

This was published 5 years ago

Inside fortress TPG and myth of its legendary boss David Teoh

By Sarah Danckert and Jennifer Duke

Before Wednesday telecommunications group TPG operated like a fortress.

Led by its rarely publicly seen and legendary executive chairman David Teoh, the group had grown from a small tech group to major telecommunications player within a decade.

One of the fresh photos taken of elusive TPG executive chairman David Teoh as he arrived at court in Melbourne on Wednesday.

One of the fresh photos taken of elusive TPG executive chairman David Teoh as he arrived at court in Melbourne on Wednesday.Credit: Getty Images

Despite being listed, the group has conducted itself like a private family company, albeit one that has been happy to have greater access to capital markets through its ASX listing.

But in the occasionally sunny surrounds of Melbourne's Owen Dixon Commonwealth Courts building, the battlements surrounding Teoh and his company came tumbling down.

In a competition law case that will have huge ramifications for Australia’s mobile market, Teoh was forced to face the Federal Court this week to give evidence in a case brought by TPG's merger partner Vodafone, which is seeking to overturn the competition regulator's decision to block the $15 billion tie-up between the two telcos.

Teoh, who had only ever been photographed by the press after a three-day stake out by the now defunct Business Review Weekly in 2015, was forced to do the corporate titan equivalent of a "perp walk" - those terrible one hundred and fifty metres from relative anonymity of a suite in a nearby business hotel to the waiting press pack.

The photographers assembled outside court had been waiting for hours, some since 7 in the morning.

The hope by his external media minders that they would fade or be tempted by food in the lunch break was ill advised - these pros have done this dance before.

With the prized photo of Teoh, who was dressed in a tie that appeared creased as though it was taken straight out of a box that morning, attention now turned to his evidence, which is integral to the arguments of Vodafone and TPG that the merger should be allowed.


The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission blocked the tie-up, saying the merger would snuff out any chance of TPG becoming Australia’s fourth mobile network player.

TPG and (Vodafone) argues that it can no longer afford to build a 4G network because its Chinese technology partner Huawei, which it says provides the most cost-effective way to upgrade to 5G, has been banned by the government on national security grounds.

But it soon became clear during an increasingly heated cross-examination of Teoh by the ACCC’s counsel, banking royal commission wunderkind Michael Hodge, QC, that much of the evidence TPG would need to rely on was held in only one place –Teoh’s head.

There was no business plan or similar document to underpin the investment, the court heard. (An admission leading to speculation about whether there was anything more than an excel spreadsheet and Teoh when Vodafone entered the dataroom to conduct due diligence on TPG.)

"Things don’t tend to get written down [at TPG]," Hodge quipped to Teoh.

Teoh shot back that TPG was a modern company. "We are very agile Mr Hodge… we hop on the phone a lot," he said without any hint of humour.

But to paint Teoh as the only ego in a room full of competition lawyers would not be fair.

After shooting to prominence from obscurity last year, Hodge now carries a swagger and has a penchant for leaning on the lectern as though he is struck with boredom as he conducts the cross-examination.

Teoh clearly provided one of the more challenging examinations for Hodge, who spent 2018 gorging himself on the admissions of ashamed bankers.

(Both Teoh and Hodge made poor attempts at masking their frustration with each other by beginning or ending sentences with each other’s name.)

Hodge clearly expected to pierce Teoh's veil. Teoh - not used to facing any challenge to his authority - pushed back. He didn't need to show paperwork to his board because they knew he had the interests of shareholders at heart.

With the two egos jousting each other over what constituted a business plan, it took the experienced hand of Justice John Middleton to cut through the jousts.

After asking Teoh to leave the court, Middleton advised Hodge that perhaps his near two-hour dissection of what constitutes a business plan at TPG might be irrelevant.

"He [Mr Teoh] doesn't write things down,'' Middleton said.

