

This was published 3 years ago


10 budgeting categories you need to know to get your finances in order

I’ve done it! I’ve finally done it!

In the darkness of my home study, forged by the fire of coffee and an absolute commitment to pedantry, I have made it: the one spreadsheet to rule them all. The ultimate household budgeting system.

More on that later.

We are all striving for the same thing: to spend less than we earn.

We are all striving for the same thing: to spend less than we earn.Credit: Alamy

First, I was asked a great question this week: “What should people keep in mind when they’re trying to be smarter with their money?“

My answer – if I may be so modest – was even better: “That it really isn’t rocket science. Spend less than you earn – invest the rest.”

Different for those drawing down on their retirement savings, of course. But for most people, that’s it. The holy trio of financial wisdom in one catchy phrase. Spend less. Earn more. Invest smart.

And yet, we spend so much time getting hung up on the final part of that equation and finding out which precise investment strategy will yield us the greatest returns. Newspapers such as this one are packed with information about the latest property price swings, company announcements or share price fluctuation.

But don’t forget that how much you have available to invest in the first place depends on the first two parts of the equation.

The second – boosting your income – is a great way to get ahead.


However, as we embark on a new year, I urge you to focus afresh on the first part: simply spend less.

One of the most common difficulties people encounter when attempting to set – and stick to – a budget is trying to imagine the vast array of potential expenses they will inevitably encounter in their lives.

Sure, you might remember your monthly electricity bills, the mortgage or rent, your food bills, meals out etc.

But what about those less-frequent purchases, such as car parts, medicines or specialist appointments? Do you know how much you spend on those sundries? Trust me, it adds up. And if you design a budget that doesn’t at least attempt to make room for such irregular but inevitable expenses, it will likely fail.

Luckily, our Australian Bureau of Statistics has been tracking our collective spending patterns for decades.


It conducts a regular Household Expenditure Survey every six or seven years. A sample of Australian households are asked to keep a detailed spending diary for a certain period, supplemented by a questionnaire about their more irregular purchases.

The result is a dazzlingly detailed picture of the myriad ways we spend our money.

Did you know, for example, households spent an average of $16.64 on offal in 2015-16? Organ meats are, after all, particularly rich in vitamin-B. We enjoy our cakes, tarts and puddings rather more, of course, dishing out $214.24 for those, on average.

There’s also $88.40 a year for toilet paper (some years, much more), $54.08 for new motor vehicle batteries, $94.64 for newspapers (digital and physical) and $18.20 on lottery tickets.

All up, the bureau identified 673 separate items of spending in its last survey. I know because I counted them and created a spreadsheet which painstakingly arranges them all into 10 categories.

I’ll spend the next 10 weeks talking you through them in turn, along with the major ways to save money on each. If you sign up to our new newsletter “Money with Jess” via the Age here or the SMH here, I will, from next Sunday, also send you a detailed checklist for each category each week to help you identify all your potential expenses and craft your own household budget.

But I can’t bear the suspense any longer! So, here is a brief outline of my 10 categories to get you started.

  1. HOUSING: All rent and mortgage payments. The simple cost of keeping a roof over your head, essentially. There are only five items in this category but it is the major expense for many households.
  2. HOUSEHOLD: Everything else it takes to make a functioning home, including furniture, bedding, cleaning supplies, light bulbs, council rates, insurance, repairs and maintenance.
  3. UTILITIES: Everything it takes to connect your home to crucial services, such as electricity, gas, internet and telephone.
  4. TRANSPORT: The total cost of all your travel – excluding holidays – via whatever mode of transport you choose, including car, public transport, taxi or plane.
  5. FOOD: Anything you put in your mouth that you make at home – for all members of your household, including pets. Excludes alcohol, restaurant meals and takeaway.
  6. HEALTH: Anything you spend to protect your physical and mental health. Doctors, specialists, health insurance, gym memberships, sports memberships and equipment. I urge you to consider the cost of cigarettes and tobacco in this category, too.
  7. EDUCATION: Back-to-school costs, uniforms, private school fees, higher education, continuing learning, books, stationery and yes, newspapers.
  8. APPEARANCE: Clothes, shoes, make-up, jewellery, handbags and anything else you buy to adorn your body. Basic personal hygiene items are budgeted for in the Household category.
  9. LIFESTYLE: The fun stuff! Holidays, meals out, toys, streaming services, camping, fishing, alcohol and gifts.
  10. PROFESSIONAL FEES: The boring stuff! Includes the fees you are forced to hand over to bankers, lawyers, superannuation fund managers, accountants, unions and other professional associations.

We’ll start next week with Housing.

You can subscribe to Jess’ new email newsletter Money with Jess via the SMH here or The Age here and follow her money adventures on Instagram at @jess_irvine_pics.

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