

This was published 3 years ago


Moribund Melbourne gasping for a heartbeat

I went into the city last week to meet a friend for a drink and the mood was so moribund that if the CBD was a person you would be checking its Do Not Resuscitate order and calling its next-of-kin.

The removal of thousands of office workers and international students due to the pandemic has drained the beating heart of the city, transforming gloriously bustling, multicultural Melbourne into something resembling a country town on a wet weekend. Bourke Street Mall could have more tumbleweeds than trams, and cold wind whistles down the near-empty streets as commuters eye each other over their masks.

Melbourne’s city centre has lost some of its customary hustle and bustle.

Melbourne’s city centre has lost some of its customary hustle and bustle. Credit: Chris Hopkins

The Victorian government has announced that its budget, to be handed down on Thursday, will include stimulus measures to revitalise the city, including $7.4 million for a new voucher scheme to encourage people to eat at cafes and restaurants. The City of Melbourne has added $1 million to the scheme, which allows diners to claim back 20 per cent of their restaurant tab.

But is this enough? The travel vouchers to regional Victoria offered earlier this year were snapped up so quickly that the website crashed, but the thought of trundling into the city on a potentially unclean tram or expensive Uber, just for a free entree, seems less exciting than a weekend away in Bright or Gippsland.

The problem might be that after being forced to relocate our working and social lives to within five kilometres of our homes, many Melburnians discovered that the delights of the CBD could be replaced by the easier-to-access joys of the suburbs.

Want to go shopping? Why go to Bourke Street Mall when you can simply shop online, or pop out to your local Kmart (if the COVID exposure site lists have shown us anything, it’s our love of a Kmart trip, equalled only by a Bunnings excursion). Want to go out? Cool bars, cafes and restaurants are popping up everywhere in the ’burbs. Just look at Preston, once derided by indie singer Courtney Barnett as a hard-to-love cultural wasteland in her ode to housing unaffordability, Depreston. These days you can’t throw a latte without hitting any number of wine bars, restaurants, cafes and craft breweries. Why would we venture into the city when all this and more is at our doorstep – and you can bring your dog?

Cafes, restaurants and bars and popping up closer to home.

Cafes, restaurants and bars and popping up closer to home. Credit: iStock

COVID has made many of us more fearful, and I think that is also playing into the desire to be closer to home. We are less trusting, more cautious. Public transport seems a daunting experience for those of us who have been obsessing over hygiene for the past 12 months. Mingling with too many strangers also feels extremely risky. We want to stick with what we know.

I want very much for the lifeblood of people to pour back into the city. I want to see crowds thronging the streets, and businesses reviving. But something out of the ordinary might be required from the state budget.


Hotel vouchers so you can plan a “big city weekend”? Free coffee for office workers going back to the city? A symphony orchestra in Bourke Street Mall serenading shoppers? A punch card where if you visit enough businesses you get a free espresso martini? Roving pet rescue organisations handing out free puppies?


As well as the dining vouchers, the state government has pledged to set aside $100 million to “rejuvenate Melbourne’s much-loved CBD”. This will be matched by the City of Melbourne to create “a $200 million pool to renew city spaces”.

This is when I got really excited – due to misreading this announcement. A $200 million pool! Where were they going to put it? Perhaps by the banks of the Yarra? Would it be heated? Would there be colourful umbrellas? Will there be mojitos? Now that would get me back into the city, bikini and all.

Emily Day is deputy opinion editor at The Age.

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