This was published 6 years ago
Four weeks of free plastic left, Perth: your call to action
Emma Young
JournalistIn one month the state government and supermarkets will put a stop to our reckless single-use plastic bag party, cutting us off cold turkey.
I’ve had my ear to the ground and I’ve drawn the conclusion that people suckled on the golden teat of free bin bags really, really don’t want to pay $3 for a roll of bin bags.
Bin juice. A disgusting fact of life that we must bravely confront.Credit: Emma Young
The seductive cheapness of plastic, which led to them being given out free for our convenience, in turn caused this interesting phenomenon where we feel entitled to get them free and that $3 is expensive, despite it being less than a cup of (Perth) coffee.
Moreover, I feel like buying bags is the soft option, a scramble to avoid facing the depth of my filthy addiction to sweet, sweet single-use plastic.
I’ve watched the ABC’s The War On Waste, a mini-series Craig Reucassel managed to make both entertaining and terrifying (season two is out next month!)
I’ve watched David Attenborough’s Blue Planet II, and now every time I see a drift of plastic in the gutter I think “whale food”.
I just know a whale calf will end up eating it, think its belly is full, then stop eating and die. Then its bereaved mother will drag its carcass around for weeks in a pitiful state of denial.
I couldn’t bring myself to watch Albatross, for which a documentary-maker spent years going through the plastic-filled bellies of dead seabirds on one of the world's most remote islands.
I live in Perth CBD, a squeaky CBD by world standards, but still horrifyingly full of whale/albatross food. And apartment living makes it challenging to deal with gnawing first-world guilt. I mean, deal with waste responsibly. All the communal recycle bins are full of old microwaves and God knows what else. It's horrifying. I’ve been dithering about all this for three months since I moved in and have done bugger all.
Meanwhile, Woolworths Click and Collect keeps ignoring my smug messages about how I'll bring my own bags and tossing me the free bags like they're going out of style, as indeed they are.
Now I have four weeks to sort it out or admit defeat and buy binbags. But my educated new self knows even the biodegradable kind are a filthy LIE and will just break down into microplastics. Then the dolphins will eat them, then they’ll feed their little dolphin babies poisoned milk, and then... see above.
Zero Waste, while sexily militaristic, is too hard. But surely I, and you, can manage Minimal Waste.
If I go public with the process, I’m accountable. And if you’re also apartment-bound maybe I’ll inspire (shame) you into doing it with me.
Organic waste remains a problem for people in my position. I don’t have a three-bin system yet offered by my council. I don’t have a yard for a compost heap and I can’t put a worm farm in my miniscule carpeted shoebox, I mean house. The waste remains, sitting in its free single-use plastic bag, staring me accusingly in the face, leaking and rotting like my conscience.
My zero waste Facebook group said I could just use newspaper to line my bin and wrap it all into a lovely little parcel when it was time. I tried this, then, bless me, realised food scraps break down into bin juice. Science! Not such a lovely little parcel any more.
Perth composting start-up Kooda, currently running a trial collection system and building up its processing capacity, has me on the waiting list but I need a solution now.
Enter Bokashi (and cheaper knockoffs). Basically you put in all your organic waste, food scraps, meat, bones, eggshells, everything, add some sprinkle of mysterious powder/spray liquid that stops it stinking, then every once in a while you turn its tap and get a magic plant fertilising liquid.
Given I’ve got no plants luckily it’s also apparently a natural drain cleaner and when tipped down the toilet or sink is full of excellent bacteria that helps keep the system happy.
Problems remain. One is once it’s all broken down, you still get a little lump of leftover matter that needs burying somewhere, and we all know I don’t have anywhere to bury it. Look away, City of Perth.
I’ve also now become a car-free household and have balked at the thought of trying to lash a Bokashi bucket to my bike, though the cheap knockoff looks a bit smaller.
Bugger it; nothing’s perfect. I’ll just do it and sort out the issues later.
Week 1: your action items.*
Now this man had passion for a cause. Credit: Google.
Step 1: Divert your soft plastics from stupid landfill.
Get a soft plastics drawer and start filling it. Pretty much every Coles now has a Redcycle soft plastics recycling station out the front. These take all your clean dry “scrunchable” plastic. Like Glad Wrap and spinach bags and rice bags and frozen pea bags. Complete printable poster here. So far, I’m making my mum take my soft plastic to Coles for me, but soon Woolworths (including my Enex100 store) will get the stations too.
Step 2: Get the Recycle Right WA app.
Input your council and have a browse and a play with the searchable A-Z. I guarantee you are chucking stuff into landfill right now that you could be recycling. Like scrunched alfoil, aerosol cans, “disposable” razors, and heaps more.
Step 3: S--t gets real. Get your organic composting happening.
Great if your council is helping out. If not, join me. Get an outdoor composting bin or worm farm from the hardware store if you want but I’m going to have to go with the Bokashi indoor system. They’re expensive if you buy them here and support a small business, or cheaper if you buy a less fancy one from Bunnings. I’m getting an Uber to Bunnings; let's check in next week.
*this list assumes you are already taking green bags to the supermarket. If you're not, there may be no hope for you. You may need a less advanced program.