

This was published 3 years ago

‘We’ve got to finish the job’: Why Penn isn’t hanging up at Telstra

A revolving door of top executives, a tanking share price, a radical restructure and a ‘couples coach’ to help his relationship with the chairman: life at Telstra hasn’t been dull under Andy Penn.

By Anne Hyland

On the website of executive coach Peter Fuda, you will find glowing testimonials from many executives and board directors at Australian and international companies. Among them are endorsements of Fuda by Telstra’s chief executive Andy Penn and chair John Mullen.

Penn, who’s worked with Fuda for at least five years, is exuberant in his praise of the executive coach, so much so, he says: “If I can only spend an hour with one person, I choose to spend it with Peter.”

Mullen’s review is more revealing. “I am most grateful to Peter for his thoughtful advice and sage counsel, which has resulted in a measurable improvement in the working relationship between me as chair, and Andy as CEO.”

“There’s always boisterous conversations with the board, but I wouldn’t say they were adversarial,” says Telstra’s chief executive Andy Penn.

“There’s always boisterous conversations with the board, but I wouldn’t say they were adversarial,” says Telstra’s chief executive Andy Penn.Credit: Eamon Gallagher

Penn and Mullen have worked together for five years. They are one of the nation’s most powerful corporate partnerships, steering Australia’s biggest telecommunication’s company into a new era, as it prepares to split into four separate businesses, under its so-called T22 strategy.

Getting Telstra to this point hasn’t been easy for Penn and Mullen. At times their relationship has been tested, with tensions arising around the company’s poor performance and the organisation’s strategic direction.

The nadir for Penn and Mullen’s relationship came in May 2018 at a meeting at Cleveland Winery in Lancefield, in Victoria’s Macedon Ranges, according to sources. “There was a huge blow-up between the board and Andy,” says a person familiar with the meeting. “John had had enough, there was no strategy.”


Penn’s future at Telstra was the subject of a media report that same month, when the company also experienced a national outage in its mobile network. A year earlier, a number of media outlets had also speculated about Penn’s longevity in the role.

Penn denies there was any blow-up with the board and himself. “There’s always boisterous conversations with the board, but I wouldn’t say they were adversarial. It was a collective discussion around the scale of the ambition we were taking on. It was heated because they’re heated issues. It wasn’t heated because there were personality issues or concerns or issues between management and the board.”

John Mullen, Telstra’s chair, describes the CEO role at Austraila’s biggest telecommunication’s company, as one of the most complex and difficult roles in the country.

John Mullen, Telstra’s chair, describes the CEO role at Austraila’s biggest telecommunication’s company, as one of the most complex and difficult roles in the country.Credit: Janie Barrett

Mullen agrees and says Penn has always had the board’s support, and that the CEO did indeed have a plan and had been working diligently on T22 prior to the Lancefield meeting. “In every boardroom there are challenging conversations as boards ask tough questions. It happens regularly,” Mullen says. “At Telstra we are aligned on approach and strategy but we don’t always agree on everything. The board would not be doing its job if it was all just nice cosy conversations.”

A month after that meeting, Penn unveiled the T22 strategy, which has been embraced by shareholders.

“We think the company is now heading very clearly in the right direction. A few years ago, of course, people were disappointed,” says Investors Mutual founder Anton Tagliaferro, whose fund owns Telstra shares.

“You’ve had John Mullen come in as chairman and take a very proactive role. We’re certainly impressed with the level of commitment and leadership John has shown within the company. We’ve always been fairly supportive of Andy Penn, we think he’s done a good job.”


A hard act to follow

Next month Penn marks six years as Telstra’s chief executive. He joined Telstra as its chief financial officer in 2012, after previously running insurer AXA Asia-Pacific. He was hired by then CEO David Thodey, who pushed to transform Telstra into a customer-focused company; set up a myriad of growth options for the company to build upon after his departure, and repaired the company’s fractured relationship with the federal government. He also cut an $11 billion compensation deal with the government for decommissioning and handing over its fixed-line network to the NBN. By the time Thodey departed Telstra, after six years at the top, the company’s shares were trading near a 15-year high at around $6.30.

