

This was published 9 months ago


Are North Sydney and Fairfield on different planets? Yes, to a degree

Fifty years after Gough Whitlam abolished university fees, opening up higher learning to all, educational equity is in retreat. Students from a socioeconomically disadvantaged background comprise just 16.2 per cent of all domestic undergraduate university students, down from 17.1 per cent five years ago.

Education Minister Jason Clare has prioritised redressing this imbalance in a major university reform package set for release in the coming months. An interim paper has proposed a “workforce-wide higher education attainment rate of 55 per cent by 2050”, up from the current 32 per cent.

Universities are ramping up their focus in anticipation of the reforms, and to arrest the national equity slide.

Universities are ramping up their focus in anticipation of the reforms, and to arrest the national equity slide.Credit: SMH

Not a very ambitious goal if you look, for example, at North Sydney, where that target has already been comprehensively surpassed by the area’s entire adult population.

The reform target is a different proposition entirely if we consider, say, Fairfield, where only 13.3 per cent of adult residents hold a degree. Just a 35-minute drive separates North Sydney and Fairfield. They may as well be different planets. This scale of access inequity would not be tolerated in health outcomes, yet it is deepening in education.

And that’s the rub of Clare’s reforms. “Parity” of university qualification attainment, no matter where a potential student lives, is the underpinning objective. That reform goal is being floated for 2035, ahead of the longer-range targets for the wider population. Ambitious doesn’t even begin to describe it. But the urgency is real.

The minister put it plainly at a National Press Club address in 2023. “If you’re a young Indigenous bloke today,” he said, “you’re more likely to go to jail than to university.”

He also spoke of his own experience. “Almost one in two Australians in their 30s have a university degree today. But not everywhere,” he said. “Not where I grew up. Not in the outer suburbs of our big cities. Not in the regions. Not in poor families.”

Education Minister Jason Clare at the National Press Club.

Education Minister Jason Clare at the National Press Club. Credit: Martin Ollman

Looking at the practical measures required to reach the proposed targets, researcher Andrew Norton predicts “equity group participation parity will not be achieved by 2035”. Decision-making for prospective students, he observes, on the “risks and rewards of different qualification levels” will cruel this mid-point of the reform agenda. He’s right – if we don’t change.


Universities must bridge the gap between reform scope and outcome. It is too important to fail.

Universities, mine included, are ramping up their focus in anticipation of the reforms, and to arrest the national equity slide. Some of the worst performers on equity participation – the University of Sydney, Macquarie, UNSW and UTS, all with equity participation rates less than half the national average – are making among the boldest moves.

The University of Sydney and UNSW have launched large-scale scholarships designed to boost their enrolment of disadvantaged students. These schemes will undoubtedly help lift lagging numbers. In Sydney’s case, the equity measures come on the heels of rolling budget surpluses and a very strong return in international student fee revenue.

But taking disadvantaged, rural and wider equity students out of their communities and into the relatively wealthy areas of large city-based campuses is not without challenges. Isolation is a common experience, and a significant barrier to degree completion. Equally, it can perpetuate the sentiment held by many disadvantaged communities that university education is something that happens outside their locale. As Clare implied, something not for them.

Universities are civic institutions. They must be part of their communities. Not remote. They must do with, not for. That is the only way the coming equity reforms can succeed.


Universities must be prepared to be shaped by, as well as shape, the experience of the cohort of students they seek to grow. Accelerating equity programs and boosting scholarships alone won’t do. Universities need to genuinely collaborate with the communities their new students are a part of.

Whitlam’s reforms proved as revolutionary as they were unsustainable. The perhaps inevitable introduction of income-contingent loans ended the free ride, but not before a generation of Australians had their horizons thoroughly expanded through university education. They are the beneficiaries and, in many cases, left the structural legacy that will guide the success or failure of the next wave of reforms.

The barriers to the bold equity targets of the coming reforms are substantial. Success can only come if universities truly challenge their existing structural assumptions.

The resilience that areas such as Bankstown, Blacktown, Fairfield, Liverpool and Penrith displayed during the – at times – inequitable pandemic public health measures, proves how much they can teach universities about community, connection and cohesion. If, of course, universities are prepared to learn.

Andy Marks is the executive director of the Centre for Western Sydney and a pro vice-chancellor at Western Sydney University.

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