

This was published 1 year ago

I’m Gen Z. So what if I need three compliments a week?

By Abbir Dib

I bet Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw had sweaty nightmares after his speech at Senate estimates triggered an endless stream of think pieces and angry tweets.

“Gen Z, the younger generation, needs three times a week praise from their supervisors, the next generation only needs three times a year and my generation only needs once a year,” he said.

Gen Z has different expectations of work than previous generations, but all workers might be better off taking their ideas on board.

Gen Z has different expectations of work than previous generations, but all workers might be better off taking their ideas on board.Credit: iStock

It used to be Millennials who copped all the flak for being lazy and entitled, famously labelled the Me, Me, Me generation by Time magazine in 2013. But as Millennials are now straddling either side of 40, their younger colleagues – those born between 1996 and 2010 – are the new snowflakes.

As a younger worker, Kershaw’s comments felt like a diss to my generation. It felt like a pile-on, especially since many of us are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis and two-thirds of young people have given up on ever owning a home. But some early reports left out Kershaw’s actual point: “The world is changing, is what I’m saying.”

Kershaw was noting that the workforce has changed and the way we need to communicate with new colleagues, particularly younger people, needs to change as well. He plucked the “three compliments a week” figure from a 2022 Workhuman study into how recognition in the workplace amplifies wellbeing.

The report says, “Employee recognition is more than a nice-to-have – it’s essential”, and I couldn’t agree more. Praise is a fundamental human desire. It can be inspiring, motivational, stress-relieving and vindicating. Why wouldn’t you want to be appreciated in your workplace? Wouldn’t those in the Gen X, Gen Y and Baby Boomer demographic feel better if they were recognised more?

A consultant from the same company that conducted the research suggests older workers might be afraid to admit they want compliments and perhaps haven’t worked somewhere that provides them. The social environment when they were entering the workforce deemed that recognition was a “frivolous want instead of a foundational workplace need”.

Many younger workers understand that validation at work is motivational – and smart employers understand that caring about employees’ wellbeing is the way to keep them. We are putting more of ourselves into our careers, partly because other aspects of life in which previous generations found satisfaction are unavailable to us, like a family or buying a house.


In an interview on Channel Nine, The Demographics Group’s Simon Kuestenmacher said, for previous generations, “It was just fine to get a pay cheque and not have a terrible job. But we now push a lot more necessity for meaningful work into most jobs.” After being priced out of houses and families, younger people have more energy to pour into career expectations and satisfaction.


Gen Z is often portrayed as flaky, flitting from one job to the next, but our rootlessness is simply a realisation that we have the power to seek something that benefits us. If we don’t have a mortgage to service or children to pay for, why would we put up with a boss who doesn’t value our work?

And we aren’t the only ones. One in five Australians quit their job in 2021, and a quarter considered leaving their job. Research by the National Australia Bank found the key reasons people were leaving their jobs included a lack of personal fulfilment, purpose or meaning. The study also found employees who receive recognition from their managers and development in their careers are much less likely to leave for another offer.

The moral panic over ascendant generations is nothing new. In the 18th century, older people were concerned the young were reading too much. There’ll always be generational stereotypes that punch down on young people. Older people who bemoan Gen Z as a needy bunch of snowflakes were young once – and I’m sure they were making their parents and colleagues feel out-of-touch and annoyed too.

It’s lazy to chalk up an entire demographic as entitled. Emotions are a very real and often neglected fact of life. Rather than labelling younger workers as needy, consider why you never asked for what you needed in your workplace. Or why it was never presented as an option.

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