It was a hard act to follow, and Penn did struggle. In his six years as CEO, Telstra’s share price has almost halved to $3.42, while the broader market, the ASX200, has risen by 20 per cent.

Analysts and shareholders were sympathetic to the unique challenges facing Penn. He needed a plan to replace the fat, fixed-line profits that would be lost to the NBN, once the compensation payments ceased, and to slim Telstra down, through more cost cutting, so it could meet the competition that was intensifying from other telco and technology companies. “The rate of change that Andy had to deal with has been far greater than previous CEOs,” says Ian Martin, a senior telecommunications analyst at New Street Research.

While it’s history now, Penn believes Telstra was not fully compensated for the earnings hole that NBN created. It was left to Penn to try and plug a $3.5 billion earnings gap. “I arrived just after the deal had been approved by shareholders, and there was no transparency of what the long term economic impact would be at that time,” says Penn. “One of the challenges I had when I first took over was to make that very explicit.”

The earnings gap caused by the NBN was one of the reasons Penn and Mullen took the very controversial step in 2017 to slash Telstra’s dividend by one-third to 21c a share. Telstra is the country’s most widely held stock, and the move triggered outrage among the company’s 1.4 million shareholders. Until that point, Telstra’s dividend had not been touched in two decades.

After Penn became CEO in May 2015, he also set about building his own senior management team and strategy. His strategy, partly inherited from Thodey, focused on retaining Telstra’s dominance as the country’s biggest mobile network, expanding further into Asia and building a world-class technology company. But that strategy would prove much harder to execute than Penn thought. Early on, the Asian expansion stumbled, as a joint-venture plan to build a Philippine mobile network was shelved. The desire to reposition Telstra as a technology company, which focused on its offering of cloud and network applications, also failed to inspire investors.


“There wasn’t an informed, realistic strategic direction for the organisation.”

What then was the plan for Telstra and where did the company want to be in five years? It wasn’t clear to investors or some of Penn’s senior management team, who blamed Penn for not articulating a clear vision for Telstra. “There wasn’t an informed, realistic strategic direction for the organisation,” says one former insider. “If you hire people for a strategy and then you find out 12 months later the strategy’s been rethought, you’re going to have turnover.”

And there was turnover among the top management team. At least 16 members of Telstra’s senior management team left during Penn’s time as CEO, which is almost equivalent to turning over two leadership teams. “As a CEO, you generally have one opportunity to build a team. If you don’t appoint the right people and there’s high turnover, then you’re accountable for that,” says a former executive. “You rarely get the chance to build a second team or a third team. Andy’s been given support to build multiple teams. That’s unique.”

The reasons for the executive departures vary. Those who missed out on the top job when Penn was appointed were always going to leave. Some would retire, others would be offered opportunities too good to refuse, a few were not the right fit for Telstra, and some also found Telstra and Penn not the right fit for them.

But the revolving door of executives some sources say underlined the problem that the company didn’t have a clear strategy. “It was out with that one, try this one,” says another former employee about the turnover, who added that without a set of goals to address the difficult and complex change that had to happen at Telstra, it was difficult to get a group of talented executives aligned and working as a team.

Penn, however, sees it differently. He says his focus was explicitly on the transformation of Telstra but not enough had been enough done by his predecessor in addressing a turnaround in the company’s core businesses. “And so when I took over, I took that on.”

When David Thodey departed Telstra, after six years at the top, the company’s shares were trading near a 15-year high at around $6.30.

When David Thodey departed Telstra, after six years at the top, the company’s shares were trading near a 15-year high at around $6.30.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen


A particular bugbear among some of Telstra’s former employees was Penn’s micromanagement, citing his apparent obsession with meetings, as an illustration. Several sources said the senior team was required to attend day-long meetings every week. “Sometimes there were two to three days of meetings every week,” says a former employee.

For some those meetings were frustrating and a waste of time. Penn, however, may have seen the meetings instead as demonstrating an inclusive style of management. Penn says he only micromanages when required and his management style is otherwise based on trust, with his senior management team given the freedom to get on with their jobs. “The only time that changes is if the executive is not performing,” he says. “Here I will not be shy to get very hands-on and I acknowledge they may then feel I am micromanaging them – because I am.”

