

This was published 10 years ago

Chinese journalist Gao Yu paraded on TV, 'confesses' to leaking state secrets

By Philip Wen

Beijing: Prominent Chinese journalist Gao Yu has been paraded on state television confessing to “leaking state secrets” amid an intensifying crackdown before the 25th anniversary of the suppression of the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests.

In the first sighting of the outspoken political analyst since her disappearance on April 24, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV aired a report on Thursday showing Ms Gao, 70, admitting to sharing a “secret document” with an overseas news website last year.

Forced confession? “I believe what I have done touched on legal issues, and has harmed the national interest,”  Gao Yu said in a televised confession, after two weeks in detention.

Forced confession? “I believe what I have done touched on legal issues, and has harmed the national interest,” Gao Yu said in a televised confession, after two weeks in detention.Credit: AP

“I believe what I have done touched on legal issues, and has harmed the national interest,” Ms Gao said in her televised confession, the latest instance of the national broadcaster’s growing practice of showing confessions before trials.

“On this point, what I have done is extremely wrong. I sincerely accept the lesson and plead guilty.”

But Ho Pin, the editor-in-chief of Mingjing, a US-based Chinese-language magazine to which Ms Gao contributes, raised concerns about how the televised confession was obtained, noting she had been in custody for two weeks before it went to air.

Ms Gao, who is also a contributor to the Chinese-language website of German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, had previously reported on the so-called Document No. 9, a Communist Party internal document that warns of the potential for the ideals of Western constitutional democracy infiltrating China and undermining its leadership.

“Western forces hostile to China and dissidents within the country are still constantly infiltrating the ideological sphere,” the document, circulated in April last year, said.

Zhao Yan - a Chinese journalist who was arrested in 2004 on similar charges of revealing state secrets while working for the Beijing bureau of the New York Times, eventually serving a three-year jail term for fraud - said the document was simply an inner party memorandum that “could not be regarded as a state secret”.

“Is the party bigger than the state? Does it replace the law? This is an evil law that must be abolished,” Mr Zhao, who now lives in the US, said.


The detention of Ms Gao is one of several known arrests of government critics, designed to have a chilling effect in the lead-up to the politically sensitive June 4 anniversary, but which is prompting public outcry from rights groups and other activists.

Human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang, 49, was this week formally detained along with four other prominent intellectuals - Xu Youyu, Hao Jian, Liu Di and Hu Shigen - for “creating a disturbance”.

The five had attended a small gathering to commemorate and discuss the Tiananmen Square student protests in 1989, where at least hundreds died after the Chinese military violently suppressed the pro-democracy demonstrations.

“The most serious punishment of this disturbance charge could reach 10 years, this is ridiculous,” Shang Baojun, the lawyer for Mr Xu and Ms Liu, said.

Xu Zhiyong, an activist who has called for government officials to publicly declare their assets, was jailed for four years in January for "disrupting public order".

Ms Gao has been jailed twice in the course of her work as a journalist in China, including six years for revealing state secrets in 1993.

“I used two quotations of Deng Xiaoping which had not yet been published in public at the time,” she told Fairfax Media in an interview just hours before she was detained.

“I noticed them in a Taiwan newspaper, saying ‘the West has lots of conflicts’ and ‘the world is not at peace after the Cold War’. Such quotes were regarded as state secrets!”

Mingjing’s Mr Ho agreed Ms Gao’s reportage did not constitute leaking of state secrets, but the document did prove that Chinese President Xi Jinping “has no intention of political reform”.

“At a time when everyone is seeking money and fortune, it's hard to imagine there will be a mass protest at the 25th anniversary [in mainland China],” he said.

“But the arrest of liberal intellectuals like Gao Yu only draws more international attention to the anniversary and China’s human rights situation.”

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