

This was published 7 years ago

Listed property trusts in better shape to withstand a downturn, Atlas says

By Jessica Sier

Lower shareholder payouts and a favourable monetary policy backdrop mean that listed property trusts are in much better shape to withstand a sharp downturn in the market than they were in 2007, according to Atlas Funds Management.

Recent warnings from the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority that the property market is cooling has spooked property trust investors, sending the ASX-200 A-REIT index slumping 5 per cent over the last quarter.

The Grosvenor Place skyscraper towers over entrance columns and the complex's courtyard in central Sydney.

The Grosvenor Place skyscraper towers over entrance columns and the complex's courtyard in central Sydney.Credit: Will Burgess

In addition, a committment from the US Federal Reserve to keep raising rates has many in the industry recalling the drastic selloff that ASX-listed property funds suffered in 2007; where the entire sector fell by 70 per cent between September 2007 and March 2009.

But Hugh Dive, chief investment officer at Atlas Funds says the recent falls have taken some of the heat out of the market and that there are key differences between Australian listed property trusts then and now.

Sugar hits for shareholders

Trusts currently pay out 82 per cent of earnings to shareholders, a significant reduction than the commitment to pay out 95 per cent in 2007.

"In the short term, a trust like any company can distribute all their profits to shareholders and artificially boost dividends or distributions," says Mr Dive.

"Whilst this sugar hit can be sweet for the share price, in the medium term all corporates need to retain earnings to maintain the quality of the assets owned by shareholders."

Ten years ago, with so many trusts committed to pouring money back into the hands of shareholders, there was little left for maintenance expenditure.


Most companies were forced to borrow heavily or to issue more equity; diluting the holdings of long term investors.

It created great instability in investor's minds when trusts were forced to drastically cut their distributions as they scrambled to find cash amongst the GFC carnage.

"Currently the payout ratio is a more modest and stable 82 per cent," says Mr Dive.

"This allows trusts to pay for maintenance capital expenditure and incentives out of current earnings and creates a distributions stream for investors that is inherently more stable.

"Additionally, the listed trusts are more capable of weathering the inevitable changes in market conditions, without immediate and drastic cuts to distributions."

Going global

Over 40 per cent of the assets held in 2007 were outside of Australia. At the time management were able to plump their balance sheets and increase earnings per share thanks to these higher-yielding offshore properties paid for with cheap wholesale short term debt.

"Whilst this provided shots of shiny new assets in the annual reports and exotic site tours, during the GFC it became clear that management teams paid too much for assets they didn't really understand and were hard to administer from headquarters in Sydney or Melbourne," says Mr Dive.

As the mortgage backed security crisis sent the US financial and property markets into freefall, billions of dollars were wiped off Australian listed property trusts as investors raced to limit their land exposure.

These days, foreign real estate makes up 21 per cent of ASX-listed exposure; mostly made up of Westfield's prized shopping centres in the United States and United Kingdom and Goodman's swathe of industrial property in Asia, capitalising on the e-commerce boom.

"Unlike the property assets bought in 2004-2006, these trusts own assets that are narrowly focused and not owned by the trusts for a short-term boost to earnings per unit," says Mr Dive.

The debt bill

Long term funding in 2007 was much more expensive than short term financing, which encouraged property trusts to borrow short-term debt in order to pay for their global acquisitions.

"The strategy employed by many of the ASX listed property trusts was to boost earnings by arbitraging the difference between the higher rental yield on acquired properties and the lower rate at which they could borrow on the short-term wholesale money market," says the team at Atlas.

However as the credit markets changed, trusts were left scrambling to cover the severe mis-match between the long term property asset and its short term financing facility.

Companies such as Centro Properties were forced to tap shareholders to cover a $US5.5 billion debt that was due to be rolled over in a shaky and particularly bearish market.

These days overall gearing for property trusts is around 30 per cent and the market is sweetened by record low interest rates.

"The quality of the debt is much higher as the chief financial officers of the trusts have a greater diversity in the sources of funding and have lengthened its term," says Mr Dive, who points out the recent falls in the A-REIT index has taken the heat out of the current market.

"It's also showing some attractive entry points for a range of listed property trusts," he says.

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