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- Space
Dazzling, jamming and the international race to stake out space
Outer space has always been contested but a lot has changed since the Moon landing. Who are the main players in space? What do they want? And what happens if things go sour?
By Chris Zappone, Felicity Lewis, Nigel Gladstone and David Wroe
When Neil Armstrong made his “giant leap for mankind” 50 years ago this month, it was the culmination of a power struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union that went back to the Sputnik satellite launch in 1957.
Instead of two rival nations in space, today there are around 70 with satellites in space. Instead of space being an eerily “empty” realm there is now a galactic garbage patch orbiting our planet at dangerously high speed – bits of blown-up satellite, defunct rocket parts, paint flecks, even an astronaut’s glove.
And we rely on space in ways most of us could never have imagined.
“Space is central to everything,” says Dr Malcolm Davis, a senior analyst at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. “All of our military systems depend on space to function. If we lose that access to space, we’re in big trouble.”
But space is not just a military domain.
Global positioning satellites mean that civilians can tap a phone app to find their way. Communications satellites enable our TV and, in remote locations, phones and the internet. In the future, satellites will be critical to “the internet of things”, allowing everyday home appliances to be activated online.
"Low Earth orbit has been industrialised," says the head of the Australian Space Agency, Dr Megan Clark, referring to the band of space 2000 kilometres or less from Earth.
So who is in outer space? What do they want? Who owns the moon? And what would it look like if – and when – international spats on Earth are played out thousands of kilometres above us "off world"?
A visualisation of manmade objects orbiting Earth. Source: NASA Orbital Debris Program Office at JSC. Edit: Yuji Shimada
What do nations want in space?
Membership of the “space club”
Since the beginning of space flight, success in the domain has been a matter of national pride and a way to convey messages of capability about a country’s development and culture. “No nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space,” John F. Kennedy told Americans in his famous 1962 speech on the mission to put men on the Moon. In Russia, April 12 is Cosmonautics Day, commemorating the first manned space flight, by Yuri Gagarin, in 1961. April 24 is Space Day in China, the same date as the launch of the country's first satellite, called The East Is Red 1, in 1970. India’s successful destruction of one of its own orbiting satellites in March was described by Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a moment of “utmost pride”.
Mineral resources
Just one 500-metre, platinum-rich asteroid would have more platinum "than has been mined in the history of humanity", according to space mining venture Planetary Resources. Resource-poor but technology-rich nations such as Japan would benefit particularly from developing space mining technology but, with the talk of trillions of dollars of minerals just waiting to be extracted, there will be a scramble from many quarters. Former US president Barack Obama’s Space Act of 2015 allows US citizens to own asteroid resources while stipulating that they cannot own the celestial body on which the resources are found.
Scientific edge
Effective space programs often drive scientific advances that benefit defence, industry and national technological progress. Scientific advancement is of growing strategic importance as countries such as the US and China drift toward competition. China, for example, is working on the world’s first quantum satellite, which could enable everything from “hack-proof” communications to the teleportation of matter from one place to another.
Human habitation
Entrepreneur Elon Musk is not the only one who wants to set up a human village on Mars. New technology, including the prospect of space-based mining and manufacturing, has altered the calculus around staying put on the red planet and the moon. Housing design on Mars is a serious mission for architects on Earth, whose plans include using 3D printing to produce the materials to assemble apartments on the Martian crust.
Who’s in space?
A Russian, an Italian and an American are due to lift off for Expedition 60 on the International Space Station (ISS) on the anniversary of the moon landing. Their tasks will include 3D printing too, but with a focus on organ-like tissues. As of March, 230 individuals from 18 countries had visited the ISS. In borderless realms that are remote and risky, nations tend to co-operate. Even during the Cold War in 1975, a Russian and a US spacecraft docked in orbit, shook hands and ate a meal together as a sign of goodwill.
But major powers are also running their own races in space. So far, nine countries can independently launch spacecraft, according to the US Defence Intelligence Agency: China, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, North Korea, Russia, South Korea and the United States. The European Space Agency can also launch rockets from French Guiana.
Here are some of the major players and what they’re up to in space.
China was the third country, after the US and Russia, to launch a human into orbit in 2003. In January, it became the first nation to land a probe, named after the moon goddess Chang'e, on the moon’s dark side (it also conducted the first biological lunar experiment when it got cotton seeds to sprout).
