

This was published 5 years ago

Scott Morrison accuses Labor of politicising abortions

By Judith Ireland and Benjamin Preiss

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has accused Labor of politicising abortions, saying the debate is not good for the country and that he is disappointed the opposition has raised the issue on the eve of the federal election.

On Wednesday, Labor said it will seek to tie federal funding for public hospitals to the provision of abortion services as part of a wide-ranging new women's health plan, if it wins government.

"What we are saying is that there would be an expectation that states are offering these services in their hospitals," Labor's spokesperson for women Tanya Plibersek told ABC Radio on Wednesday.

Deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek released a new plan for women's reproductive health on Wednesday.

Deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek released a new plan for women's reproductive health on Wednesday.Credit: James Alcock

When asked about his thoughts on publicly funded abortion, Mr Morrison told reporters it was a "very controversial and sensitive issue".

"I'm a bit disappointed that it is being raised on the eve of an election in a very politically charged context," he said from Christmas Island.

Mr Morrison said abortion services were "rightly dealt with by the states and territories".

"I don't find that debate one that tends to unite Australians and I certainly am not going to engage in the political elements of that discussion, because I frankly, I don't think it is good for our country."

Marie Stopes Australia, a national private provider of abortions, says one in four Australian women will access an abortion, which could involve a medical or surgical termination. Medical terminations, using the drug RU486, are only available in the first nine weeks of pregnancy.

Marie Stopes also estimates between zero and 10 per cent of Australian surgical abortion services are provided by public hospitals, depending on the state. While private clinics also provide surgical terminations, this can involve long-distance travel and high costs.


Labor's hospital funding announcement came as part of a plan that will also look at improving access to some contraceptives, decriminalising abortion in New South Wales and increasing access to medical terminations.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has questioned the timing of Labor's policy announcement.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has questioned the timing of Labor's policy announcement.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Sarah* was 19 when she first tried to access an abortion. She was told the wait to be seen by a private clinic would be weeks.  She says it was only because she was in hysterics that a local GP pulled some strings so she could go to the nearby public hospital as a special case.

When Sarah, now 28, was in her early twenties and living in Sydney as a university student, she had two more abortions. On these occasions, it was relatively easy to find a service that would see her quickly, but each time, it cost her about $400.

"It's so beyond the reach of what students can afford. I'm lucky to have had some savings," she said.

Health sociologist Louise Keogh has researched access to abortions through interviews with experts in the field. The Melbourne University associate professor said Labor's plan is long overdue, adding many women might be surprised to learn that few public hospitals offered a full range of abortion services.

"The research we’ve done suggests that it’s not as accessible as we would like it to be."

Associate Professor Keogh said abortion services were particularly limited in regional Victoria.

"A lot women have to come to Melbourne for a surgical abortion."

Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos welcomed the policy, saying "all women should be able to access the health services they need, no matter where they live."

Ms Mikakos said Victoria led the nation in sexual and reproductive health.

"Abortion is legal in Victoria and health services are required to either offer or refer women to the reproductive services that they’re entitled to," she said.

Marie Stopes Australia medical director Philip Goldstone said with just 1500 of Australia's 35,000 GP's certified to prescribe RU486, it was also very difficult for women to find a GP to assist with a medical termination.

"Your chances of striking one of these GPs really is quite small," Dr Goldstone said, noting it was also difficult to locate a pharmacist who would dispense the drug.

*name has been changed.

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