This was published 4 years ago
How to stay sane during a pandemic
Australians have got the memo - we need to hunker down at home to halt the COVID-19 pandemic.
We're holed up in our houses and apartments, with a short list of official excuses to step outside. Our circumstances differ - some are struggling to work from home, others are frontline workers, still others have been thrust into unemployment, some have children to care for, others are cut off from family. The common experience is that everyone is under tremendous strain.
People are now confined to their homes with a short list of official excuses to step outside.Credit: Jacky Ghossein
For millions of Australians, the most pressing problem is how to stay sane.
Professor Ian Hickie, co-director of health and policy at the University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre, says people who are otherwise mentally well now face a triple threat of worry about the virus, sudden social dislocation and the long-term impact of economic downturn. "There's a lot of discussion about anxiety as if we should tell people not to be anxious," Hickie says. "There's a lot to be anxious about."
Psychiatrist Mark Cross, author of Anxiety, points out anxiety is useful. "We have to be a little bit anxious and be a little bit obsessive-compulsive in order to survive this. If people are too complacent, there’s going to be problems."
Many people are suffering from social dislocation. This includes the loss of identity that comes from no longer going to work, which is worse for someone who has lost their job, but also affects those working from home for the first time. It spans the loss of normal routines and the feeling of being cooped up inside with limited opportunities to go out for fresh air and exercise. It covers the disconnection from friends, family and colleagues and, conversely, the frustration from spending too much time with the people you live with.
Social dislocation also affects those working from home for the first time.Credit: istock
There are 25 million different combinations of coping strategies. Some, like using alcohol and drugs as a crutch, will only make things worse.
Cross says it's important to keep perspective. "We're being asked to go to couch, not to war," he says.
Hickie says a crisis like a bushfire or cyclone follows a predictable sequence of events - the specific event, the response to the event, the community coming together to deal with the losses and the recovery. A pandemic is different because there is a prolonged period of uncertainty and a requirement to keep physical distance from other people.
"Normally in a crisis, in the face of anxiety, people would huddle together, they would actually hold physically close and they’d feel better as a consequence," Hickie says. "We need to put more effort into how we socially connect, not just with families and those we live with but also our wider social networks like co-workers and friends."
He echoes the point made by many that the language of "social distancing" sends the wrong message - the true goal is physically distancing, while socially connecting.
Connecting online
In the absence of physical closeness, social connection largely means using technology. Hickie says video conferencing is effective because it lets people see facial expressions as well as voice. Rather than umpteen one-on-one conversations, it's best used to connect groups of family and friends.
Many people have gone into overdrive sharing online memes, making light of everything from Planet Earth being closed to the exponential rise in the time spent looking at exponential graphs, or funny videos such as a COVID-19 version of The Sound of Music's "Do Re Mi".
"I have to put my hand up here," says Cross. "I've been sharing them with my patients, my neighbours, our family, and my friends, and we've all been laughing together. Because if you laugh, you breathe properly and if you breathe properly, your anxiety goes down."
People are also connecting in more old-fashioned ways, such as writing letters and cards.
Cross says it's important to structure time online and especially to make sure you're not following the news cycle all day.
Hickie recommends spending time alone and making time for "reflective" solitary pursuits such as writing, listening to music and making art. "We're all forced back on our family, which is kind of good in the short term," Hickie says. "But people joke with me that it’s a bit like Christmas, it's great that we all finally get together but by Boxing Day, we all need to go our own way again."
Cross says the pandemic lockdown could have a silver lining if it prompts people to reassess their lives. Despite heightened anxiety, he feels "lighter" because of the cancellation of events from his normally crowded schedule.
He is already observing people settle into a slower pace - for example his social media feed is full of friends finding joy in cooking and he sees families taking walks together in the beautiful autumn weather. "It’s almost a new normality," Cross says. "I honestly don't think we can go back to business as usual after this."
Parents have a special job in helping their children stay sane. Children can suffer stress and anxiety too and it can lead to lasting trauma if unresolved. "The first thing parents of particularly younger children need to do is to not lose the plot themselves," Hickie says. "Parents need to have a clear idea so they can explain what they're doing."
Many schools are sending out communications to parents urging them to focus on their children's wellbeing, because academic learning can catch up later.
Staying active
Amid the rapid changes in policy, one message has been consistently clear - the government wants people to stay active. The NSW public health order in place to limit peoples' movement specifically includes exercise as a valid reason to leave the house.
Maroubra residents exercising and relaxing this week.Credit: Louise Kennerley
Government sources say that, for the most part, people are expected to exercise close to home. The Victorian chief health officer has told Victorians to "stop looking for loopholes" and stay home.
In NSW, but not Victoria, golf courses are open and recreational fishing is allowed. In both states, national parks remain open for walking but camping, barbeque areas, lookouts and other popular spots are closed. Various private lessons in everything from horse riding to tennis are continuing.
The rules still apply - no more than two people from different households and staying 1.5 metres away from other people at all times. The NSW government has already ordered the closure of Bondi and other city beaches because of crowding and has warned there will be more closures if necessary.
Hickie says it’s a good idea to seek out nature if it's possible. "People report all the time, from a mental health point of view, how much better they feel when they are in contact with nature and they can exercise," he says. "It’s not just about gym in your home."
It's a challenging time for people who already have mental illness. Associate Professor John Allan, president of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, says the government's announcement of expanded funding for telehealth - where psychiatry and psychology sessions are conducted by phone call or video conference - is really important to provide continuity of care.
Allan is worried that fears about physical contact might scare off people who should be seeking help. He encouraged people who have suicidal ideas to contact support services because there will be programs tailored for their situation. "In these stressful times, suicidal ideas are actually up rather than down for many people, that sort of sense of hopelessness for them is compounded by the sense of fear and hopelessness in the world," Allan says. "We have to be really on our toes about that."
For help
- RANZCP Your Health in Mind website - Helping a Suicidal Person
- Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14
- Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
- Mental Health Line (NSW): 1800 011 511
Both Allan and Hickie are especially worried about the fallout from an economic downturn. "Recessions kill the vulnerable - when the unemployment rate goes up, so does the suicide rate," Hickie says. "Families are ruined, businesses are ruined, relationships break down, you see related issues in domestic violence and alcohol and substance abuse."
Young people, older people and people who are already out of work are most affected, Hickie says. While the economy eventually recovers, the individuals damaged by the downturn may not.
Stimulus measures might help prevent this outcome though Cross says he is concerned about those left out of the package, such as migrant workers who are currently unable to return home.
Hickie says the Australian community also needs to step up with increased sharing and caring. "Historically Australia has had a very strong social fabric, as evidenced by strong volunteerism, strong engagement with community sectors, strong belief in mateship and sharing," Hickie says. "We have espoused these values. Over the last decade, people have questioned whether that is intact or not."
The community response to the bushfire crisis was tremendous but Hickie says the coronavirus pandemic will be a harder and more enduring problem.
But the signs are encouraging. Communities have mobilised to offer to shop for the elderly and other vulnerable people, streets are connecting on messaging service WhatsApp, some landlords are offering free or reduced rent.
Hickie says there is a bonus - volunteering and helping others is "fabulous" for your own mental health.