

This was published 2 years ago

Behind the Cosmetic Cowboys investigation

By Adele Ferguson

Australians are among the highest consumers of cosmetic procedures per capita in the world, yet the regulation of this multibillion-dollar industry has been described as the Wild West without the sheriffs.


The Sydney Morning Herald, together with The Age and ABC’s Four Corners, decided to investigate the sector, particularly the country’s most famous cosmetic surgeon, Dr Daniel Lanzer, after a number of ex-staff and other sources came forward with some shocking revelations.

Dr Lanzer found out and sent a threatening letter to plastic surgeons telling them not to speak. Some of his staff pointed fingers at two former employees as being the whistleblowers.

This triggered a flood of even more information from patients, other ex-staff and contractors.

Two consumer research advocates audited the social media aspect of Dr Lanzer and his doctors, some of which included inappropriate lyrics and the trivialisation of the surgery.

From left: Dr Daniel Lanzer and former staff members turned whistleblowers Lauren Hewish and Justin Nixon.

From left: Dr Daniel Lanzer and former staff members turned whistleblowers Lauren Hewish and Justin Nixon.

Then there was a big breakthrough: a mystery USB in an unidentified package was sent, which included some damning videos, audios and communications that gave a further glimpse into the inner workings of Dr Lanzer’s clinics.

Videos showed doctors dancing and laughing as they performed liposuction on an unconscious patient while holding a long stainless-steel cannula. Besides being disrespectful to the patient, it is dangerous because the cannula can pierce an organ. There were audio recordings of Dr Lanzer telling staff to never admit there has been a mistake, never own up to anything, or never tell a patient to go to a GP or hospital.

Other material brings into question hygiene and sterility. There were photos of human fat stored in fridges and freezers, photos of decanted syringes of filler with masking tape, and internal messages suggesting nurses use expired medication and fill in blank signed prescriptions. There were photos of staples used in the front of the ear on a facelift and video indicating a dangerous lack of care while performing liposuction. There was also evidence that Google reviews might not be all they seem with some five-star reviews written by staff and an unhappy patient paid to replace a negative online review.


As the deadline for the story approached, Dr Lanzer sought an urgent injunction in the Federal Court to stop it going ahead. While the legal action was hanging over us, we pushed ahead, and thankfully the legal action failed.

The story restarted the dialogue about patient safety, a broken regulatory system and cosmetic cowboys. Its impact has been immediate.

The Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt referred the allegations to the regulator, AHPRA, for an urgent investigation. The Victorian government launched an investigation into Dr Lanzer and said it would examine changes to cosmetic surgery rules. The Australian Medical Association called on the country’s health ministers to close the “loophole” that allows anyone with a basic medical degree to call themselves a “cosmetic surgeon”. Dr Lanzer launched an “independent” investigation into his clinics.

By the end of the week the story was published, AHPRA said the Medical Board had accepted an undertaking from Dr Lanzer that he would not practise as a medical practitioner, in any form, in Australia.

It said its inquiries into Dr Lanzer’s clinics were ongoing.

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