

This was published 4 years ago

Bales and bales of hay roll in for bushfire-affected farmers

By Royce Millar

Victorians have generously chipped in with cash donations, clothes and food for the many people suffering the impacts of the state’s devastating bushfires.

But a very particular form of charity is proving especially welcome among the farmers in east and north-east Victoria.

Convoys of hay at Bairnsdale, ready to distribute to farms.

Convoys of hay at Bairnsdale, ready to distribute to farms.Credit: from Darren Chester MP

The saleyards at Bairnsdale, the gateway to fire-ravaged East Gippsland, have been transformed into a kind of clearing house for donated farm fodder.

Thousands of bales of hay have been transported into the region with trucks arriving often unannounced from near and far.

On Sunday community leaders and emergency workers at the saleyards took advantage of cooler conditions and clearer skies to help direct trucks to fire-affected areas where animals were in dire need of food.

Many cows, beef cattle and sheep have been killed in the fires, especially in the hills of east and north-east Victoria. Of those that survived, many have been without food for days.

A clearly moved East Gippsland mayor John White told The Age how trucks full of hay had rolled into Bairnsdale like cavalry over the horizon in a mid-century western.

He said he was not sure where all the trucks had come from but some were from far away including from the distant Western District. “It’s incredible, it’s overwhelmed us,” said Cr White.

“Some animals haven’t had anything to eat since New Year’s Eve."


Cr White said it was hard to explain how farmers from other areas knew where to send the hay. “It’s the good old bush telegraph,” he said.

Speaking from the Bairnsdale saleyards on Sunday local federal MP Darren Chester said the donations of hay from other farming communities had taken him aback.

“I’m standing here watching truckload after truckload of fodder pass by.”

Mr Chester described the fires as “of a scale we haven't seen before in terms of the vast area that has been burned”.

It was still unclear exactly how many farm animals have died.

The convoys of hay may well be the difference between life and death for many of those that have survived.

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