

This was published 6 years ago

AMP grilled over 'independent' review of advice scandal

By Clancy Yeates & Sarah Danckert

Senior members of AMP repeatedly intervened in an "independent" report produced by law firm Clayton Utz, which had been hired to investigate the wealth manager's fee for no service scandal, the royal commission heard.

One of AMP's top executives also admitted on Tuesday that AMP's culture had put shareholders before customers, which caused the country’s biggest wealth manager to mislead the corporate regulator at least 20 times. Investors reacted to the grilling by sending AMP shares 4.4 per cent lower, to $4.55.

AMP executive Anthony "Jack" Regan leaving the Federal Court on Monday.

AMP executive Anthony "Jack" Regan leaving the Federal Court on Monday. Credit: Eddie Jim

With the royal commission putting financial advice under the micro-scope this week and next, it was focused on a process at AMP known as "ring-fencing." This is where "orphaned" clients of planners who had retired were put into a single pool where they were still being charged fees  for up to 90 days for services they did not receive.

After the scandal came to light, AMP told the corporate watchdog it had appointed Clayton Utz to launch an "independent" investigation into the issue. However, the hearing on Tuesday heard repeated evidence of intervention in the report from senior managers within AMP, including the removal of chief executive Craig Meller's name from one of the draft reports.

Mr Meller was ultimately named in the final report, which said he was not aware of the practice being scrutinised by the royal commisison.

Counsel assisting assisting Michael Hodge QC told the hearing that Clayton Utz provided 25 drafts of the report to AMP, and described detailed changes made after discussions made with AMP.

He quoted an email from Clayton Utz to AMP's group general counsel Brian Salter, saying Mr Meller's name was not included in a list of people interviewed for the report, "on the basis that it would attract unnecessary attention to him by ASIC, given that we found he was not aware of the 90 day exception on ring-fencing."

"We instead included it the summary of the legal advice," the email said.

Mr Hodge asked AMP’s head of advice and New Zealand, Anthony “Jack” Regan, who was involved in commissioning the report: “You didn’t realise his name was being excised so as to avoid attention from ASIC?”


Mr Regan replied it was not his "recollection," referring to previous September teleconference, on which he recalled Mr Meller had asked if it was necessary for the names of all people interviewed - of which he was one - to be included in the report.

Presented with evidence of the interaction between AMP and Clayton Utz over the report, Mr Regan conceded he felt "a level of discomfort" at having told ASIC the report was independent

Commissioner Kenneth Hayne told the hearing there may be "questions" about "the extent to which senior management or others associated with AMP, sought to influence or did influence, the content of the report by Clatyon Utz apparently submitted to ASIC as an independent report."

In an earlier exchange, Mr Regan said cultural issues had caused senior staff at the wealth manager to ignore legal advice and concerns, and admitted it had put shareholders' interests before those of customers.

“I think there are reasons to be concerned. I think they [emails] show a culture that is not as robust as it should be,” Mr Regan said in response to questions from Mr Hodge.

Mr Hodge said: “When you say not as robust as it should be, what we seem to be seeing is that a conscious decision is made to protect the profitability of AMP at the expense of its licence.”

Mr Regan replied: “It’s clear that we preferenced shareholders in that exchange at the expense of customers.”

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