

This was published 2 years ago

The fascinating world of ‘human libraries’

By Evelyn Lewin
This story is part of the June 19 edition of Sunday Life, which is a special reading issue.See all 14 stories.

Dr Greg Watson first became aware of The Human Library more than a decade ago when searching for a PhD topic. Interested in social justice and human rights, he wanted to break down prejudices on a grassroots level. When he heard about The Human Library, an initiative founded in Copenhagen in 2000, his interest was piqued.

In a human library, the “books” are actual people and the “reading” occurs via a conversation between the “reader” and the “book”.

In a human library, the “books” are actual people and the “reading” occurs via a conversation between the “reader” and the “book”. Credit: Stocksy

The Human Library has a similar premise to a traditional library. People can choose a topic they wish to know more about and then borrow a book on the subject. The main difference is that the “books” are actual people and the “reading” occurs via a conversation between the “reader” and the “book”.

Unlike a traditional library, you can’t borrow a human book whenever you choose. Instead, Human Libraries often run gatherings at which human books put a sign up with their title and a blurb. Readers can then choose which one to have a conversation with.

Watson has been the Perth co-ordinator of the Human Library since 2013. While Human Libraries can be standalone events, Watson prefers to run his sessions as part of other public gatherings, such as street festivals.

While there are now Human Libraries scattered throughout the world, Watson says the only other established one in Australia is in Launceston. He believes more may be on the horizon, with talks “bubbling” in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

The “books” featured in Perth’s Human Library are people who’ve experienced difference or diversity, or are marginalised, Watson says.

“For the book, it’s a way for them to be heard and that can be incredibly restorative.”

The Perth library currently has just over a dozen, with titles ranging from “Happily queer” to “Yes, they are real. No, you can’t touch them” (from a heavily tattooed person).

At Perth Human Library events, “readings” run for half an hour. During that time, Watson says that both the reader and the book are allowed to ask each other “absolutely anything”. Both parties can also decline to answer questions, too.


Watson says readers are often taken aback by the idea of being able to ask the “unaskable”, worried they may come across as intrusive or rude. But stripping away social etiquette is what enables the creation of meaningful, high-impact conversations. As a reader at Perth’s library says, without pesky social norms in the way, “you can go much deeper, much quicker”.


And that’s good news for both readers and books, says Mary Spillane, a clinical psychologist and mental health expert for the Headspace app. “For the book, it’s a way for them to be heard and that can be incredibly restorative,” she says. “A lot of the time, the marginalised don’t get that opportunity.”

Watson agrees. Instead of being shunned or made to look an outsider, at Human Library events the book is recognised as the expert. “And that has a really positive, empowering impact.”

Readers also gain benefits from these sessions, which help reduce prejudice and increase respect for difference.

Getting into a subject’s nitty-gritty also encourages meaningful connection, Spillane says, which triggers the release of dopamine, flooding readers with the same feel-good hormones they’d experience after finishing a beloved book.

Watson sees these effects first-hand whenever a Human Library event wraps up. “Readers walk away feeling invigorated,” he says. “They always say, ‘That was wonderful.’ ”

To read more from Sunday Life magazine, click here.

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