

This was published 4 years ago


An Insta-worthy Christmas can weigh heavily ... on women

It’s Christmas time, so my home is filled with the smell of pine needles, fruit mince tarts, gingerbread – and stress. While the holiday season is supposed to bring festive cheer to all, it does not distribute the workload in a similarly equal way. Christmas joy is for everyone, but Christmas exhaustion is for women. Women who do, quite literally, all the things required to make the holiday period function and feel like a fairy-tale.

During eleven months of the calendar year, my partner and I share household and caring duties pretty evenly. If anything, my husband does more than I do. (Case in point: I have recently retired from washing clothes. All clothes. Linen and towels, too. It’s a choice I’ve made that’s reaped enormous rewards, including improved familial harmony and personal contentment).

The Christmas festivities bar has been raised to filtered and flat-lay designer perfection.

The Christmas festivities bar has been raised to filtered and flat-lay designer perfection.Credit: iStock

But at Christmas time? No dice. The tree arrived last week, which I ordered online and organised delivery for, using the same company as last year. My four-year-old then "helped" me decorate it which resulted in literal children’s tears. I’ve purchased and set up the bespoke advent calendar and acquired more artsy-recycled wrapping paper than any individual should possess.

I have planned the Christmas baking; practiced my grandfather’s favourite biscuits and a complicated rolled pavlova. There will be jams and chutneys made in the coming week to be presented as gifts to others, including fellow females who will smile and thank me with an exhausted nod of recognition. We have Christmas parties to RSVP and "bring a plate" to, as well as one of our own to host. Approximately 10,000 gifts must be purchased and some to be hidden from small prying eyes.

Everywhere I look women are baking, cooking, planning, decorating, cleaning, shopping, ordering, and wrapping. Instagram has only made it worse. The Christmas festivities bar has been raised to filtered and flat-lay designer perfection. My shortbread scrabble board does not look like the picture. Nor does our tree resemble the tasteful twigs with lights, I see plastered all over the internet.


This is what we organisers of Christmas are supposed to attain. Not so much to prove our womanhood as to actively – and pretentiously – display the depth of love we hold for our families. At the same time, my partner is reverting to his hunter-gatherer roots. On Christmas morning he will flee the scene. Returning with booze and ice, only because otherwise we’d have an un-manned BBQ.

Of course, I’m not alone in my pressure-cooker of ridiculousness. Women do 92 per cent of Christmas shopping in Australian households with more than a third admitting they buy their own gift too. One consumer survey found one in three women devotes the equivalent of an entire week – night and day, that’s 168 hours – to Christmas Day prep. One in three men, for comparison, is done in less than half a day.

Feminism, apparently, also takes a holiday break.


Yumi Stynes, media personality and cookbook author, wants us to go on strike this festive season. She has called on women to take a firm step back. “It’s pretty simple,” she says “and it goes like this: we quit being the Christmas elves. Christmas still happens but the elves go on strike. Our silent and mostly invisible toil ceases. Christmas, for once, doesn’t happen on our labour”.


Now, I am delighted by Stynes’ call to action. However, there are two rather large burnt bits in this particular plum pudding. Firstly, Christmas is one of the rare points in the year that women’s unpaid labour ceases to be invisible. Indeed, at Christmas this kind of labour is highly visible. While it’s not matched by the labour of others, it prompts both the gratitude and joy of those around us. What a depressing and rare treat for so many women whose unpaid work is ignored the rest of the year round.

Secondly, I secretly do a lot of this Christmas stuff and bother … because I want to. Yes, yes of course the pressure is self-imposed. It is also exacerbated by competitive expectations and stereotypes about what a woman should be and how she should behave at Christmas time. However, I genuinely do find joy in Christmas preparation. It’s a departure from the everyday mundane work. It’s festive labour and the delight it brings my loved ones feels worth it.

So, can we cut a deal? Instead of Australian women giving up on Christmas preparations entirely, we unanimously agree to Marie Kondo the whole thing. We kiss and dismiss all those tasks that don’t actually spark joy for us personally, and instead focus on what makes us happy. We also make a pact to Instagram nothing. Therefore cutting ourselves, and each other, a much-deserved Christmas break.

Jamila Rizvi is editor-at-large of Future Women.

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