NASA reportedly exchanged data with the Chinese lunar team, but working with China in space is fraught. The US Government has banned NASA researchers from working with Chinese citizens affiliated with the Chinese government unless it has explicit approval from Congress. Asked how the ban worked, NASA told Scientific American it was aimed at activities that could lead to the “transfer of technology, data or other information with national or economic security implications to China”; and at interactions with officials “determined by the US to have direct involvement with violations of human rights”.
China has chosen nine scientific projects from 17 nations to be conducted on its first major space station, due to be finished in 2022, Nature has reported. Other space projects in the nation of 1.4 billion people include beefing up its homegrown satellite navigation system BeiDou, or Compass, which it hopes will rival the United States' GPS system. China’s remote sensing and intelligence and surveillance satellite fleet is second in scale only to that of the United States, according to a US Defence Intelligence Agency report.
Astronaut promotion, January 2018. Source: People's Liberation Army, China National Space Administration. Edit: Yuji Shimada
The United States
In January, Donald Trump directed the Pentagon to create a Space Force in recognition of the fact that "space is a war-fighting domain just like the land, air and sea".
A new branch of the US military requires approval from Congress, though, which is still thrashing out details of how the force would work. Trump signed Space Policy Directive-1 in 2017: for NASA to send US astronauts back to the moon, with a view to eventually going to Mars.
“We are finally going to lead again,” Trump told US Marines during a speech in 2018. “Very soon we’re going to Mars. You wouldn’t have been going to Mars if my opponent won.”
To this end, NASA says it is building a lunar orbiting platform called Gateway and will land astronauts on the Moon again "no later than the late 2020s". The moon will provide a testing ground for missions to Mars, which is about 1000 times further from Earth than the ISS.
Meanwhile, a US Defence Intelligence Agency report in January on Challenges to Security in Space noted that both China and Russia had rejigged their militaries in 2015 to boost their space operations; and both nations have the capacity to sabotage any military that relies on space-enabled services. It also pointed to Iran and North Korea having space launch facilities from which ballistic and anti-satellite missiles can be launched.
Russia has the third most satellites in orbit after the United States and China. It already has a Space Force, a branch of the Russian Aerospace Forces, created in 2015. “It is necessary to expand the exploration of distant space and flight programs,” Putin said on Cosmonautics Day this year. “I am primarily referring to the development of a next-generation manned craft and a super-heavy missile carrier, advanced engines and materials.”
Russia’s NASA equivalent is Roscosmos, one of the principal agencies for the International Space Station along with the US, EU, Japan and Canada. Politics reared its head this year when a visit to the US by Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin was cancelled after an outcry because he was on a US sanctions list over his involvement in Russia’s annexation of Crimea.
Russian satellite launch from new Vostochny cosmodrome, July. Source: Roscosmos TV. Edit: Yuji Shimada
Russia’s answer to the US Global Positioning System of satellites (GPS) is GLONASS. Russia aims to put a similar network of satellites in orbit around the moon by 2030.
Russia also works in space with a group of countries called the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), which was formed when the former Soviet Union totally dissolved in 1991. The 10 former Soviet Republics – Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan – have been negotiating agreements to co-operate on air defence and other operations in space.
When India shot down one of its orbiting satellites in March, in a mission called Shakti (Power), it was criticised by NASA for creating 400 pieces of space debris. While some of these will dissipate, remnants of a similar test by China in 2007, which created an estimated 35,000 bits bigger than a centimetre, are still in space. But Shakti was one way for India to show that it was an elite space power able to carry out “hit to kill” operations on enemy satellites.
The nation of 1.3 billion people aims to become the fourth country to soft-land on the Moon in the coming months with its Chandrayaan 2 mission. It also plans to send three astronauts into orbit by 2022. India’s successful Mars Orbiter Mission in 2014 cost less (about $105 million) than the making of the Hollywood blockbuster Gravity (about $143 million) in 2013, Prime Minister Narendra Modi noted.
