

This was published 2 years ago

‘Miracle she was alive’: Cosmetic clinic patient rushed to ICU recounts horror

By Adele Ferguson
This article is part of a series on what really goes on in the unregulated cosmetic surgery industry and what can happen when you are under the knife.See all 49 stories.

Marie was unconscious, foaming at the mouth and bleeding out on a hotel bed as her partner tried desperately to contact the doctor who had performed the cosmetic surgery on her the day before.

He had been calling Dr Daniel Aronov throughout the night of November 15, as Marie’s condition worsened in the hours after her tummy tuck and liposuction treatment at Sydney’s Surry Hills Day Hospital.

A patient who was rushed to emergency after she nearly bled out following cosmetic surgery.

A patient who was rushed to emergency after she nearly bled out following cosmetic surgery.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Marie had booked the procedure through the cosmetic surgery practices of Dr Daniel Lanzer and was operated on by his business associate, Dr Aronov, about 11.30am before leaving the hospital after 5pm and heading to a hotel to rest.

That night she began to bleed, and by the next morning she was in the grips of a life-threatening emergency that would see ambulance officers and rescue crews rush her to St Vincent’s Hospital in a critical condition.

“They said had I not come within that hour, I wouldn’t have woken up,” says Marie, who spoke to The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age from St Vincent’s Hospital almost two weeks after arriving in a critical condition, spending two days in intensive care and receiving four blood transfusions and surgery. “I was bleeding out … my kidneys were in a bad way.”

Marie, a mother-of-three who has used an assumed name in this story to protect her identity, had the cosmetic surgery under general anaesthetic and started fainting and bleeding after going to the hotel to recover. Her partner says he decided to call the ambulance after he spent hours unsuccessfully trying to reach Dr Aronov.

“At about 10pm we started ringing his mobile, which was the number that they gave us,” he said.

“[I] sent him a message. ‘Hey mate, can you call me.’ Then I waited about half an hour. Then I sent another message. ‘Hey mate, this is pretty urgent. She’s in a lot of pain, can you let us know?’ Then I called the landline and the clinic,” the partner recalls.

“There was blood everywhere on the floor, on the toilet seats,” he said.


The calls went unanswered. A text message sent at 5.11am the following morning to the Lanzer clinic said: “She isn’t doing good. She is in a lot of pain and is bed ridden. We called the Dr and the office left messages and no one responded all night.”

About 6.30am on November 16, Dr Aronov responded. “He rang me and he goes ‘Oh sorry, I must have just missed you. I went to sleep,’ ” Marie’s partner recounts.

“And I’m like OK, well, she’s not in good shape. She’s unresponsive. She’s in a lot of pain. There’s blood everywhere. Then he goes, ‘Well look I’ll get my nurses to come past at about 08:30 or 9:00.’ I said that’s about two hours away.”

“I was lying there terrified. Every time I woke up I had panic attacks.”

“I was lying there terrified. Every time I woke up I had panic attacks.”Credit: Kate Geraghty

About 30 minutes later, he FaceTimed Dr Aronov to show him how bad Marie looked. “Her eyes were rolled back in her head and there was all saliva coming out of her mouth,” he said.

Marie’s partner then called her best friend, who had undergone a similar procedure 12 months earlier, who told him to follow his gut and call an ambulance.

Soon after, critical response units from fire and rescue, two ambulances and police arrived at the hotel room and Marie was rushed to hospital.

The incident is the latest controversy involving the Lanzer clinics, which have been under intense scrutiny following a joint investigation by The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Four Corners.

The investigation uncovered evidence of disturbing practices at the clinic, including hygiene and safety breaches and botched surgeries. It also uncovered a video of other doctors from the practice dancing and laughing to the song Jolene as they performed liposuction on an unconscious patient while holding a long stainless-steel cannula. (The video was recorded at the same day hospital Marie had her surgery and her anaesthetic was administered by the same anaesthetist who was dancing and laughing while watching the doctors perform liposuction.)

The day hospital didn’t respond to questions and the anaesthetist declined to comment.

Dr Aronov is the world’s most followed cosmetic surgeon on social media, with more than 13 million TikTok followers. But on November 26, the regulator notified him that it had imposed a series of conditions on his registration, including that he can no longer practise cosmetic surgery or any minor surgery and can only practise as a GP under supervision. It also restricted his use of social media, requiring him to remove anything related to cosmetic or medical procedures from his social media platforms. Those notifications were made public on the evening of November 28.

