

This was published 2 years ago


Yes, the gender pay gap is real, and probably worse than you think

I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but: the gender pay gap is real. Not only is it real, it’s probably wider than you think, which I’ll get to…

But first, it has become commonplace for some people to push back against campaigns to highlight the severity of our national gender pay gap by arguing it does not compare “apples with apples”.

There’s some confusion with terminology going on here, so it’s important to understand what we mean when we refer to the “gender pay gap”.

When women get out of bed in the morning and go to perform their full-time job, at the end of the day, they bring home less money for the work that they do.

When women get out of bed in the morning and go to perform their full-time job, at the end of the day, they bring home less money for the work that they do.Credit: Michele Mossop

Importantly, we are not talking about “equal pay” or the principle that men and women performing the same or comparable work should be paid the same. That principle is enshrined in our law and if you do ever see a woman paid less than a man for performing the same or comparable job, let the Fair Work Commission know about it.

The “gender pay gap” as a concept, however, is different.

It’s an attempt to quantify the phenomenon that when women get out of bed in the morning, put on their suit (or scrubs or high-vis vest) and go to perform their full-time job – they bring home less money for the work that they do. About 14 per cent less, as it turns out.

Part of the reason is that women tend to work in industries which pay below-average wages, including aged and child care. In its issues paper for this week’s Jobs and Skills Summit, Treasury estimates that: “Industrial and occupational segregation explains around a quarter of the pay gap among full-time workers.”

It’s also true that when women go off to work, they are less likely than men to be employed in senior positions. He’s the CEO and she’s the secretary.

Quite why traditionally female work is so undervalued by society and why women fail to progress up the career ladder are worthy questions in themselves and something the gender pay gap helps to highlight.


But even after taking into account these compositional effects from industry segregation and seniority, researchers keep striking upon a stubborn bedrock of pay difference which is harder to explain away.

In the “blame women” camp, sits factors such as a greater hesitancy among women to ask for pay rises, negotiate starting salaries or put themselves forward for promotion.

On the “blame bosses” side of the ledger, there is the “unconscious bias” against female job candidates, a lack of flexible working arrangements, the persistence of old boys’ club networks and just outright discrimination.

And then there is the elephant in the living room (and the kitchen, and the laundry…) as Treasury notes: “Even in households where both partners work full-time, women report doing 40 per cent more unpaid work than men.”


But wait, it gets worse.

So far, I have only been discussing the pay disparity between male and female workers who work full-time.

This overlooks the important fact that women also tend to cluster in part-time work, largely due to those caring and other home responsibilities. Indeed, women are twice as likely as men to work part-time.

So, when you measure the total returns to employment across all employees – full and part-time – the gender pay gap blows out to about 30 per cent.

Now, of course, if you work fewer hours, you’d expect to be paid less. But the fact that women, as a cohort, are taking home a dramatically smaller proportion of the total wage bill in their own names does matter, even when they operate as part of a household or couple.

Why? Because money matters. Money, after all, is power – and it turns out women have less of both.


The ability to generate an income – an ability eroded by time spent out of the workforce – is a key factor in not only women but anyone’s ability to live independent lives, to leave unsuitable jobs or relationships where necessary.

Equality in the workplace matters for society, too. Why? Because unless you believe intellect and talent are weighted more heavily towards the male of the species, the unequal distribution of women in positions of power suggests a suboptimal use of the greatest talents of our population.

We miss out on scientific discoveries, good policy designs, astute business decisions – you name it – when the talents of our best people are not thrown at the task at hand with equal gusto.

I liken it to the selection of sporting teams. Say you created two separate lines: one of men and one of women, each standing in descending order of merit. If you believe in the equal distribution of talent, your Man A would be of equal standing to Woman A. Man B and Woman B would then be the next best choice, and so on. If you then selected a team comprising Man A, Man B, Man C and Man D, you’d – as a matter of mathematical logic – end up with an inferior team than if you had selected Man A, Woman A, Man B and Woman B.


Advancing gender equality in the workforce not only improves outcomes for individual women, but improves society’s overall productivity and living standards by drawing on our best talents.

So let’s stop debating whether the gender pay gap is real and start debating ways to close it.

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This article has been updated to remove a reference to how the Workplace Gender Equality Agency calculates some positions.

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