

This was published 14 years ago

'I was no longer alone': shark attack victim's chilling first encounter

By Aja Styles

In an ominous sign of things to come, West Australian diver Peter Clarkson wrote about his first encounter with a great white shark while promoting a shark-deterrent device.

Mr Clarkson, an abalone diver from Esperance, was taken by sharks south of Perforated Island near Coffin Bay in South Australia yesterday afternoon.

Abalone diver Peter Clarkson was taken by two great white sharks off South Australia.

Abalone diver Peter Clarkson was taken by two great white sharks off South Australia.

Police say the diver was returning to the surface when two sharks, believed to be great whites, attacked him.

The skipper on the boat saw the attack. He reportedly told ambulance officers: "I saw the beast come up and take him. There's no way he could have survived."

The Esperance community has mourned diver Peter Clarkson after he was attacked by two sharks.

The Esperance community has mourned diver Peter Clarkson after he was attacked by two sharks.Credit:

A spokeswoman for South Australian Ambulance Service said paramedics were on the jetty when the boat returned and the skipper was treated for shock.

South Australian dive operator Leon Stewart said he had heard "Chinese whispers" that Mr Clarkson had an encounter "about three or four weeks ago" with a great white, while other divers had reported an unusually large number of great whites in the area.

"There were 17-19 individual [great white] sharks spotted near the Neptunes [outer islands] last week," he said. "That's high volume. We were a bit concerned about the number of pointers, and then this happens."

He said Mr Clarkson was a very experienced diver, an "absolute perfectionist", who did not take risks while diving.


First encounter with a killer

Mr Clarkson regularly dived in the seas off Western Australia's coast and had close calls with the sharks that explore its waters several times.

He told of one frightening encounter that took place on August 13, 2002, while offering a testimonial for a shark protection device known as a "Shark Shield".

"In early August [2002], I was hookah-diving in 50-metre water off Kalbarri, Western Australia, researching a group of cowry shells which are the subject of a book I am co-authoring. After completing a bottom time which had incurred for me a reasonable decompression penalty, I was making a slow ascent when I realised that I was no longer alone," he wrote.

One feels very vulnerable dangling solo off a line in 50m water in the presence of a 4m great white shark.

"Ten metres away, swimming vertically at the same rate as myself, was a Great White Shark.

"It was a scenario I had rehearsed in my mind a thousand times during the 27 years I have been diving, but this was the first shark of this species that I had encountered underwater.

"My first reaction was to check that the Shark Shield was working by crossing one leg over the other, the braided steel 'tail' immediately causing my opposite leg to twitch uncomfortably as it brushed over it."

He was now 10 metres below the surface and could see the shape of the boat above him.

He signalled to the deckhand to lower the decompression shot-line.

"The shark had continued on a parallel course and in fact briefly broke the surface with its dorsal fin before making an unhurried turn downwards in my direction," Mr Clarkson wrote.

"Head-on, the shark was a very intimidating sight and prior to this moment I never really felt 'threatened' by its presence.

"It halted 5-6 metres away from me. I had the distinct impression that the shark sensed something was 'not right' about the wetsuit-clad creature which was the focus of its interest.

"Several times, it swam out almost to the limit of visibility (15 metres) before returning and stopping again at the same distance from me."

It was now a waiting game to allow himself to decompress from his deep-sea dive to avoid getting the bends before he could get to the boat safely.

The bends, a decompression sickness, can cause paralysis and death if divers ascend to the surface too quickly.

"The minutes were ticking by as I kept one eye on the shark and the other on my decompression meter," he wrote.

"To say that I felt 'safe' would be an overstatement - one feels very vulnerable dangling solo off a line in 50 metres of water in the presence of a 4-metre great white shark - but the Shark Shield gave me the confidence to complete my decompression and avoid a possible incidence of the bends.

"The last I saw of the shark was its tail disappearing into the distance; this was a moment I chose to quickly climb into the boat, turning the Shark Shield off once I was on the dive ladder and out of harm's reach."

Esperance community left in mourning

A close friend and diving partner of Peter Clarkson today paid tribute to his mate, saying this morning that the news of his death came as a complete shock.

Peter Hudson, proprietor of Esperance Diving and Fishing, said he was absolutely gutted to hear that his good friend had been killed.

"We got the call about 5.30 last night. It was a shock, I just couldn't believe it," he said,

"I haven't spoken to a lot of people in the town yet about it, but I have spoken to a couple of people and they're all devastated.

'He's just a really nice guy. He was a dedicated diver, and a good author too."

Mr Hudson said he and MR Clarkson had done thousands of dives together, and used to cycle together. He said as divers it was important not to dwell on the possibility of sharks, although the pair had talked about Mr Clarkson's recent encounter with great whites in detail.

"Oh yes, we discussed all those things," he said.

"It's not like they're out there waiting for you, sharks don't wake up in the morning and think 'I'm going to eat a human today'.

"It's just another day at work, you can't think about these things."

He said Mr Clarkson had lived in Esperance for about five years and was well known and well liked in the coastal town.

"He just absolutely lived for (diving)," he said. "He's a real fitness freak, he was always looking after himself.

"I just can't believe this has happened."


- with Lucy Rickard and AAP

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