

This was published 6 years ago


Today's the day: a handy guide to your smug new plastic bag-free life

Perth, the time is here. The crutch of free single-use plastic has been ripped from your grasp and you are left staggering unwillingly towards sustainability.

Welcome to Part II of the series in which I motivate/shame you into joining me to minimise waste sent to landfill and do away with the need for those sweet, sweet free bin-bags.

Before - and after Bokashi, my snazzy new compost bin which even fits small apartments.

Before - and after Bokashi, my snazzy new compost bin which even fits small apartments.Credit: Emma Young

To recap, we covered the things plastic waste is doing to baby dolphins; diverting soft plastic food wrapping from your bin; and ways to deal with the remaining household organic waste.

Buying plastic bags is a terrible idea, "biodegradable" plastic is essentially a lie, lining bins with newspaper will result in soggy mulch and I don’t think anyone's keen on washing out their bin every time they empty it.

Councils aren’t yet interested in your potato peels and chicken bones, with the exception of a trial in the City of Melville, so your “wet” waste is your own affair come July 1 when the ban takes effect (or even earlier, depending on which supermarket you go to).

Our three action items for the last week were: first, get a soft plastics drawer and start filling it for return to the Redcycle bins at Coles and Woolworths (you can do this no matter whether you shop there or not, because they’re out the front).

Dedicate a drawer to your clean plastic waste and just return to where you bought them.

Dedicate a drawer to your clean plastic waste and just return to where you bought them.Credit: Emma Young

Second, get the Recycle Right WA app and start learning about all the things you didn’t realise you could be placing in your recycling bin. I love this app. Sometimes it confirms what I could have guessed but wanted to make sure, like no, I can't recycle toothpaste tubes. Sometimes it tells me something new. Like, if I want to make sure the loo rolls get recycled, fill up a cereal box with them so they don't slip through cracks in the separating machinery.

Third action item was start composting our food waste. Through a compost bin or worm farm if you have a backyard. Or if you are like me, with no backyard or simply a healthy aversion to gardening and physical work, with a Bokashi tabletop composting system.


I have now bravely sourced a Bokashi bin from Bunnings and begun filling it, with a dubious look upon my face, with such items as off cream, teabags and sundry vegetable matter. Apparently a squirt of friendly microbes each night (included with the bin) is all they need to help them break down. There is an even more dubious look on my husband's face, but he has no choice.

Google estimates that in a month or so I’ll have a lump of compost I’ll have to bury somewhere, puny and manageable in size, and so magical for gardens that flowers will spontaneously bloom atop it. I’ll decide how to deal with that later. Gift for family and friends, perhaps! I’m sure they’ll be thrilled.

Ideal for the enfeebled, that is, me.

Ideal for the enfeebled, that is, me.Credit: Emma Young

I also have a bit of paper taped to the fridge to record the dropping weights of my landfill waste bin, because as Peter Drucker says, what gets measured gets managed.

Step 1: Avoid the temptation to buy shiny new reusable bags.

No matter how nicely matching they are or how they magically fit in the trolley with special handles. This is exactly what they want you to do. I have spent all week fending off media releases from supermarkets and other bag design companies salivating for your dollar. I’m not giving them the satisfaction and neither should you. It’s been reported that every cotton bag must be used 104 times to be environmentally superior to a plastic one. So don’t give them the satisfaction. If yours are dirty, stick them in the washing machine. If you only have old duffel bags or cooler bags, use those instead. If you are already in the supermarket and you are caught short. Just walk out without buying that stuff. Deal with the consequences. That'll teach you. Rage against the machine.

Step 2: Get a system in place to remember your (daggy old) reusable bags.

If you’re not remembering them by now, you’re a useless human and you need to get a grip. Set a location reminder on the phone to alert you to get them out the boot before you head in to the supermarket. Put a post-it on the door or the steering wheel. Tattoo it on your forehead. Whatever. And put a little one in your man-bag or hand-bag for the spontaneous duck-in. Just remember, “I can’t remember” is an increasingly pathetic excuse.

Step 3: Get radical and reconsider your click and collect/delivery habit if you have one.

If you click and collect or get your groceries delivered by a member of the supermarket duopoly, consider communicating to them your opinions regarding their decision not to let you pack your order for yourself, forcing you into buying their thicker plastic bags if you click and collect. If you deliver, you can choose to have them put the stuff straight from the crate on to the bench, but you'll pay even more for this thirty-second service. I mean really, we're on the precipice of ending our plastic bag addiction for good and we can't work out how to make it work with online systems too? I have already left a little rant about taking my business elsewhere, and while it might not get us anywhere, I highly recommend it as good for the blood pressure.

Good luck, and see you next week for some mutual self-congratulations.

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