This was published 11 months ago
How to make house sharing a financial right move
Dominic Powell
Money EditorReal Money, a free weekly newsletter giving expert tips on how to save, invest and make the most of your money, is sent every Sunday. You’re reading an excerpt − sign up to get the whole newsletter in your inbox.
Next to buying your first car, choosing your career, or picking where to live, moving in with someone is up there with one of life’s biggest decisions. Whether it’s with a partner or just a friend (or group of friends), deciding who you want to spend most of your non-sleeping, non-working life with is something many of us think carefully about.
This isn’t just because we don’t know if they’re any good at stacking the dishwasher or how they hang their toilet rolls (though these things are still important). Bunking in with someone will, inevitably, require some financial intermingling and the resulting awkward conversations as you decide who’s going to manage what bills, who’ll buy the couch, and if it’s worth setting up a joint account.
What’s the problem?
These sorts of chats, if not managed well, can put a real dampener on what can and should be an exciting time. And they’re chats more of us are having more often, with a study from rental database showing demand for sharehouses soaring recently as people look to cut down on costs.
More seriously, failing to set strong boundaries around finances when moving in with someone can lead to circumstances of financial abuse, an increasingly prevalent issues which affects one in six women in Australia.
What you can do about it
If you’re thinking about making the move in with a friend or partner, here are some things to consider:
- To joint account or not: For many, particularly couples, moving in together seems like the perfect time to merge your finances or set up a joint account. However, this isn’t a decision that should be made lightly, says Angel Zhong, an associate professor and finance researcher at RMIT. “The decision to go for joint accounts hinges on factors like the nature of your relationship and your financial objectives,” she says. “Consider agreeing on a predefined spending limit and monthly contribution made by each person that requires mutual consultation.” Joint accounts can leave you exposed if your partner racks up debt in your name or spends money on things they shouldn’t, so only set one up with someone you trust.
- Assign your bills: Even if you don’t go down the joint account route, it’s important that you work out who will manage what bills, and to have an even split so one person isn’t shouldering them all, Zhong says. “Transparency is crucial when discussing bills; openly talk about your financial situation, agree on payment frequency, and find a fair split method, whether equal division or proportionate to income,” she says.
- What about the couch? Speaking from experience, it can be very easy to go a bit split-happy when moving in together, especially in large sharehouses where spreading the cost of a $300 fridge or couch across four people can sound very appealing. However, I’d argue it’s almost always better for one person to purchase each respective piece of furniture or whitegood as it’ll reduce headaches when anyone moves out. If you do decide to split, make sure you collectively decide on what will happen in case of a move or if someone leaves.
- Sign on the line: It can also be tempting to let one person deal with all the lease and bond documentation, but it’s important to make sure everyone living at your place has their names on the rental and bond agreements. Otherwise, if things go sour, one person could claim your bond, and you could be left with nothing.
- Talk about it: Open communication is important for many aspects of life, and this is no exception. Sitting down before you move in and candidly discussing how things are going to work – are you going to share grocery costs, will some people’s rent be higher than others? – can save you all sorts of headaches in the future.
Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.