

This was published 1 year ago

A Labor treasurer, a real estate industry boss and a Greens MP walk into a bar

By Matt Dennien

A Labor treasurer, a real estate industry boss and a Greens MP walk into a bar.

That was the set-up line delivered by the money man himself, Cameron Dick, to a room of more than 200 others hashing out ideas to ease Queensland’s housing crunch late last year.

The events of the past week give a clear example of the gap between what some have long been asking for, and how much heat the government is willing to cop to give it.

The events of the past week give a clear example of the gap between what some have long been asking for, and how much heat the government is willing to cop to give it.Credit: Attila Csaszar

Met with laughter and a prompt from colleagues to get to the punchline, you could argue if it ever came. (He offered only that the group had a “lively discussion”.)

Dick suggested the trio had more in common than we would think: all wanted to solve the issues making it tougher than ever for people to find a home in the state. On the “how”, we can probably make our own assessment.

A vast gap lies between what community organisations, housing policy experts and the Greens have been asking for, what the state’s Labor government seems willing to give, and what the real estate industry is capable of fighting against (most laws that “serve the tenants”) with a megaphone provided by the LNP and some media.

The events of the past week give a clear example.

Last Monday, we had a report outlining the situation affecting renting, social housing and even owner-occupiers, and making suggestions including capping rents near inflation and long-floated tax reforms.

That day, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk suggested her government was “very seriously” looking at a rent cap.


Her deputy, Steven Miles, elaborated the next morning, as copies of The Courier-Mail front page screamed “DUNCE’S CAP”, pointing to the ACT’s cap of 10 per cent above inflation as an example.

A joint press conference called by LNP shadow treasurer David Janetzki and Real Estate Institute of Queensland chief executive Antonia Mercorella hours later pushed the outcry further.


Janetzki made a point of the deja vu – six months earlier the pair stood together making similar ominous (though disputed) warnings about investors selling up their properties before Palaszczuk pulled the plug on proposed land tax changes.

By Wednesday, the government’s tone had shifted. As of Monday, Palaszczuk was claiming she had “very clearly” been talking about capping rent increases to once a year instead of twice as now allowed.

During the Housing Summit hype last year, the premier described the state as having been hit by “housing’s perfect storm” with everything on the table to weather it.

One expert I spoke to at the time was quick to note the usual reluctance to step too heavily on the toes of property owners who “get people elected”.


Last week’s QCOSS report described a decade defined by growth in private rentals and a declining focus by the federal and state government on social and affordable housing.

It noted that even to keep the current social housing backlog where it was, Queensland would need about 2700 new homes a year – more than double what is planned by the state.

Solutions are complex. Many will take time and involvement from councils, state and federal governments, the private and community sectors.

One that has been taken off the table by Dick, away on a trade mission to India last week when Palaszczuk palmed the question off to him, is a further land tax change being called for.

“The results of the NSW election show there is no prospect of replacing transfer [stamp] duty with annual land tax on the family home,” a spokesman told Brisbane Times.

The housing issue is similar to storms bearing down in other areas, like crime and climate, where the government has also been facing heat from some community members it appears to be hearing clearer than others.

Back in that bar, many are warning the government it should rethink this.


While we’re talking clear communication, Palaszczuk has avoided referral to the ethics committee for allegedly misleading parliament in December with an attempt at a “pithy” response to a jab from LNP health spokeswoman Ros Bates.

Speaker Curtis Pitt ultimately found in a ruling last week that Palaszczuk had given a good-enough explanation for the “off the cuff” question time comments.

Palasczuk isn’t the only leader to cop a recent Pitt ruling. LNP leader David Crisafulli’s since-debunked descriptions of a “raid” of the Integrity Commissioner’s office sparked a strong warning to all MPs earlier this month about not “making commentary about committee proceedings that is unsupported by the Hansard record”.

Elsewhere, we saw the first LNP candidate announcements some 580 days out from the next state election to fulfil a promise to members and the public about getting faces into the field early – a criticism that did the rounds among NSW Coalition counterparts the day after their election loss.


The ousting of the conservative NSW government means Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner is now the LNP or Liberal leader with the highest office in mainland Australia, a situation not seen since Campbell Newman’s time leading City Hall. (Though Tasmanian Liberal Premier Jeremy Rockliff’s Apple Isle constituency is about half the size of Schrinner’s Brisbanites.)

Heads up

Parliament will return for its second sitting week of the year on Tuesday, with debate to focus on laws extending a trial of police powers to use metal detection wands in nightlife areas and on public transport.

A delayed Queensland Law Reform Commission looking into the overhaul of sex work laws is also due Friday.

And while Tuesday’s Housing Roundtable Redux is set aside for just an hour (during the parliamentary sitting day), public consultation on the second stage of rental reforms is set to open “within months”.

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