a child of a poor family in Bassendean, WA, to a struggling art student and cabaret musician in London, to fame and success in music and on TV – detailing the precise position on the charts of each of his big hits and talking about his constant travelling around the world.

Initially he laughed through his favourite anecdotes as if his interlocutor were TV host Michael Parkinson rather than counsel for the defence Sonia Woodley QC.

He recalled his first “panic-stricken” audition for the BBC, where he told a children’s story about "the octopus and the shark".

Several times he apologised for going off-topic – “I’m waxing a little bit too lyrical on all these answers I’m afraid,” he said – but other times he asked permission to finish particular stories.

He was particularly keen to flesh out the creation of the wobble-board: when he shook a hot piece of board and became fascinated with the “bloop bloop bloop” noise it made, he said.

And he recounted the first time he heard Jake the Peg – singing the chorus for the court – “it was hysterically funny when I first heard it,” he said.

But the morning took a darker turn as he was painfully, slowly taken through the most intimate details of his sexual relationship with the main complainant in the case.

The complainant, who originally lived close by in the UK, was a childhood friend of his daughter Bindi.

The complainant had told the court she was 13 in 1978 when she went on holiday with the Harris family to Vancouver, Hawaii and Australia.

The complainant said Harris first assaulted her in Hawaii when she stepped out of a shower in a hotel room.

“No, it didn’t happen,” Harris said on Tuesday.

He also denied assaulting her on the beach, and later in the trip at Harris’ parents’ home in Bassendean.

The complainant had said Harris gave “creepy” hugs.

“I am a very touchy-feely sort of person and normally hug anyone that I get along with,” Harris said.

Defence counsel Sonia Woodley asked if he hugged in “a sexual way”.

“No,” he replied.

The complainant said Harris assaulted her in the UK before her 16th birthday at her home, and at Harris’ family home in Bray.

But Harris said it was unlikely she visited at that time, because they had just moved house and were doing extensive renovations.

And he denied going up to the complainant’s bedroom at her home, or ever assaulting her at his. “Absolutely not, that’s ludicrous,” he said.

Harris said his physical relationship with the complainant began when she was at least 18.

His voice lowering, sometimes to inaudibility, he described their furtive, sexually charged encounters.

Their first, he said, took place one morning when she was staying at the Harris family home and he came in to her room with a cup of tea and put it on her bedside table.

“She grabbed my elbow and seemed to want me to sit on the bed,” Harris said. “So I did. She slid over a little bit and then kicked the duvet off her feet to reveal her legs were bare, she had no pyjama pants on.

“It seemed to me she was being very flirtatious. As you can imagine it was very flattering thing, for this young lady to suddenly be showing an interest in me.

“I touched the outside of her leg. I can remember my heart was thumping … I didn’t know what to do, I got up and left the room.”

The woman’s behaviour had seemed like an “invitation”, he said. He was in his 50s at the time.

“I find it very hard to discuss this, it’s very embarrassing. A married man and a much younger girl, I shouldn’t have been doing it.”

But the woman returned to his house on later occasions and seemed “flirtatious” and “coquettish”, he said. He noticed her “sexual chemistry”.

The next time he brought her a cup of tea “it was an excuse by that time” and their foreplay became sexual.

He recalled other sexual encounters, saying the woman seemed a willing participant, “welcoming the whole business and enjoying it”.

She once performed oral sex on him when they went for a walk in the outskirts of Bray near his home. Another time they had sex in a car.

Once they were both visiting Bindi’s home in Devon and he undressed and went to her room, to find her sitting on the bed naked.

After around a decade their relationship “ground to a halt”, he said. “There was nothing that kept it together.”

He remembers his last encounter with the complainant, who called and told him to come and meet her at her home “or else”.

There she first accused him of abusing her as a young teenager, Harris said, saying she became very drunk and angry.

“She kept going over it and over it,” he said. “I told her it didn’t happen.”

Harris said she told him that his complimenting her in her bikini as a teenager had felt like assault. Harris told the court he would always compliment people if they looked good. “I have been told to stop doing it – people in this day and age often take offence,” he said.

The complainant then asked for £25,000 for her boyfriend’s animal refuge project, Harris said, and when he refused she said “well you had better keep your eye on the weekend newspapers”.

She then attacked him physically as he went to leave.

Harris said it was clear she blamed him for destroying her life. “I took it on board and felt maybe it was my fault,” he said. “I felt I had betrayed everybody.”

Harris also confessed to another affair. In the mid-1990s, he said, he and his wife Alwen invited a “down on her luck” woman aged in her mid-30s to stay in Bindi’s former room in their home. Their relationship “gradually became physical, sexual intimacy” Harris said – which his wife Alwen discovered.

“She was devastated by it and rightly so,” he said.

Harris was then taken through the three other complainants in the case.

One claims he assaulted her in a community centre in Portsmouth in the late 1960s, when she was around eight years old.

Harris said he “wasn’t there”.

The complainant had said she remembered his hairy hands, and Harris held up his hands to demonstrate their lack of hair.

Another complainant said he groped her at an event in Cambridge in the mid-70s, which she thought might have been game show It’s A Knockout.

Harris said he had never visited Cambridge until a few years ago, and was shown newspaper cuttings demonstrating he was in Canada at the time It’s A Knockout was staged there.

And Australian Tonya Lee said Harris assaulted her when she was 14 during a youth theatre tour of the UK, but Harris, though he remembered meeting the tour group, had no memory at all of her and denied touching her.

Harris was also asked about the "bad character witnesses" who have testified to being groped by Harris over the past 50 years, or seeing him grope someone else.

Each time he said he had no recollection of the girl or woman – even when some of them had photographic evidence of meeting him.

But he firmly denied ever assaulting or behaving indecently towards them.

At the end of the day the judge revealed that Harris had been caught doing sketches in court last week, which had been confiscated and destroyed. But he told the jury not to hold it against the defendant.

Harris left the court on the arm of his wife Alwen who sat through the entire day in court, and his daughter Bindi.

On Wednesday Harris will face cross-examination by prosecutor Sasha Wass QC.

The trial before Mr Justice Sweeney continues.

Fairfax Media

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