
Paralympian has ‘more to achieve’ as Tassie takes rowing’s centre stage

Paralympic rower Alexandra Viney feels she has ‘more to achieve’ at the elite level, but this week she’s focused on reconnecting with her Tassie roots at the national championships at Lake Barrington.

Paris Olympians/Paralympians Eddie Ockenden, Sarah Hawe, Max Giuliani, Alexandra Viney and Jacob Despard during the official welcome home at Launceston in November. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones
Paris Olympians/Paralympians Eddie Ockenden, Sarah Hawe, Max Giuliani, Alexandra Viney and Jacob Despard during the official welcome home at Launceston in November. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones

She has unfinished business at Paralympic level, but a sense of nostalgia has hit Alexandra Viney after returning home for the Australian Rowing Championships at Lake Barrington this week.

The dual Paralympian finished fifth in the PR3 mixed coxed four in Paris, with the crew setting a new national record.

Winning a medal remains on her future hit list, but for now the former Launceston Grammar rower’s Tasmanian parochialism is working overtime with the country’s best rowers on show.

“I’m looking forward to seeing the Grammar students and I think I’ll be sneaking into their tent quite a bit,” she said.

“I’ll be giving those athletes some of my time, and I can’t wait to feel a part of that again really.

“I don’t think I’m a role model at all, I’m one of their supporters.

“I do have a smirk on my face because today (Monday) is absolutely stunning and you just give everyone the nod, I know it’s beautiful.

“They can talk about the man made course in Sydney but when this your backyard, there’s not much more to say.”

Star rowers Alex Viney, Georgie Rowe and Fergus Hamilton with Tasmanian sports minister Nick Duigan. Picture: Rowing Australia
Star rowers Alex Viney, Georgie Rowe and Fergus Hamilton with Tasmanian sports minister Nick Duigan. Picture: Rowing Australia

Viney said Paris was the ‘full Olympic experience’ after the isolation of the heavily Covid-affected Tokyo Paralympics in 2021, where her crew finished fourth.

“Racing at the start of the Paralympic Games I was very grateful for, because it gave me some time in Paris to really enjoy the whole experience,” she said.

“It’s not like you’re biding your time waiting for your race at the very end. I got to experience my racing and everything that came with it as well.

“My family got to come over, the contrast from Tokyo was we had support people there for us.

“In Tokyo we got flown out within three days of racing and were literally cooped up in the hotel for 14 days and couldn’t see anyone. To get a cuddle after putting everything out there on the line (was great).

“It was the full experience and so much more. I got to live the performances of my friends on the Paralympic team in other sports, and was able to celebrate and support them and ride that wave.”

Viney said winning a medal remains a major motivation.

Paralympian Alexandra Viney is back in Tasmania for the national championships. Picture: Aaron Francis/Herald Sun
Paralympian Alexandra Viney is back in Tasmania for the national championships. Picture: Aaron Francis/Herald Sun

“We set an Australian record. We’re the fastest PR3 mixed coxed four to come out of Australia on an international or domestic scale, yet we still came fifth,” she said.

“There’s enjoyment and joy, but there’s also missing out on that podium and as an athlete everyone goes there to chase that dream.

“I feel like I’ve got more to achieve, but coming away putting some serious numbers out there against the best in the world was an amazing experience.”

Viney joked she invited Tasmania Devils’ new mascot ‘Rum’un’ to cheer the Tasmanian cohort on at the national championships, which continue until Sunday.

“The Tasmania Devil’s kind of got that fighting spirit about it. I was hoping to get our new mascot Rum’un up and about to get among the Tasmanian athletes, but I got a message on Instagram from our new friend it’s too cold.

“There’s plenty of Tasmanians here hoping for a home advantage. We’re really going after the same thing, that Tasmanians can compete on the big stage.”

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