On executive turnover, Penn says there were a host of reasons for the substantial changes, including that some senior managers were let go because they didn’t perform to the standard required. “These jobs that report to me are all very, very big jobs. I make no apology for saying that I had to let some people go. We’ve got a super capable team [now] and I’m very happy with them. That’s just the reality of a large corporate business going through a lot of disruption and a lot of change in a very competitive and dynamic market.”

The executive team has also shrunk in size during Penn’s time as CEO. Six years ago Telstra had 16 members in its senior management team, now it’s nine.

Among the executives who departed in the first year of Penn’s leadership were head of retail Gordon Ballantyne, president of international Timothy Chen, and Robert Nason, who had been in charge of cutting costs and jobs. Telstra’s chief operating officer Kate McKenzie departed the company the following year. By 2017, Telstra’s head of retail Kevin Russell, Cynthia Whelan the head of new business and former head of international, and Tony Warren, group executive corporate affairs, would also exit.

Drastic makeover

Boards get angry for all kinds of reasons but the one that upsets them most is losing money. And by early 2018, Telstra’s board led by Mullen had lost patience with the company’s strategy as earnings would decline by one-quarter that year and the share price had slumped.


Telstra needed a more ambitious strategy. It needed drastic change to address the fact it no longer ran a fixed-line network and to meet intensifying competition that was threatening its best-performing business: mobiles. It needed a strategy that would unlock value from the company and reduce its huge cost base, a legacy from its days as a government-owned entity. It also needed a strategy around which it could galvanise its senior management team.

Penn, with Telstra’s then head of technology, innovation and strategy Stephen Elop, and with input from management consultants, McKinsey & Co, developed T22, which would split the company into four separate businesses, each with their own management team. InfraCo Fixed (currently TelstraCorp) will include physical infrastructure, InfraCo Towers will be the division for the mobile tower assets and ServeCo will house products and services. A fourth division, Telstra International, will include subsea cables and the company’s other international entities.


It was the biggest strategic shake-up of Telstra since the company was cleaved out of the Postmaster General’s department in 1975. T22 also involves the company shedding 20,000 full-time workers and contractors by 2022, with targeted cost savings from the strategy of $2.7 billion each year, over the three years. If Penn hadn’t delivered in the first three years of his time as CEO, he was making up for it now.

The T22 restructure would result in more departures among the executive team, and some left for other reasons. Gone were Joe Pollard, head of media and chief marketing officer, Stephen Elop, Warwick Bray, chief financial officer, and Will Irving, head of the wholesale business. Robyn Denholm, who became Telstra’s head of strategy and chief financial officer, would depart in 2019 to become chair of Tesla.

T22 or bust

The T22 strategy would simplify Telstra’s structure and allow for greater value creation through the selling of stakes in those four businesses. Telstra has already flagged the sale of all or part of its market-leading mobile business. Goldman Sachs has put a price tag of $4.5 billion on the mobile infrastructure.

“Telstra trades on seven times EBITDA, and [mobile] tower assets overseas are being sold at 20 or 30 times,” says Anton Tagliaferro of Investors Mutual. He says Telstra now has mapped out a very clear strategy of being the leader in mobile in 5G and splitting its valuable infrastructure companies into separate entities. “The key is the execution of the strategy.” Penn is confident he will deliver.


T22 has been the biggest challenge of Penn’s career at Telstra and if successful it will be his defining achievement. “We’ve got to finish the job. We will be communicating what comes after T22 later this year,” he says. There are, of course, risks with the strategy and the key one is around maintaining customer service levels. Penn believes the $3 billion Telstra invested in digitising the functions of many of those people who lost their jobs, addresses that issue.

Mullen describes the CEO job at Telstra as one of the most complex and difficult roles in the country. “Andy has done an outstanding job during an incredibly difficult and disruptive time.” Mullen was a long-time CEO at DHL and later Asciano before becoming chair of Telstra, Brambles and also Toll Group.

Penn won’t say how much longer he will stay in the top job. Telstra’s CFO Vicky Brady is the most likely internal candidate to succeed him. “I’m here, I guess as long as it works for me and for the company.” Like any chief executive his ambition no doubt is to leave the company in a stronger position than when he started.

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