

This was published 4 years ago

How 200 litres of leftover cream inspired the couple behind Pepe Saya

By Nicole Abadee

Pierre Issa and Melissa Altman, both 43, are the owners of Sydney’s Pepe Saya, which makes artisanal cultured butter. After spreading themselves thin when starting out, the couple now relish their success – and each other.

Pierre Issa: "Melissa and I don’t have boundaries between our work and home lives; why would you?"

Pierre Issa: "Melissa and I don’t have boundaries between our work and home lives; why would you?"Credit: James Brickwood

MELISSA: Pierre and I met when we were both working at Sydney’s Epping RSL Club in 1995. I was front-of-house; he was a kitchen hand but later worked front-of-house as well. We started as friends, as we were both seeing other people, and hit it off. We began having meals together after work, then after about four months each of our relationships fizzled out and our friendship evolved into romance.

I felt really comfortable with Pierre and we liked the same things, especially food. On our days off we’d go out to fine-dining restaurants, like [the now closed] Level 41: how many 21-year-olds would do that and appreciate it? I loved that he was very caring. When I finished late at the RSL, he’d meet me and walk me home.

In 2002, Pierre went back to Lebanon to live with his dad because of an illness in the family. It wasn’t easy for us being apart but I knew it was something he had to do. We had been together for about seven years by then, so we talked on the phone every day and, in a way, that brought us closer. I went over to Lebanon to visit a few times and loved it.

After Pierre had been there for about eight months, he asked me to come over and live in Beirut; I did, for about nine months. Life there is very social, with a revolving door of visitors in and out of your home. I found that a bit confronting, but Pierre just said, “This is how it is. You need to adapt.” So I did.

While I was there, he got down on one knee and proposed at his beautiful old family home overlooking the ocean. I wasn’t expecting it.

We moved back to Australia in 2004 and got married in Fiji two years later, which was perfect: very simple and low-key, with just our families. By then we were both working in recruitment but there was a slump in business with the global financial crisis in 2008, so we resigned. We decided to try something new. We saw a gap in the food market for ready-made desserts like apple crumble, panna cotta, tiramisu, and started a business called Homemade Fine Foods.

One Christmas we were about to close down for a few weeks and we had 200 litres of cream left over, so Pierre decided to make butter. The first batch was pretty average, but he kept experimenting and became obsessed with the idea of starting a butter business. I loved the idea; there was no one else we knew in Australia doing handcrafted butter. So he was making butter at night while we were making the desserts during the day, and then the butter business took over.

When we started Pepe Saya in 2010, we put everything we had into it. It was challenging because we had to spend so much time away from our young sons, Oli and Sebastian. In those early days, when we were struggling, Pierre told me to hit the phones, starting with the three-hatted restaurants, to drum up business. I said, “I’m not a salesperson!” He said, “You have to do this. This is make or break.” So I did.


We love working together. We don’t disagree often, but if we do, I’m the accommodating one. Pierre doesn’t back down – I call him a little Lebanese bulldog. The best part of working with him is that he keeps it real and makes it fun. So if I’m in a prickly mood he pretends he’s Pepé Le Pew, the French-speaking skunk from Looney Tunes. That always cheers me up!

Pierre can also be spontaneous. When we were in Sri Lanka on holiday in late 2015, we hired a tuk-tuk. Pierre was sitting in the driver’s seat when a tourist jumped in and demanded we take her to the bus depot. Pierre obliged and when we got her there and she offered to pay, he explained. She felt awful.

I want him to live his life and do the things he wants to do. I know he feels the same about me.

PIERRE: My first impression of Melissa was that she was stunning. As we became friends, I learnt that she was also extremely smart and very down-to-earth.

Mel is very family-oriented, so she supported me when I wanted to go back to Beirut to spend time with my dad. We had just bought an apartment together in Alexandria [in inner Sydney] but she didn’t try to talk me out of going. She came to visit me in Beirut. She had been there earlier, in 1997, when we went for my sister’s wedding, and had met about 200 of my relatives. They all fell in love with her.

When I proposed, we were butt naked as we’d just had a shower. I got down on my knees and said, “If you’re going to marry me, the condition is that I have nothing. This is all there is. Just me. No money, or anything else.” It was important for me to know that she took me as I was.

Mel is an awesome mum to our boys and gives them the freedom to be who they are. It is only once your wife has children that you start to understand that you would die for her.

It was pretty stressful when we started Pepe Saya, but somehow Mel and I thrived as we found our way. I focused on making the butter and she focused on growing the business.

Mel gets on really well with people and is a good communicator. She’s like a cat: you can throw her anywhere and she lands on her feet. We have always been able to talk about everything. Friendship is the key for us. That’s how we got past the stress of starting a business and to where we are now.

We don’t have boundaries between our work and home lives; why would you? I don’t think you can be passionate about something 50 per cent of the time. Sometimes we do annoy each other at work; she might suggest something that I disagree with.


Recently she had an idea about selling the butter in packs of six. I didn’t like that idea, so she said jokingly, “That’s right, just shoot me down in flames.” We don’t get upset with each other, and when we do, we joke around and it fizzles out quickly.

Mel gives me the freedom to be who I am. The first word that springs to mind when I think about our relationship is fun. It’s also intense and loving. If there’s one thing I’d change, it is that she is too hard on herself. That holds her back from conquering the world.

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