

This was published 1 year ago

Oil and gas companies must pay fair share of windfall profits: Rod Sims

By Dana Daniel

Former competition tsar Professor Rod Sims says multinational oil and gas companies must share massive windfalls from high prices driven up by the Ukraine war as the Albanese government prepares the ground for tax reforms.

“It’s really unhealthy for society having companies make huge gains when others in society are suffering those same high prices,” Sims told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Former ACCC Chair Rod Sims says oil and gas companies must share their windfall profits from soaring prices.

Former ACCC Chair Rod Sims says oil and gas companies must share their windfall profits from soaring prices.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“With the prices as high as they are, I think it’s most unlikely that people would think there’s a fair share of revenue coming to the Australian public from these projects,” Sims said. “It needs to be looked at now.”

The former Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chair, a professor at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, spoke before a keynote speech he will deliver at the Australia Institute’s Revenue Summit on Thursday.

Australia’s oil and gas exporters will on Monday release industry forecasts showing they expect to nearly triple the amount paid into public coffers to almost $14 billion this financial year, and argue they already contribute enough.


The Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association figures, based on a member survey and subject to market changes, forecast the LNG export sector would pay $9 billion more taxes and royalties in 2022-23 than the previous financial year, when they paid $4.8 billion.

The lion’s share of the increase is corporate income tax of almost $7 billion, with an extra $500 million in petroleum resource rent tax, $860 million in state royalties and $690 million in excise.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers on Sunday repeated his warning that the October budget would be the start of a conversation about how Australia can pay for the rising costs of health, aged care, defence, NDIS and interest on debt, saying this must include asking “how do we need to change our tax arrangements in areas like multinational taxes”.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers says his October budget will be the beginning of a conversation around tax reform.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers says his October budget will be the beginning of a conversation around tax reform.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“Australians do recognise that multinationals need to pay a fairer share of tax in the countries where they make their profits and that’s how we fund the services that Australians rely on,” he told Sky News.

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association chief executive Samantha McCulloch said the industry tax and royalties figures proved current taxation settings were of “direct financial value to the economy and the Australian public” and that the sector was helping to bankroll public roads, schools and hospitals.

The peak body was unable to say what proportion of revenue the $14 billion represented.

Sims said the tax rules applying to the oil and gas sector were “way too generous” and that companies had been allowed to get away with paying fairly low taxes.

“These are enormous projects they’re dealing with so, of course, the dollars are going to be large – but it’s the tax rate that’s key and how much return they are getting, particularly at this time when they are making very large amounts of money,” Sims said.

The European Union last week agreed to hit energy companies with a windfall profit levy that aims to raise €140 billion ($214.5 billion) for member countries.

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged governments in August to tax excessive oil and gas profits, saying it was “immoral” for companies to be making record profits from the energy crisis “on the backs of the poorest people and communities”.

Chalmers said his October budget would contain “the beginnings of our multinational tax policy” but that he did not expect overall Commonwealth tax revenue to exceed 23.9 per cent of GDP, the Coalition’s cap, although the numbers were still being finalised.

“I see that cap is largely an abstract thing that was plucked out of the air by our predecessors,” the treasurer said.

“We are prepared to take the right and responsible decisions to make sure that we’re doing the right thing by people and their economy.”


The Australia Institute published research in May showing that the nation’s oil and gas exporters were almost exclusively foreign owned and include large companies that paid no income tax for seven years during a period when they turned over $138 billion.

Energy giant Chevron revealed last month that it was bracing for a 25-fold increase in its Australian tax bill this year to about $3.7 billion after finally exhausting all its tax deductions, even thoughts its Western Australian LNG ventures were years away from paying the petroleum resource rent tax.

McCulloch said the industry had invested more than $300 billion in “large, capital-intensive and complex” LNG projects since 2010 and that focusing solely on revenue “ignores our far wider role – employing 165,000 people along the supply chain, building infrastructure, powering homes and businesses and facilitating growth”.

But Sims said the oil and gas sector made “huge revenues with very little employment” compared with other industries.

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