

Blow-ins leave Byron under the influence

“Byron Shire Council is holding meetings to come up with a new image for the area because it is felt that ‘normal people’ like me no longer think they are welcome because of ‘the influencer led body image obsessed portrayal of the shire in recent years’,” laments Byron Bay denizen Jim Rogers. “Can Column 8-ers comment on what a ‘normal person’ is?”

“Your publication of the item concerning how to stop a koel (C8) living its life is morally reprehensible and probably illegal,” asserts Prue Mitchell of Fernmount. “You have encouraged the majority of people who are not birders or rescuers to terrorise our native and migratory birdlife. It is never acceptable to use apps to attract or repel birds. This is an outrage, borne of your ignorance. You need to publish an apology and tell non-birders like you, never to do this.” Say sorry, Barry.

Steve Hulbert’s soap experiment (C8) continues: “Au contraire Steve, something dramatic has occurred,” senses Col Burns of Lugarno. “When our household changed to liquid soap, we were left with a stockpile of unused bars and I’ve been sweating on the cliffhanger outcome to your ‘soap opera’ for the last 18 months. Good to know it all came out in the wash.

“I’m about to roll over 83,” states Dave Williams of Port Macquarie. “In my youth, my mum cut a bar of Velvet soap, into large squares as our laundry ‘detergent’. Cash-poor, but resourceful, she unwrapped the bar immediately, then stored the squares to dry out before use. Our high school art teacher had us bring a bar of laundry soap to class for a sculpting lesson. Mine was extremely hard, couldn’t be carved, and split into flakes, so she contributed a block of her own. Mother was unimpressed by my wastefulness, but our soap did last a long time.”

Robert Hosking of Paddington gets out of the cage: “I couldn’t help myself. I had to check Cathy Wilcox’s (Herald August 15) calculation of ‘287 square centimetres’, first within the box she had drawn: (only 206.4) and then from directly under the line below ‘Opinion’ to the line directly above the letters heading. 287 square centimetres exactly! Of course, I hope Cathy only took 4′33″ to draw the cartoon.”

“In true Aussie style it would be fitting for the nude luge (C8) to be made from corrugated iron,” suggests Merilyn McClung of Forestville.

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