‘Not here’: Locals want some landscapes off limits to turbines
A group of North West Tasmanian locals will protest at Wednesday’s Tasmanian Energy Development Conference saying some iconic areas should be exempt from wind farm development.
A group of North West Tasmanian locals will protest at Wednesday’s Tasmanian Energy Development Conference saying some iconic areas should be exempt from wind farm development.
“She never abandoned us. Melva’s death has wounded our hearts.” The “matriarch” of Tasmania’s environmental movement has died at age 92.
Mechanics working for Metro are demanding the government intervene and force the company to pay their staff for work currently being done for free. THEIR STORY >>
The annual firing match over duck hunting in Tasmania has sparked again with the season due to open in March.
Conservation groups have accused the state and federal governments of keeping opponents in the dark about a new offshore aquaculture trial.
The Bob Brown Foundation has backed in a dissenting Supreme Court judge’s comments describing Sustainable Timbers Tasmania’s conduct as “a deception” and “egregious”.
Tasmania Police have issued a warning to those planning on joining a ‘mass day of action’ against mandatory Covid-19 vaccines in Hobart this weekend. LATEST >>
Original URL: https://www.themercury.com.au/topics/tasmania-protests