

This was published 8 years ago

A confession few believe: Chinese rights lawyer Wang Yu is 'freed'

By Philip Wen

Beijing: After more than a year without legal representation, the re-emergence of Wang Yu, one of China's most prominent human rights lawyers detained in a sweeping crackdown, would ordinarily be met with relief from her supporters. Instead, video interviews accompanying her purported release on bail has attracted widespread scepticism and suspicion of another rehearsed, coerced televised confession.

Ms Wang provided interviews to a select group of local and pro-mainland Hong Kong media outlets, of which video footage was published online on Monday, showing her effusive in praise of her jailers and damning in her criticism of former employers and colleagues, her arguments bearing strong similarities with previous public indictments disseminated by the ruling Communist Party's propaganda departments.

 Rights lawyer Wang Yu being interviewed after her release on bail.

Rights lawyer Wang Yu being interviewed after her release on bail. Credit: Credit: Phoenix TV/supplied

Having devoted much of her career advancing the cause of human rights in China, she told reporters that she now realised she had been used and manipulated by unspecified foreign organisations who wanted to disseminate "Western universal values" in China while "attacking and smearing the Chinese government" to the extent of fomenting a potential "colour revolution".

She said she rejected being awarded Europe's prestigious Ludovic Trarieux Human Rights Prize as well as another honour from the American Bar Association. She said she "won't acknowledge, won't recognise and won't accept" the honours, language mirroring almost word-for-word Beijing's angry rejection of the recent Hague tribunal's ruling on the South China Sea.

Human rights lawyer Wang Yu.

Human rights lawyer Wang Yu.

"This award in my opinion is their way of using me to attack and smear the Chinese government," she said. "I am Chinese. I only accept awards from the Chinese leadership."

Ms Wang said she was in good health and was well looked after in jail, which demonstrated the "civility and humanity of China's rule of law".

Ms Wang's statements follow a series of similarly contentious public 'confessions', including veteran journalist Gao Yu, who was convicted of leaking state secrets, and that of Swedish human rights worker Peter Dahlin. Both have since said their confessions were obtained under pressure and coercion since their release, with Mr Dahlin telling the New York Times he was instructed to read off a script.

In another case that sparked international outrage, Hong Kong bookseller Gui Minhai was spirited away from his apartment in Thailand only to re-emerge in mainland China to say he had turned himself in over a decades-old hit-and-run incident. Most recently, legal assistant Zhao Wei expressed regret for her legal activism. But despite being released on bail, her husband says she remains incommunicado and may still be under the control of Chinese authorities.


Chen Jiangang, a rights lawyer friend who has campaigned for Ms Wang release, said he and other lawyers have been unable to reach her.

"There is a uniform script that everyone has to follow," Mr Chen said, referring to the string of recent public confessions, adding Ms Wang's predicament was compounded by being cut off to the outside world since July last year. Ms Wang's husband, legal activist Bao Longjun was arrested at the same time and remains in detention.

"With both husband and wife in jail, they both have elderly parents and their son, so with this kind of responsibility, for Wang Yu to come to any kind of compromise is understandable," Mr Chen told Fairfax Media.

Ms Wang's teenage son and elderly mother have been under tight government surveillance in their Inner Mongolia home after a botched attempt to smuggle the boy across the Burmese border. The son, Bao Zhuoxuan, had enrolled to study high school in Melbourne before her parents' were detained.

Ms Wang's release on bail comes as the wives of four other detained mainland rights advocates were taken away by police after they gathered outside a Tianjin courthouse demanding information on rumoured trial dates for their husbands.


The four men, Zhai Yanmin, Li Heping, Wang Quanzhang and Gou Hongguo, were detained in the same crackdown launched on July 9 last year that has seen more than 300 lawyers and legal activists questioned. At least 24 have been formally charged, despite widespread international condemnation, including from the Australian government.

with Sanghee Liu

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