

This was published 5 years ago

'It's about women's health': Inside Labor's abortion plan

By Judith Ireland

Two years ago, Labor MP Sharon Claydon travelled around Australia asking hundreds of women what mattered to them.

"Reproductive rights was always in the top five [issues]," the member for Newcastle says. "It didn't matter if I was in Sydney or in Alice Springs."

Claydon, who heads up the party's federal caucus committee on women, is over the moon about Labor's new sexual and reproductive health strategy, released last week. "I love it," she says. "It has been a long time coming."

Labor's Sharon Claydon says women have consistently raised reproductive health as a major issue.

Labor's Sharon Claydon says women have consistently raised reproductive health as a major issue. Credit: Jonathan Carroll

On Wednesday, Labor's spokesperson for women Tanya Plibersek announced a wide-ranging plan, that includes a move to use hospital funding agreements to "expect" states to provide abortion services in their public hospital systems.

Marie Stopes Australia says about one in four Australian women will have an abortion. It also estimates between zero and 10 per cent of surgical abortions are performed by the public hospital system, depending on the state. On top of this, only about 1500 of Australia's 35,000 GPs are registered to prescribe a medical termination (which can be done during the first nine weeks of pregnancy).

As part of its strategy, Labor will review Medicare rebates around medical terminations (using the drug RU486) and help more GPs provide medical abortions. The plan will also look at increasing contraceptive pill prescriptions from one to three years and ways to increase the uptake of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), which are 99 per cent effective but only used by about 10 per cent of Australian women.

In a 2017 speech, Plibersek said she thinks it is "pretty uncontroversial" to suggest that "every child born should be loved and wanted". But given a key plank of her new plan is to tie public hospital funding to abortions, political watchers were bracing for an outcry.

Indeed, Prime Minister Scott Morrison quickly accused Labor of playing politics with abortion. "I don't find that debate one that tends to unite Australians and I certainly am not going to engage in the political elements of that discussion, because I frankly, I don't think it is good for our country," he said on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has accused Labor of playing politics with abortion.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has accused Labor of playing politics with abortion. Credit: AAP


And yet so far, opposition from other quarters – including socially conservative quarters of the ALP – has been unforthcoming.

Tasmanian Labor Senator Helen Polley is known for her conservative views – as a Catholic, her personal opinion is she would not have an abortion herself. But Polley supports the announcement, saying public health services for women are desperately needed in her home state.

"This is not about the Catholic Helen Polley. It's about Helen Polley who is a senator and a mother and a grandmother. And it's about women's health."

Abortion is legal in Tasmania, but the lack of services there has seen women travel to Victoria and spend thousands of dollars to get help. "I think that's just cruel and unnecessary," Polley says.

Catherine King and Tanya Plibersek have been developing a plan for women's reproductive health since the 2016 election.

Catherine King and Tanya Plibersek have been developing a plan for women's reproductive health since the 2016 election. Credit: AAP

Plibersek and Labor's health spokeswoman Catherine King worked on the plan for more than two years before its release. It began with anecdotal reports in the wake of the 2016 election that very few GPs were prescribing RU486, and grew into meetings with health experts and women's groups, as well as Claydon's consultations with women themselves.

King notes that as the plan was developed, "a few concerns were raised along the way by some of the more conservative elements of the party". But the framing of the plan as an access to healthcare issue has helped overcome this – along with assurances that religious freedoms will be protected.

This week, Labor told the Catholic healthcare sector it would not withhold funding from Catholic hospitals that refused to perform abortions on religious grounds.

Labor insiders say Queensland legalising abortion in October 2018 helped to air issues and gave a sense that the substantive debate had been "won". A lot of work was also done in the lead-up to Labor's national conference in December 2018, bringing Labor for Choice and the conservative elements of the party onto the same page.

It was a significant compromise that while the new ALP platform resolved to improve the provision of abortion in public hospitals, the party's 1984 position that MPs have a conscience vote on abortion was unchanged.

The waning influence of the socially conservative Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Union also enabled Labor to bring a policy about abortion and contraception to a federal election. On Friday, the SDA – a key opponent of same-sex marriage under former leader Joe de Bruyn – said it had no comment on the reproductive health plan.

Labor MPs also say the policy reflects the fact that women now make up almost half of the federal caucus.

Meanwhile, broader Australian society is changing. The Australian Election Study has found a steady increase in the percentage of Australians who say "women should be able to readily obtain abortion". In 2004, 59 per cent responded "yes", rising to 69 per cent in 2016. Other surveys have suggested support for abortion access is even higher.

Census data also shows religion is becoming less important to Australians. About 30 per cent of Australians identified as having "no religion" in the most recent 2016 census. This is up from nearly 13 per cent in 1991.

And in the wake of so many child sexual abuse scandals, it is questionable the Catholic Church still occupies the same status in these debate as a moral authority.

"I'm sorry, they don't have that space any more," Claydon says.

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