

This was published 6 years ago

AMP in strife following Royal Commission admissions

By John Collett

AMP's disastrous foray in front of the banking Royal Commission - including admissions it had misled customers and the regulator - is likely to have lasting effects for the battling wealth manager.

AMP conceded it had made false statement to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and senior staff ignored legal advice that charging of customers for services they did not receive was unlawful.

The Royal Commission runs for a year but some of the implications are already being considered.

Any recommendation to limit the extent to which financial service organisations can use their financial planning arms to sell their products, would hurt AMP more than the other large players, say fund managers and analysts.

This is because AMP, more than the big four banks, depends the most  on its planners to recommended "house" financial products.

AMP chief executive Craig Mellor has a mess to sort out before he retires at the end of this year

AMP chief executive Craig Mellor has a mess to sort out before he retires at the end of this yearCredit: Brook Mitchell

Certainly investors were unimpressed in the company's two-day mauling in Melbourne.  AMP shares fell almost 5 per cent on Wednesday to close at $4.54.

The company was already under investor pressure over underperformance and there is change coming at the very top after Craig Mellor announced he would retire at year's end. The business last year also launched a strategic review the results of which are due to be presented in weeks.

Chris Brycki, the founder of online investment platform Stockspot, said it is "pretty clear"the business models of AMP and the big banks is not really always about advice.

Tipping tougher regulation Brycki say The Royal Commission is showing that the Future of Financial Advice reforms, which brought in a duty for advisers to act in the best interests of their clients, is failing.


Chanaka Gunasekera, an analyst at Morningstar, said the hearing, so far, suggests AMP has sometimes made conscious decisions to maximise short-term profitability at the expense of complying with licensing requirements and the longer-term interests of AMP shareholders.


He said there is likely to be further changes to the buyer of last resort scheme - known as BOLR. This is where AMP guarantees to buy an aligned planning firm from its owner when the owner retirees.

Until recently, the scheme provided strong incentives for AMP advisers to invest client funds on an AMP platform and in products on an AMP approved product list.

These are the lists that advice firms maintain are vetted financial products, considered to be of suitable quality for use by the advice firms' clients.

However, there has long been criticism that at least part of their role is help ensure that most of the recommended products are those that are manufactured by the business that employs the planners or owns the financial planning firm.

Mark Kachor, the managing director of life insurance and superannuation researcher, DEXX&R, said the financial advice arms of the big players are not highly profitable.

"The reason you operate a marginally profitable or often a loss-making distribution system is to generate sales of [house] products", he said.

"The distribution system is vital to maintaining the product sales."

He said "vertical integration", where the financial services company that manufactures the products, like managed funds and insurance, also owns or is aligned with planning firms, is an important part of the business models of the big banks and AMP.

Approved product lists will have a number of products from others on their lists, but their planners tend not to recommend them, he said.

The banks do own financial advice firms that are aimed at more sophisticated clients who, to a degree, recommended other products.

But if you walk into bank branch you are much more likely to be recommended the bank's products, Mr Kachor said.

The trouble with that is that often the products sold are not in the best interests of the clients.

In January this year, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, released a report on financial advisers across the big four banks and AMP on their superannuation advice that 10 per cent of cases the advice left customers "significantly" worse off.

The same report found  that although approved product lists comprise only 21 per cent of in-house products, 68 per cent of customer money ends-up in those in-house products.

Mr Kachor said AMP and the big banks may"have to make a call" on whether they will be fully compliant with the best interests requirements and have an open approved product list, or they give personal advice but only on their own products.

Hugh Dive, the chief investment officer at Atlas Funds Management, which has a small position in AMP, said a danger for AMP's business model is if the Royal Commission does recommend some limiting of the extent to which its advisers can recommend AMP products.

"Will AMP get hit by some sort of undertaking that limits the ability of its adviser to sell its products,” he said. AMP is wedded to this model and it would be very different to unwind it, he said.

“That would be bad for the business and for shareholders, but it is difficult  to visualise how that could work  in practice", he said.

Of more immediate concern is the bad publicity from the revelations at the Royal Commission, Mr Dive said.

"If I was a new retiree with a $1.5 million to invest, would I be going to an AMP adviser tomorrow, or with any of the big banks, for that matter, given the negative publicity," he said.

Mr Dive said it is not the time to make a decision about continuing ownership of AMP shares.

"I want to see what recommendations come out of the Royal Commission rather than second-guess the Commission," he said.

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