Beijing: Buoyed by the success of its Jade Rabbit moon mission, China is planning to next establish a base on the south pole of the moon and build houses with 3D printing technology.
The deputy chief commander of China's Lunar Exploration Program, Wu Yanhua, said China was already in discussions with the United States and European space programs about what a moon research station could achieve.
A screen at the Beijing Aerospace Control Centre shows the lander of the Chang'e-4 probe and the rover Yutu-2 (Jade Rabbit-2) taking photos of each other.Credit: Jin Liwang
Chinese space scientists spoke publicly about the history-making Chang'e-4 mission to the far side of the moon on Monday.
Wu played down the cost, comparing the price of sending the Change'e-4 lander and its Jade Rabbit rover to the far side of the moon to subway construction.
"It didn't cost much money. Vividly speaking, it may be similar to one kilometre of subway that we build."
It was also revealed that NASA scientists had been exchanging data with the Chinese lunar team, and China has agreed to a NASA request to use its Chang'e-4 lunar probe for future American exploration of the far side of the moon.
The request for space cooperation comes despite a Washington ban on NASA allowing Chinese officials to visit any of its earthly facilities, and a ban on Chinese astronauts in the International Space Station.
The designer of China's lunar exploration program, Wu Weiren, said on Monday that NASA scientists had asked him if China could extend the life of the relay satellite it was using to transmit images back from Jade Rabbit as the rover explored the far side of the moon.
NASA had also asked if Chang'e-4 could carry a beacon to the moon.
Jade Rabbit, China's lunar rover, leaves wheel marks after leaving the lander that touched down on the surface of the far side of the moon.Credit: AP
The request was made last year at an international conference, when the American scientists learnt China would become the first nation to reach the far side of the moon.
Wu told Chinese state television: "We asked the Americans why [NASA] wanted to extend the service life of the relay star? He was embarrassed to say that they are also going to the dark side of the moon, and if the relay star's service life is extended, they can use it at that time. I said we can provide you Chang-e 4 as beacon."
NASA wanted to tune in to watch the Chinese moon probe land and kick up space dust.
China agreed to NASA's request to provide the landing time and location in advance, so US satellites could record it, he said.
"This is a golden opportunity for the United States. It has always wanted to measure the state of rising moon dust when a meteorite hits the moon."
However at a later press conference, he said although US and Chinese scientists had been exchanging information during the lunar mission, the US satellite wasn't able to change its orbit and was unable to provide real-time monitoring.
Although four other nations have scientific equipment on the Chang'e-4 and are collaborating with China, it had been widely reported that the US was not involved in the history-making Chinese lunar mission.
The so-called Wolf Amendment, introduced in 2011, links NASA funding to a prohibition on NASA cooperating with China without explicit approval from US Congress.
The four nations (Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia) with payloads on Chang'e-4 will share the data obtained from the space experiments in joint scientific groups.
The Chinese scientists explained the landing process was automated and because of the delay in data being transmitted from the moon, they didn't know about its success until they analysed the data.
Wu said the Jade Rabbit was in exploration phase, and examining the terrain of the moon. "It can cover 100-200 metres and look at the composition structure which is essential to talk about the origin and age of the moon," he said.
Another lander, Chang'e-5, is expected to bring samples back by the end of the year.
The chief engineer of Chang'e-4, Sun Zezhou, said China had chosen the far side of the moon to prove its scientists "had the spirit of exploring... it was a success without foreign precedent".
Plans for a moon research base were in the concept stage, and scientists were examining solar power, robots and whether it could be used to support astronauts.
Wu said the extreme weather on the moon, ranging from 100 degree heat to -180 degrees Celsius cold, was "very challenging" and made the south pole the most likely location for a research base.
China expects that its manned space station will be in operation in 2022, and is working with Russia, France, Germany and the European Space Agency.
The next steps for the Chinese moon program will be a landing on the south pole of the moon.