Well, the only thing more chaotic than that main event was the Bledisloe Cup opener in Melbourne. That was all kinds of insanity.
Just like the Bledisloe, there’s another battle between two rivals to come. Paul Gallen and Justin Hodges effectively came to an agreement in the ring after the former had his hand raised tonight. Gallen has one fight left on his contract, Hodges wants a rematch, and they’ll do it again by the end of the year.
Tonight Gallen has achieved what few have before. He has won two professional boxing bouts in one night. Love him or hate him, that is a special feat.
I’m Caden Helmers, signing off from the fights tonight. Thanks for following along, and keep your eyes locked on our pages for all the latest. Keep it real. Start a conversation with a mate, ask them how they’re really going. You never know the difference it could make.
They’ll go again.Credit: Getty