

This was published 10 months ago


Why I’m not losing sleep over my chronic insomnia

There is no shortage of research into sleep. We are routinely told how much we need, what to do before falling asleep, what not to do before falling sleep, the health risks of not getting enough sleep.

Then there’s the endless advertising: the best mattresses, the best pillows, Egyptian cotton sheets, organic linen sheets, pillow sprays, candles, noise-cancelling sleep-friendly earbuds.

Apple TV’s new series, Still Up, follows the relationship between two insomniacs.

Apple TV’s new series, Still Up, follows the relationship between two insomniacs. Credit: Apple TV+

I am a classic insomniac. I have no problem falling asleep, but I wake up after a few hours and stay awake. Over the years, I’ve tried lavender oil, meditation, camomile tea, reading, music - they don’t work for me. Sleeping tablets give me nightmares, so they are out as well, meaning Morpheus and I no longer sleep together.

There are times in every person’s life when sleep deprivation is common. New parents, for example, or studying for the VCE or while settling into a new role, or beginning a job that requires shift work. Sleep deprivation, though, is usually not insomnia.


For me, it was living in the top floor flat of a flint and timber house in England in 1986. The fire risk was acute and as a result, insomnia set in.

To be an insomniac, particularly a long-term insomniac, is to be repeatedly told that the future is anything but rosy. In addition to the immediate future of needing to occupy yourself while the rest of the world peacefully rests, research shows that less than seven to nine hours of sleep a night can increase a person’s risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and respiratory infection. It’s worrying enough to keep you awake at night.

But though the infliction of insomnia has been well documented, there are silver linings. Notwithstanding the quip of American humourist, James Thurber, who once joked, “Early to rise and early to bed makes a male healthy and wealthy and dead,” being an insomniac affords people a bounty of the one thing so many of us claim to want more of in abundance: time.

More time to work (especially for those working from home), more time to read, more time to become a film buff, more time to find fulfillment, all of which brings its own sense of wellbeing. All of which is evident in the new Apple TV comedy series, Still Up, where a man and woman connect because of their shared insomnia and communicate late into the night while others sleep. Without insomnia, their close relationship wouldn’t be what it is because they are afforded the time and privacy we so desperately want but so rarely get in the modern age.


Though our obsession with sleep dates back centuries, the belief that eight hours is the magic number is still relatively new.

In pre-industrial times, falling asleep, waking for a period, and falling asleep again was the normal pattern, according to historian Roger Ekirch, who found that people would go to bed around 9pm, sleep for five hours, wake up and do household chores or “enjoy a bit of intimacy before going to bed again for a second sleep.”

The Bible also has plenty to say on the matter. According to the good book, sleep is necessary but definitely as indulgence. As noted in Proverbs: “How long will you lie there you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?”

Legend has it that both Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher slept for a maximum of four hours a night as they dealt with matters of state, while Kevin Rudd only needed three hours. It’s a moot point, but it does raise the question of if insomniacs actually achieve more during their lives?

Maybe, but as Dr Michael Mosley, author of Fast Asleep: How to Get a Really Good Night’s Rest, notes, “One thing is for certain: the amount of sleep you need is not related to the size of your intellect.”


Recently, my adult son told me, “I grew up with a light under the office door.” While true, my insomnia enabled me to be well-organised in my career, more efficient in completing tasks and gave me more time off, which then enabled me to manage two jobs.

Burning the midnight oil and beyond is not all bad news. Just lying in bed hoping for sleep is unproductive and a waste of time. It’s far better to get up and make use of those additional hours. If you get really desperate, you can always add to the pile of research and participate in a sleep study.

Christopher Bantick is a Melbourne writer.

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