Radar captures India's "hit to kill" on its satellite, March 2019. Source: Defence Research & Development Organisation of India. Edit: Yuji Shimada
Britain will leave the European Union but it will pay to remain a member of the European Space Agency. Still, as with all things Brexit, it’s complicated – outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May has said the UK will not be using Europe’s Galileo satellite system. "I cannot let our armed services depend on a system we cannot be sure of," she said late last year. "And as a global player with world-class engineers and steadfast allies around the world, we are not short of options." Instead, Britain may build its own version.
The European Commission, for its part, wants to spend big on its Copernicus Earth monitoring system so it can lead the fight against climate change; and to finesse its space and situational awareness system which, among other things, helps avoid crashes in space.
Meanwhile, the European Space Agency, which is separate to the European Union but works with it, has teamed up with Japan’s space agency, JAXA, to send the BepiColombo mission to the least explored planet in the solar system, Mercury, where temperatures swing between 427 degrees and minus 173. Expected arrival: 2025.
NATO, which has 26 European members as well as the US, Canada and Turkey, is set to launch its first space strategy in response to China and Russia’s developing capabilities.
In February, Japan landed its Hayabusa-2 spacecraft on an asteroid called Ryugu and injected metal bullets into its surface to collect samples for testing. Australia has been assisting JAXA with its mission and will also help analyse the samples when they arrive on Earth.
Tokyo, meanwhile, has recently begun a dialogue with New Delhi to pursue cooperation in space, with both countries wary of Beijing’s new assertiveness there.
"What makes it difficult is that, in space, offence is overwhelmingly dominant over defence," Yasuhito Fukushima, from the National Institute for Defence Studies of Japan, told the Nikkei Asian Review.
Japan's Hayabusa-2 touches down on asteroid Ryugu in February. Source: JAXA
The world’s first television signals from the Apollo 11 landing were received by Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station near Canberra before the signal switched, after eight minutes, to the Parkes Observatory in NSW.
Australia has a long history of involvement in space.
It was one of the first countries to launch a satellite from its own territory, at Woomera Test Range in 1967. It is one of 18 countries that has signed up to the United Nations’ five treaties on space. Two Australian-born astronauts have flown with NASA.
Our military alliance with the United States has strong space links on the ground: from the satellite intelligence station Pine Gap, in central Australia to the US space radar based in Exmouth on the WA coast, which is part of a surveillance network that tracks space debris and watches the space activities of other states.
But Australia was the only OECD nation, along with Iceland, not to have a civil space agency until the government created one in July 2018.
The lessons we’ve learned in a real-world commercial environment are hugely valuable to the space sector.
Now a vibrant and growing number of small- to medium business innovators are vying to contribute to rapid developments in space. An Australian company, Equatorial Launch Australia, is in discussions with NASA about launching sounding rockets from Arnhem Land next year. A University of Sydney-based training centre has partnered with a Japanese start-up to launch two cube satellites from the International Space Station.
As miniature satellites, CubeSats offer a cheaper, more agile and resilient alternative to huge and complex satellites, and Australians are very good at making them. “We can now build a satellite in eight hours,” says Dr Clark. While the NBN’s two satellites are in geostationary orbit some 36,000 kilometres above the equator, CubeSats operate in low Earth orbit, 2000 kilometres or less above Earth. In a military context, their small size and shorter shelf-life make them “difficult and pointless” to attack, says Dr Davis because they “degrade gracefully and [can] then be built back up quickly”.
Dr Davis says Australia’s capacity to launch and control its own satellites will make it less reliant on the United States and more able to share the burden of surveillance in space and on Earth.
And, commercially, Australia’s mining companies are expert in just the kind of automation and robotics that will be critical in space. NASA is working with Woodside Energy on automation for the International Space Station, says Dr Clark. “This is an area where Australia does actually lead the world," she says. "The lessons we’ve learned in a real-world commercial environment are hugely valuable to the space sector.”
How might military tensions in space affect us?
The weather data on your phone is on the blink and doesn’t update. Packages from overseas are inexplicably delayed. Even your Uber driver gets lost using the company app. It takes weeks before the problem becomes clear: signals to and from a series of GPS satellites used by Australia are being disrupted.
Authorities either aren’t sure who is doing it – or they won’t say.
This is how space “war” might look in 2019. Instead of inter-galactic laser-tag battles lighting up the night sky, we would see niggling disruptions – low-level, hard to trace, impossible to predict – chipping away at the routines and certainties of military and civilian life.
