

This was published 1 year ago

Winding up windbags: How to mute people who talk your ear off

By Danny Katz
This story is part of the February 3 edition of Good WeekendSee all 14 stories.

Is there an equivalent of football-type yellow and red cards that can be issued in social situations to people who annoyingly dominate conversations?
A.N., Box Hill North, Vic

Credit: Simon Letch

On behalf of all obnoxious, blathery, loudmouthed, conversation-dominating dickwads who just talk and talk and talk and never listen to anyone, please take pity on us. Because the honest truth is, we also hate ourselves for talking too much, but we can’t actually stop. We’re either terrified of silence or we’re racked with social anxiety or we’re bolstering our low self-esteem. Or we’re drunk and don’t know what we’re saying, where we are or whether we’re talking to a person or a skinny fridge with two big, baubly, fridge-magnet eyeballs.


So, personally, I’m always extremely grateful when someone reminds me that I’m dominating a conversation. When they politely butt in and say, “Could I just make a point here, please?” or give me a gentle elbow-nudge in the back, taking care not to damage any of the essential spinal nerves that operate the lower half of my body. Both of these techniques should shut up a conversation-dominating dickwad. If they don’t, it may be time to extract yourself from the conversation with a “toilet emergency” exit ruse.

But I’m way more excited about your idea of introducing football rules for socialising. Everyone could carry cards in their pocket and after getting two yellow warning cards, conversation-dominators get a red card and are sent off for the remainder of the discussion. There could be an offside rule for off-colour jokes or off-putting views. And fouls for foul language. Verbal abuse gets a free kick, right in the shins. And for any conversation-dominators with poor oral hygiene, they’re given a corner. Far away. Ideally, in a different room.

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