

This was published 1 year ago

Comptometrists make a welcome addition

John Peterson has hit on a hot-button topic with his mention of “the trusty old Comptometer” (C8). “In 1963, I was assigned a Comptometer that went to £9,999,999,999/19/11,” recounts (geddit?) Peter Macinnis of Fairlight. “My task was to add up the nation’s overdraft each day, usually more than £2 billion. This device could also handle farthings, though we only went to the nearest penny. I was moved on to higher things after I tracked down the source of a 10-pence discrepancy that had bugged us for months. Then I ran away to become a botanist, as one does.”

“Back in the ’50s, I enrolled in a Comptometer College and became one of John Peterson’s comptometrists for Procter & Gamble,” writes Anna Logan of Homebush West. “I still search antique shops nostalgically, hoping to buy one.”

Look no further. Merinda Air of Frenchs Forest was a comptometrist “and still have my Comptometer at home”.

It’s one thing messing with the Tooheys Old formula (C8), but some things are sacrosanct, as David Greatorex of Bondi discovered: “At least Ron Field wasn’t thrown out of the pub. Across from the British Museum, I asked for a shandy based on Guinness rather than beer. The barperson not only abused me, she instructed me to leave the premises.”

The name game (C8) continues: “In our scuba diving club, we had Elly, Kelly, Shelley, Melly and Ellie,” says Michael McFadyen of Kareela. “We even got a few photos of them together.”

“Despite their age differences, I was always disappointed Coco Chanel and financial maven Alan Kohler never got hitched. Her name would go down in history,” laments Alan Karnowski of Wallaga Lake.

David Swain of Glenhaven notes that Gilda Cohen-Shapira wonders what happens to the street flags after the event (C8) and says: “We have a couple of colourful tote bags made from street advertising banners by Parramatta City Council, given as gifts to volunteers.” Katrina “Que” Watts of Murwillumbah owns “a well-loved, multicoloured tote bag bearing a tag saying, ‘I used to be a City of Sydney banner’, which I received at a conference”.

“Rather than burning the Herald, or fence palings (C8), the cheapest chip heater fuel came from the free coal that fell from steam trains as they chugged through the Woodford railway curves,” says Evan Bailey of Glebe. “Young coal fossickers in the 1950s were always on the lookout.”

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