Satellite navigation is now integral to military operations worldwide. Tamper with a signal and you may compromise the operation of everything from submarines to fighter jets.
“If we lose those satellites, we’re forced back into World War II-style industrial age warfare," says Dr Davis. "Imagine the first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan.
“With space, we have the information advantage, the ability to run command and control, communications, while GPS gives positioning navigation and timing that are so essential to modern warfare."
In Japan, Professor Yasuhiro Matsuda of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at the University of Tokyo says this new type of warfare is information-related – and satellites are key.
“That's why China has strengthened its outer space war-fighting capability because they think this is the weak point of the United States.
“This rivalry has characteristics of the Cold War. It's a very serious competition.”
If a war was to escalate, there are some slightly more “up-front” tactics that could be deployed – what are known as “kinetic” attacks.
Co-orbital attacks involve a satellite entering the same orbit as a target for long enough to detonate a charge to blast it. Then there are attacks on ground stations, which would prevent nations from receiving data from or controlling their satellites.
Dr Davis says the space surveillance Australia is involved in helps to deny anonymity to aggressors in the "grey zone" where they may be trying to interfere while seeking to hide their sabotage.
US, Chinese and Australian military hardware all relies on space. Source: Royal Australian Navy, Daily US Military, CGTN. Edit: Yuji Shimada
What is the law in outer space?
The rules on what is and is not acceptable in space are contained in treaties from the '60s and '70s. The treaties cover subjects such as sovereignty over celestial bodies (nations can’t claim it); who gets the spoils of space mining (sharing is preferred); the rescue of astronauts in distress (they are “envoys of mankind” regardless of nationality); and what happens if your country’s space junk lands in another place (Canada sued Russia in 1978 after satellite Kosmos 954 littered its north-west with radioactive debris).
But of course, a lot has changed since nations shook hands, or didn’t, on all of this.
The prospect of conflicts has prompted legal experts from Australia, the US and UK to develop a user’s guide on how international law applies to military operations in space. The Woomera Manual, named after Australia’s test range in Woomera, is in a similar vein to the Tallinn Manual on cyberspace, the San Remo Manual on armed conflict at sea and the Harvard Manual on air and missile warfare.
“The conduct of military activity in outer space presents new challenges about existing law – the laws of armed conflict and use of force – and their reconciliation with outer space law,” says one of the guide’s authors, Professor Dale Stephens, from the University of Adelaide.
I can dazzle you or camouflage what you’re looking at or I can spin your satellite. How do we characterise those actions in terms of outer space law?
The manual will offer guidance for governments and military forces for peacetime scenarios, for times of rising tensions and during all-out war – “two belligerents duking it out in space”, as Professor Stephens puts it. The authors will analyse the practices of Russia, China, India, the US and other space players and invite those nations to respond to a draft, asking, “Have we drawn the line between lawful and unlawful conduct correctly?”
“I can dazzle you or camouflage what you’re looking at or I can spin your satellite,” says Professor Stephens. “How do we characterise those actions in terms of outer space law?”
The authors expect that in the next 20 years there will be people living in space – human habitats on the Moon and Mars, crewed space stations rather than just the ISS – which will raise the stakes in the event of a conflict. And that, down on Earth, there will be even more reliance on space-based assets such as satellites.
That leaves plenty of unprecedented scenarios to consider.
A 1979 treaty, for example, says that any resources recovered from the moon or other celestial bodies must be shared equitably among nations but while Australia has ratified this treaty many other nations, including the US, Russia and China, have not.
“Under international law, you have no sovereignty or national appropriation of asteroids so the potential for conflict emerges because one country starts mining an asteroid, another country comes up right next to it and starts mining and there’s no entitlement to the asteroid – and, naturally, that’s going to cause potential conflict,” says Professor Stephens.
“Part of the problem with the moon and celestial bodies is that there is a prohibition on permanent military bases. So navigating that conundrum is part of our role.”
And space debris is a problem that crosses all legal boundaries, says Professor Stephens. “It’s a problem in peacetime navigation and management; it’s a problem in terms of rising tensions when you create space debris that threatens other space objects; and, obviously, in a time of armed conflict, if you’re going to be attacking satellites using kinetic means you’re going to be creating debris – and that has to be factored in any decision under the law of armed conflict.”
A satellite orbits Earth.Credit: iStock
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