

Why are Australian winemakers still using wine corks instead of screwcaps?

Huon Hooke
Huon Hooke

I thought corks were old-hat, so why are some winemakers still using them to stopper their bottles?

−S.R., Queens Park, NSW

You may well ask. It’s a puzzle. Down here in Australia, at the bottom of the world, we’re used to seeing screwcaps on wine and we forget that the rest of the world, bar enlightened New Zealand, is still very cork-centric.

Photo: Simon Letch

Most of the world’s bottled wine is still cork-sealed. In traditional (read: hidebound) countries, such as France, Italy and Spain, orthodoxy dies hard. Screwcaps are still associated with cheap booze and spirits, while cork is associated in the public mind with quality. We’re still waiting for the penny to drop.


In emerging wine-drinking countries such as China, it’s just ignorance that keeps people thinking cork equals quality. But the Chinese are smart: they’ll eventually
cotton on that screwcaps guarantee that bottles of the same wine will be consistent, unlike those sealed with cork.

It’s bizarre how people refuse to believe the evidence of their own senses. Tainted and oxidised wines are forgiven, especially if the brand is a famous one,
such as a celebrated Bordeaux chateau or Burgundy domain. Those same consumers wouldn’t accept milk or fancy mineral water being tainted by its closure, would they?

Screwcaps aren’t necessarily the best closure, but they’re arguably the best we have at present and much more consistent than cork. Winemakers tell me cork quality has improved in recent times, but I don’t see the evidence in the thousands of wines I taste each year.

In this country, many wineries – Yalumba and Penfolds, for example – persist with cork in their top-shelf reds, while the rest of their ranges are screwcapped. Some of them really believe the tiny benefit they perceive in their wine when cork-sealed is worth the risk of the occasional faulty bottle. Cork opponents believe this to be insulting to customers.

As for the much-touted “romance” of the cork-extraction process – to me, it’s about as romantic as pulling teeth.


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Huon HookeHuon Hooke is a wine writer.Connect via email.

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