

This was published 5 years ago

The 'zombie hunter' taking AMP's businesses off its hands

By Stephen Bartholomeusz

AMP’s 19th century businesses have been operating in an environment that is structurally challenged. Mike Wilkins and David Murray have finally come up with a structural solution, a complete exit from its wealth protection and mature businesses in Australasia.

By far the largest element of the deals acting chief executive Wilkins announced is a complex, multi-layered sale of AMP’s ‘’zombie’’ businesses – insurance businesses essentially in run-off mode -- to renowned zombie hunter, Resolution Life.

AMP acting CEO Mike Wilkins has found his "zombie hunter."

AMP acting CEO Mike Wilkins has found his "zombie hunter." Credit: Louise Kennerley

AMP is going to receive $3.3 billion in cash and non-cash consideration from Resolution for its wealth protection and mature businesses: $1.9 billion in cash, $300 million in preference shares in the AMP Life entity Resolution will acquire, a $600 million economic interest in future earnings from the mature business and a $515 million interest in Resolution itself.

The market reacted savagely to the announcement. Factors in the carnage might have been the deal’s complexity and the substantial continuing entanglement with the buyer. Bad quarterly net cash outflow numbers wouldn’t have helped.

The primary reason, however, may have been the relatively modest amount of cash that will be left from the proceeds once AMP uses about $800 million to reduce its debt and the $320 million of separation costs are factored in.


The market had anticipated that a sale of the businesses would be clean and generate a very large amount of cash that would be returned to shareholders. That’s obviously now not going to happen, hence the market’s backlash.

AMP probably had an inkling as to how anything but a clean cash exit would be received but, particularly in the context of the royal commission, had to find a buyer that wouldn’t pillage the customer bases being transferred.

There might have been cash buyers but Resolution has the track record of treating customers decently, hence AMP’s acceptance of quite convoluted terms.


Resolution is a fascinating company. Founded by a former GE Insurance executive, Clive Cowdery, in 2004, it has bought, and sometimes sold, 27 life insurance businesses over the past 14 years.

The Resolution business model was developed during a period where UK insurers were closing their life businesses to new business; putting them into run-off mode in response to rising costs, rapidly increase adverse experiences in claims and accelerating lapse rates. Those are the same trends that have ravaged life and income protection businesses here.

Cowdery acquires those ‘’zombie’’ portfolios at a discount to their embedded value – in AMP’s case, for 82 per cent of the embedded value of its portfolio – consolidates them with other portfolios, manages them more efficiently and in some cases on-sells them.

His first iteration of Resolution was sold to Pearl Group in 2008. Pearl (since renamed Phoenix Group) was once part of AMP, part of the disastrous foray into the UK in the 1980s and 1990s that included the acquisitions of National Provident and Henderson.

The 2000 market crash tore capital out of all the UK insurers and exposed their shaky business models. AMP, which had $6.7 billion tied up in the UK, was completely destabilised by its UK exposures but eventually exited the market via a float of HHG Group in 2003.

The portfolios Resolution is acquiring have been ‘’managed for value’’ – the mature life businesses have essentially been in ‘’run-off’ mode - while AMP conducted a strategic review.

While AMP has struck a number of reinsurance deals to reduce their capital intensity and dampen volatility, the mature businesses have produced minimal, if any, earnings while still tying up large slabs of capital that their sale will now release.

AMP's next chief executive, Francesco De Ferrari.

AMP's next chief executive, Francesco De Ferrari.Credit: Bloomberg

AMP says it will eventually monetise – cash out – the non-cash elements of the deal with Resolution.

In the meantime its economic interest in the life insurance businesses, which Wilkins said was about 30 per cent, will generate after-tax earnings of $50 million (and franking credits), the preference shares about $18 million a year and there will be income from the interest in Resolution Life.

The Resolution deal was the centrepiece of AMP’s announcement but there were two other strands -- an agreement with Swiss Re for the reinsurance of AMP’s New Zealand retail wealth protection portfolio that will release $150 million of capital and a plan to float the NZ wealth management and advice business. The business to be floated has earnings of about $40 million a year.

The nub of the deals Wilkins announced is that they will release a lot of very low-yielding capital and dramatically simplify the AMP business down to a modern Australian wealth management, funds management and banking business while leaving the zombie portfolios with a manager with a good reputation for managing policyholders.

It will, moreover, retain some upside (and some limited risk-sharing) through its exposures to Resolution and the continuing economic interest in the mature businesses being sold.

The staff in the businesses being sold will transfer with them.

Wilkins will be able to hand over a cleaner and more focused group to incoming chief executive, Franceso De Ferrari, and a lot of options once the core transactions are completed in the second half of the financial year.

Wilkins, chairman Murray and what is essentially a brand new board deserve plaudits for acting where their predecessors dithered – that was a lengthy strategic review -- and creating flexibility for De Ferrari and the continuing AMP businesses. Capital could be returned to shareholders, invested in the business, used for acquisitions or a combination of all of the above.

De Ferrari, who will take up his post in early December, will still face some significant challenges.

The battering the AMP brand has received within the banking royal commission appears to be having a material impact, with net cash outflows in the Australian wealth management business in the September quarter of almost $1.5 billion, reflecting an exodus of retail and corporate customers.

There also the prospect that the commission might recommend the break-up of vertically integrated wealth managers to separate product manufacturers from the distribution of product through owned or aligned advisor networks.

AMP regards its army of advisors as a core asset, one central to its business model. It is committed to retaining them. The royal commission and ultimately the government might, however, leave it with no option but to unpick the vertical integration in its model and distance itself from the advisor network.

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