

This was published 4 years ago

What we're eating: Small's Deli elevates the art of at-home sandwiches

By Candice Chung

When Emily Van Loon and her partner Ben Shemesh dreamed up their neighbourhood deli, they had a clear picture of what they wanted. It would be a tiny European-style sandwich shop where cured meats and cheeses are sliced daily, and pickles and preserves line the shelves. There would be fresh eggs from local farms and crisp, unfussy salads. All that, plus the best sourdough for regulars to take home each day.

In a way, it all happened. Even the bread comes from Iggy’s. On the morning I stop by Small’s Deli, the country loaves – piled high and freshly delivered – are still warm. What they didn’t anticipate was opening their deli in the midst of a pandemic.

Ben Shemesh, co-owner of Small's Deli at Potts Point, has turned his sandwiches into a social media hit.

Ben Shemesh, co-owner of Small's Deli at Potts Point, has turned his sandwiches into a social media hit. Credit: Christopher Pearce

When strict new lockdown laws were announced in March to contain the spread of coronavirus, the entire food industry came to a halt. Beloved bars and eateries either struggled or closed. Chefs and staff were laid off. It was a crisis no one was ready for.

“This is our fourth week, we’re very new,” says Van Loon, who works on the store’s logistics from home. “We’ve had our emotional days about it. But at the end of the day, the virus is bigger than all of our money being potentially lost.”

To survive the storm, Small’s had one advantage – their size. Thanks to the compact operation, the Potts Point deli was able to switch from a walk-in premises to a takeaway-only shop. In a matter of days, the pair adapted to new social-distancing regulations: rolling out phone orders, contactless pick-ups and local deliveries powered by a small roster of staff.

And thanks to work-from-home lunchers, the pair’s sandwiches became a hit once word got out on social media. “This pandemic has certainly brought the community together. A lot of people are coming in to support us, they want to see us thrive,” says Van Loon.

But there’s more to it than community spirit. Van Loon’s partner, chef Ben Shemesh, who runs the kitchen, is an alumnus of nearby popular small bar Dear St Eloise. To flex one’s cooking skills in a menu of sandwiches is no easy task. But Shemesh’s fine work comes through in surprising elements in the half-dozen bready creations.

On the brunch rotation are two options you can easily picture being served at your favourite local alongside a solid batch brew. Get the Po Po, Romesco! for a fix of poached eggs held snug in a buttery brioche bun. Served with wilted cavolo nero, the whole thing is lifted by a housemade hazelnut romesco sauce that’s tangy with roasted red peppers, a hit of vinegar and – for a touch of magic – a dusting of Iggy’s breadcrumbs.

No corners are cut on the croque monsieur, either. The classic French toastie is made with an old-school amount of butter, silky béchamel and just enough melted gruyere on top for good health.


I order these from my bed on a Saturday morning and ask for a 10.30am pick-up. When I get to the store, Shemesh puts on the finishing touches. My food is ready to go – except that I get distracted by the wall of preserves, visible from the takeaway window, and take home a jar of sunshine-y preserved apricots with my quarantine brunch.

On Monday, I call up for Le Bateau. A marinated tuna baguette for a (housebound) desk lunch. The plump, colourful sandwich is spiked with a zesty pistou (French-style pesto), green olive tapenade, hardboiled eggs and housemade confit tomato. In other words, a nicoise with carbs. And you deserve it.

For the greens-starved, ask for the day’s salad specials. It’s also a perfect solution for desperation dinner woes. I get a mix of shaved red cabbage salad with slivers of celery, sultana and Granny Smith, plus a hearty caraway roast carrot and brown rice number with shaved fennel — a lovingly prepped meal to stow away for later. And a reminder that even in a pandemic, there could be light at the end of the social distance tunnel.

Small’s Deli, 166 Victoria Street, Potts Point.

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