
Joh Bjelke-Petersen

Ricky Nixon during a previous appearance at Melbourne Magistrate’s court.

‘My legal rights’: Ricky Nixon brings the beef to Melbourne Magistrates’ Court

Plus: ABC v News Corp round 753; Council Watch spares Lord Mayor Nick Reece and deputy Roshena Campbell; Albanese scrupulously ensures everyone gets a piece of the pie.

  • Stephen Brook, Melissa Cunningham, Kishor Napier-Raman and Lachlan Abbott



You talkin’ to Kiwi?

Buff on this!


Mooning at the Sunshine State

It was Joh first and daylight second.

Clive Palmer’s childhood home in Williamstown

Quintessential Queenslander Clive Palmer buys childhood home in Williamstown

Quite what the mining magnate plans to do with his new $4.5 million bungalow is anyone’s guess.

  • Stephen Brook and Kishor Napier-Raman
Donald Trump and Joh Bjelke-Petersen. Trump has transformed conservative politics in the USA in a way that has echoes of Joh’s 19-year premiership of Queensland, 1968-1987.

Cult Brisbane author says Queensland did Trumpism first

A classic book about Brisbane music and politics has turned 20, and its author says he didn’t realise how prescient it would be.

  • Nick Dent
Driza-Bone advertisement featuring John Bjeke-Petersen and Gina Rinehart.

Holy Gruen Transfer! Gina Rinehart stars in bush apparel ad with Bjelke-Petersen’s son

Australia’s richest person has been particular about her image management recently.

  • Stephen Brook and Kishor Napier-Raman
Lunch with Kate Miller-Heidke at Woodford Folk Festival.

Kate Miller-Heidke says her singing is like ‘a yodelling ambulance or Enya on meth’

On stage, Kate Miller-Heidke’s self-deprecating sense of humour is clear – the audience laughs at her jokes about the high register of her voice.

  • Helen Pitt
Column 8 granny dinkus

Fractured fare tale

Scratch the chopstick debate.

Column 8 granny dinkus

Chemical imbalance on the Côte d’Azur

And payola in the Pacific.

Former NSW director of public prosecutions Nicholas Cowdery, QC.

A life dedicated to the law and justice, without fear or favour

Nicholas Cowdery, QC, the longest-serving director of public prosecutions in Australian history, spent the best part of two decades up close to some of the nation’s most complex legal cases.

  • Peter FitzSimons

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