

This was published 6 months ago

Messing with the axis of navel

“Seems in Orange the effects of the leap year have realigned our universe,” says Michael Milston of that very Central Tablelands region. “First, there was the day when there were about four entries referencing our city and on Friday the local paper referred to it as Friday, February, 30!”

“Another apposite radio moment (C8),” offers Susan Bradley of Eltham (Vic). “Doing a tour of San Francisco, just as we got to Lombard Street, one of the contenders for ‘World’s Steepest Street’ [Look away Dunedinites - Granny] and certainly the world’s most crooked, the radio began to play Scott McKenzie’s 1967 hit San Francisco. I was already there, but I had no flowers in my hair.”

Barry Lamb of Eastwood has a variation on stories of spookily appropriate radio songs. “Years ago, the open-air cinema in Broome was screening The Bourne Ultimatum. As the scene shifted to a busy Heathrow Airport, a plane flew low over the cinema with lights flashing and engine purring.” Now that’s 3D cinema.

“Farmers are called many things, but recently a friend brought a new term to my attention,” writes Derrick Mason of Boorowa. “She indicated that someone recently employed a new collective noun, namely: ‘A grumble of graziers’.”

Goce Mitrevski of Padstow approaches the rabbit hole: “Having been interstate for a while, I look forward to returning to several days worth of musings in Column 8. I wonder, has anyone else had occasion to read Column 8 in reverse chronological order, as I did? It’s the stuff of Alice in Wonderland, but in reverse.” You know what they say: “The best way to explain it is to do it.”

Jenni Stapleton of Kiama has another Pavlovian (C8) knee-jerk: “I was chief fire warden for many years. Long retired, I was staying at a hotel when the fire alarm went off. I was at that control panel, in my PJs but no helmet, well before anybody else. God knows how I even knew where it was!”

“The pews in the heritage-listed St John’s Uniting Church at Wahroonga were full on Tuesday afternoon as family, friends and those who touched their lives joined to celebrate the life of George Richards (C8),” writes Allan Gibson of Cherrybrook. “Delivering the eulogy, past Rotary district governor John Cameron gave a nod to Apostrophe Man, a character who loomed large during George’s custodianship of C8.”

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