

A great work of power elite-rapture

The C8 factions have come out in force to help our friend Martin Field (C8) find a suitable replacement for the warmed-over word “oligarch”. So many have replied that we’re just going to fire ’em off: Trumpanzee – Pauline McGinley of Drummoyne, Oilygarch – Kin Wong of Chatswood, MAGAlamaniac – Col Burns of Lugarno, and Shitbagger – William Galton of Hurstville Grove. Peter Miniutti of Ashbury and Michael Size of Allambie Heights decided to cut the crap and simply went with Trump.

Russell Hill of Hobart thought he’d ask Grok (AI) for a replacement and was presented with Shucksterbank and/or Griftbag.

“Sorry to hear of the passing of Tim Robilliard (C8),” writes Coral Button of North Epping. “I know he had a connection to my late husband, whose mother was a Robilliard. And yes, Sir Alec would have been a shoo-in to play Scomo, after his award-winning multiple roles in Kind Hearts and Coronets and Scomo’s multiple roles in federal parliament.”

“The problem with ‘roos (C8) is that they can be standing metres back from the road but then panic when the car nears, and bound off - often towards the road, which for some reason they have decided they want to cross,” advises Glenys Quirk of Forster. “I learnt in my early driving years, to always go slow and be careful of kangaroos as they can do serious damage to your vehicle as well as themselves. We were also told that ‘sheep are stupid’.”

“Whilst overtaking a shuffle of grey nomad campervans on the Stuart Highway, an enormous pile of water buffalo dung sat on the road, unable to be avoided,” recalls Geoff Carey of Pagewood. “Baked hard in the sun, these pats can make quite an impact. Whilst luckily, it didn’t hit the fan, it did do a bit of damage to the front left bumper.” What a load of ...

Amused by the irony of Mary G Clarke of Mount Gravatt (Qld) locating her copy of Water by John Boyne (C8) post-Tropical Cyclone Alfred, her Sydney cousin “helpfully offered a copy of Jane Harper’s The Dry to distract.”

“A few weeks ago there was an advertisement in the Singles Scene section (who even knew there was one?) of the Herald,” notes Michael McFadyen of Kareela. “It was ‘looking for a potential new daughter-in-law aged 25-35’ and ‘needs current Australian golf handicap’. I wonder if anyone applied?”

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