It comes weeks after Dr Lanzer gave the regulator a legally enforceable undertaking to stop practising medicine in Australia while their investigation is under way. The regulator, AHPRA, said inquiries into Dr Lanzer’s clinics were ongoing.

Marie’s medical emergency comes two weeks after the joint investigation revealed Dr Aronov had filmed a mock re-enactment of a separate medical emergency involving another patient, Suzanne Steward. Ms Steward was rushed to hospital with punctured lungs following a liposuction procedure earlier this year in Dr Lanzer’s Melbourne clinic. (Dr Aronov said he had no involvement in her liposuction procedure and the video was a “self-mocking” video “aimed at boosting staff morale”.)

Since the initial investigation, scores of Lanzer clinic patients have come forward to share their harrowing experiences, many describing unimaginable pain felt during and post surgery.

Dr Daniel Aronov is the world’s most followed surgeon on TikTok but the regulator has imposed conditions on him.

Dr Daniel Aronov is the world’s most followed surgeon on TikTok but the regulator has imposed conditions on him.Credit:

Unlike traditional hospitals, day hospitals don’t offer overnight stays to patients to monitor their condition if complications arise.

Marie says that when she woke up after her surgery she was immobile and petrified. “I don’t really remember even waking up, to be honest, but I remember them saying you’re going home, and I remember telling them, I can’t even walk, I can’t move.”

“I was lying there terrified. Every time I woke up I had panic attacks and I wasn’t breathing properly and the pain was like nothing I had experienced before.” Her partner took photos to show her condition, hoping to get a response.

Marie’s partner said he called Dr Aronov one last time before calling an ambulance. “I said, listen, I think this is going bad. I’m going to have to call the ambulance. And he goes, ‘Ah, yeah, my girls will be there soon.’ I said, ‘Well, by the time the ambulance gets here, they’ll be here. I called the ambulance.”

Marie in a hotel room with paramedics after a cosmetic surgery procedure with an associate of Dr Daniel Lanzer.

Marie in a hotel room with paramedics after a cosmetic surgery procedure with an associate of Dr Daniel Lanzer.

By the time the ambulances arrived, Marie’s pH 6.8 and her haemoglobin levels, which, specialist plastic surgeon Professor Mark Ashton said indicated “significant and major blood loss that was a life-threatening, time-critical emergency”. He said it was a “miracle she was alive”.

When her partner talked them through her condition over the phone, they requested a second ambulance and fire and rescue to lift her out of the hotel room and down the stairs.

Last week Dr Aronov said in a statement that as soon as he was aware of the patient’s deterioration, “without hesitation I recommended an ambulance be called immediately, and then personally attended to assess the situation and assist the paramedics. I have been liaising with her treating team throughout her recovery.”

He was sent a series of questions from this masthead on Friday, including whether he still stood by his statement, but did not respond.

Marie’s partner said Dr Aronov’s nurses arrived after the ambulance. He said Dr Aronov then arrived in his scrubs and suggested they transport her to Liverpool Hospital, which is more than 30km away from the hotel.

“He [Dr Aronov] said I’ve got some connections at Liverpool and the ambulance, the fire brigade, everyone just looked at me and like, no. Liverpool is an hour away.”

She was taken to the closest facility given her critical condition.

David Faktor, a spokesman for St Vincent’s Hospital, said the hospital was “very concerned about key aspects of the patient’s care provided by the cosmetic clinic. Accordingly, St Vincent’s will be reporting these concerns to the appropriate governing authorities.”

Marie says her procedure cost $30,000, but it would cost a lot more in treatments and time off work as she is a casual and didn’t expect to return to work, which is a physical job, until next year.

Her stay in hospital cost taxpayers an estimated $50,000.

She said she had heard about the media investigation into Dr Lanzer’s clinics just before she went in for her procedure but was assured everything was OK. “I spoke to the clinic about it. And they assured me that Dr Aronov wasn’t involved in any of that. Even the day of surgery he said, ‘Do you have any concerns about what you’ve seen in the media and da da da?’ And I said, ‘Well, obviously yes’, and he goes, ‘I’ve got nil issues against me. I’ve never had a bad case,’ ”

Marie decided to speak out to increase the public’s awareness of the risks of cosmetic surgery by untrained surgeons in day hospitals. “I don’t want this to happen to someone else,” she says. “I’m very lucky to still be here.”

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