

This was published 2 years ago


Painful and disruptive periods? Don’t dismiss them like I did

I’ll be the first to admit that I can be a bit of an idiot when it comes to my health. I assume I’m dying when I get a mild cold, but I’ve also been known to pop joints back into their sockets and casually go about my day as though nothing has happened. So, I never really know when something is worth seeking medical attention.

Add that to the way women frequently have their pain dismissed, not to mention that we never talk about periods – and you have a perfect storm for allowing things to get very bad before anything is done.

Women frequently have their complaints of pain dismissed.

Women frequently have their complaints of pain dismissed.Credit: iStock

The last 18 months or so I’ve been more fatigued than usual, experienced brain fog, problems with memory, trouble concentrating and dizziness. All the stuff you’d expect to have when you’re stressed about a pandemic, which is what my doctor told me I was probably dealing with. We figured it would go away over time. But, much like COVID, the symptoms lingered.

In December last year, my doctor did a general health check-up, including a blood test. The test showed I was very severely anaemic, with an iron level of 1 (the doctors were surprised I could get out of bed). They thought I could have coeliac disease, as iron deficiency is one of the warning signs, but the tests were negative.

That’s when my gastroenterologist prodded my abdomen and asked how long the massive lump had been there. I had no idea.

It turns out that like my mother, and her mother before her, I need a hysterectomy due to having truly enormous fibroids (benign uterine tumours). We argue over whose are more impressive – mum insists hers were the size of grapefruits, while mine are just a bunch the size of baseballs (we are a very competitive family).

We figured the symptoms would go away over time.

We figured the symptoms would go away over time.Credit: iStock

Fibroids aren’t as uncommon as you’d expect. Dr Brett Daniels, a gynaecologist based in Hobart, says that by the age of 50, more than 50 per cent of women will have some fibroids, “but massive fibroids are actually quite rare”. For most people, they won’t cause any problems and aren’t incompatible with a safe pregnancy. You only need to treat fibroids if they’re causing heavy bleeding or a lot of pain.

Fibroids aren’t cancerous. Even when they are symptomatic, there are plenty of options before needing a hysterectomy. Smaller fibroids can be treated with medications or minimally invasive surgeries that preserve fertility.


My story ends in a hysterectomy because my fibroids are unusually big and fast-growing, making my uterus 13 times larger than usual. But that’s not the case for most people.

The problem is that getting treatment has been surprisingly difficult. My case is considered urgent, but after months of waiting I still haven’t been given an appointment to be assessed in the public system because they’re so backed up and underfunded. We usually only hear about the surgical waiting list times, but that’s only the second half of the limbo.


The waiting begins to just get an appointment with a public gynaecologist, which according to the Women’s Hospital is between six weeks and two years, depending on how they deem your case. It’s only after that you actually get placed on the surgical waiting list.

It’s taken me two months to navigate my way through the private system, and my surgery is going to cost the better part of a month’s wages, even with private health insurance. That’s because, like a grandpa giving you 50 cents to buy a soft drink, Medicare is out of touch with how much things actually cost.

Dr Daniels reckons that’s a fair assessment. “Medicare rebates for any sort of surgery have probably not kept pace with inflation and the costs of running a practice or hospital. So, people are left out of pocket for consultations or procedures.”


Even without the almost criminal underfunding of Medicare, which makes a mockery of one of the things so many Australians are proud of (before they actually have to use it and realise it’s not as good as it used to be), women’s health is underfunded at every level. From research to training, it’s just not valued enough by men in power, and it’s reducing the quality of life for thousands of women and other uterus owners.

The main thing I’ve learned from this is to advocate for myself and perhaps start paying attention to my body and insist on tests before allowing something to be diagnosed as stress. Hopefully what you learn from this is to not just dismiss painful and disruptive periods as a mere inconvenience and take them seriously before it’s too late.

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