"When you refer to 'business model', he might be referring to as much as what is in his head as what is in a document.''

The exchange paid proof to the idea that Teoh has a brain the size of a planet.

His intellectual prowess was again on display when, after being presented with a model that showed TPG's purchase of spectrum would have a negative financial impact on the company, Teoh explained that he had used a different discounted cash flow number (a key metric in determining the net present value of a company) to recalculate the figures in his head.

His performance on the stand will come as little surprise to long-term shareholders and observers of the reclusive billionaire, who is well known for his unwillingness to speak publicly and to be photographed.

Teoh is widely considered a success story in Australian telecommunications. He started the business selling mouse mats out of a suitcase after emigrating to Australia from Malaysia in 1986 and was the key figure responsible for building TPG into a $6.5 billion telco competitor.

It is well known that this merger is more than just a pay day for the TPG boss, who is already one of Australia's richest businessmen.

During this rise in his fortunes Teoh has taken on a mythical position in telecommunications circles, with tales of his meticulous attention to costs – at one point personally turning the lights off in TPG’s offices on a daily basis to save on the electricity bills - regularly shared among executives and telco employees.

His most recent steps to try to build a fourth mobile network were taken amid major scrutiny in the industry. Rivals outwardly questioned whether anyone could build a mobile network on the small budget the cost-conscious Teoh had put aside for the project, but even those with deep knowledge of networks thought it might just be possible.

Competitors were concerned enough about the prospect that at the same time as criticising it in the media they steeled for more price pressure and disruption to their existing mobile customers.

One executive, who works at a rival telco and so wished to remain unnamed, believes it might have been the first time in his career Teoh had “bitten off more than he can chew” but still acknowledges that if anyone could have pulled it off “it would’ve been him”.

For this reason, it’s unsurprising Teoh’s close-knit and long-serving executive team and board directors speak about him with a deference that’s unusual in corporate Australia. (Teoh in court this week explained that his board approved his investment idea without a detailed plan because, as he put it: "I have the trust of my board and that is a very important factor".)

And despite Teoh’s awkwardness in court, and unwillingness to keep detailed records, it seems he still has strong backing from those around him who know he is not to be underestimated.

TPG board director and Washington H Soul Pattinson chairman Robert Millner, whose company stands to own 12.6 per cent of the combined $15 billion business, would not comment directly on the court proceedings but is glowing in his description of the telco’s chief.

“He has a very good track record of what he has done so far,” Millner says. “He’s the smartest telco person in Australia.”

He was confident that Vodafone chief executive Inaki Berroeta and Teoh would able to steer the company together without major issues, despite speculation that there could be cultural issues combining the businesses due to their different approaches to openness with the public and documentation.

“I think they would work well together. It’s dependent on what happens in the next three weeks,” Millner says.

Venture Insights managing director Nigel Pugh believes there will be a major change in the way things operate should the companies merge, with Teoh to be non-executive chairman and Vodafone's Inaki Berroeta as chief executive, but is also unconcerned about any friction in the merger.

Berroeta would be largely in charge of steering the merged business, he explains, and it would be a “manageable” transition with 50.1 per cent owned by Vodafone.

Despite this, a recent research report written by Pugh calls for a “Plan B” for the telcos.

“Regardless of whether the merger parties ultimately win or lose, this is a bellwether case and will make future mergers for Australian mobile network operators most unlikely,” he says.

While much of the industry was shocked by the ACCC’s decision to reject the merger in the first place, this was as expected for Pugh, who believes the Federal Court “could come to the same conclusion”.

Telco executives and legal experts do not take a similar view and believe the ACCC will lose the case.

But to get there in courtroom 6K in the Owen Dixon buildings, Teoh has had to brave his considerable apprehension of appearing in public.

As he told the court: "Whatever we do I have to take care of my shareholders' interests."

With that in mind, hopefully his court appearance will be worth it. For the press, it was worth it for the photos alone.

The case continues.

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