

This was published 5 months ago

Embracing democracy

“All this talk of reds under the bed (C8) reminds me how lucky our family was,” says Caz Willis of Bowral. “With a Country Party member, a socialist, two Liberal and three Labor voters, the dog was egalitarian, and all visitors were Callathumpians. Always lively debates, but no fears. You could get a hug from any of them!”

The perils of the screen (C8) hold no fear for James McKinnon of Nabiac: “As seen in countless underwater movies, scuba divers were routinely menaced by groupers, barracuda and hammerhead sharks, all harmless to humans. And don’t get me started on the ‘terrifying’ velociraptor. Growing to a maximum of 1.8 metres or so, most of that consisting of tail, a meeting with one of these should be treated with the same degree of terror as an encounter with a brush turkey.”

“I read the opposition is contemplating an overhaul of the beer excise tax,” muses Barry Newham of Salamander Bay. “Fair enough, but will it pass the pub test?”

Meri Will of Baulkham Hills can confirm that pro bono (C8) is genuine. “I know people and non-profit organisations that have been the recipients of such generosity. There really are good and kind lawyers and solicitors out there.” Lawyers like the aforementioned Edward Loong of Milsons Point, who volunteered at a legal aid centre every Tuesday night for years and revealed that “some top and mid-tier law firms have pro bono teams.”

“Speaking of the Bard (C8). I need to choose a pencil,” says Judy Archer of Nelson Bay. “2B or not 2B?”

David Rodrick of Drummoyne requires a translator specialising in Geordiespeak, following “one of several puzzling exchanges from an episode of Vera the other evening. Vera: Oi! Kenny! Did yer furtle the syrup pump? Kenny: Uh-huh. Zodiacal.”

“I wanted to let you know that one of your regular contributors, Chris Wilkinson of Turramurra, died peacefully in his sleep on Wednesday, 18 September,” writes Chris’s sister, Anne Makepeace of Pymble. “Chris’s latest foray into the world of Column 8 was to ask what track or album makes the best use of stereophonic sound. He was very pleased with the varied responses (I’ve listened to them all!). Across the extended family, our first port of call in the Herald was to check if Chris had made it into Column 8 again. We’ll miss all those entries, just as we’ll miss Chris very much.”

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