
State government grants help safety for vulnerable road users

Pedestrians and cyclists are among those set to benefit from a $4.7m cash boost to improve road safety across Tasmania. Find out where some of the money will be going to.

Liberal MP Jacquie Petrusma, Kingborough Alderman Aldo Antolli, Kingborough Council CEO Dave Stewart Road Safety Advisory Council chair Scott Tilyard and Minister for Transport Eric Abetz at Snug on Monday, June 17, 2024.
Liberal MP Jacquie Petrusma, Kingborough Alderman Aldo Antolli, Kingborough Council CEO Dave Stewart Road Safety Advisory Council chair Scott Tilyard and Minister for Transport Eric Abetz at Snug on Monday, June 17, 2024.

Another $4.7m for road safety improvements across Tasmania will help to protect vulnerable road users including pedestrians and cyclists, the state’s government says.

Announcing the latest rounds of the Vulnerable Road User Program and the Safer Rural Roads Program, Transport Minister Eric Abetz said the money would be distributed around the state to keep people safe.

“Road safety is an important issue for all Tasmanians and it’s good to see local governments putting in applications to the state government for funding where they see a local need to enhance road safety,” he said.

“We’re very pleased to confirm that another $4.7m is going to nearly 40 projects around Tasmania to improve safety on local and rural roads,” he said.

“This round saw submissions received from 19 different councils, with each council having at least one successful application.

“The wide range of successful councils will allow for road safety improvements to be spread across Tasmania.

“Including co-contributions from councils, the projects see a total investment of $8.2 million to deliver infrastructure treatments, across 38 different projects.”

Projects funded through the VRUP include pedestrian refuges, pedestrian crossings and shared paths and through the SRRP include pavement widening, signage and guideposts.

Road Safety Advisory Council Chair, Scott Tilyard. Picture: Linda Higginson
Road Safety Advisory Council Chair, Scott Tilyard. Picture: Linda Higginson

Road Safety Advisory Council chair Scott Tilyard said vulnerable users were over-represented in casualty figures.

“Vulnerable road users make up one in four people who are killed or seriously injured in our urban areas, our cities and towns,” he said.

“So project funding such as this offered through the grants program is for projects like footpaths for pedestrian crossings for separated cycleways and the like.

“So it’s very important in terms of improving road safety on our network within our cities and towns.”

Mr Abetz said a number of projects in the south of the state had been successful in seeking funding.

“This round will see pedestrian refuges on King George V Avenue in Glenorchy and Penna Road in Midway Point, as well as pedestrian crossings on Mary Street in Cygnet and Prossers Forest Road in Ravenswood,” he said.

“Huon Road in South Hobart will be treated with shoulder sealing, and footpaths will be built on Reeve Street in Campania, Swanwick Road in Coles Bay and here on the Channel Highway in Snug.”

Among the other projects include:

Break O’Day Council: Mathinna Plains Road, Mathinna — Guardrails: $40,000

Break O’Day Council: Mathinna Road, Mathinna — Guardrails: $16,000

City of Hobart: Huon Road, South Hobart — Shoulder Sealing: $130,000

City of Launceston: Lilydale Road, Lilydale — Line Marking: $200,000

Clarence City Council: Dorans Road, Sandford — Pavement Widening: $40,000

Devonport City Council: Melrose Road, Melrose — Signage: $39,000

Devonport City Council: Forthside Road, Forthside — Signage: $45,000

George Town Council: Old Aerodrome Road, Low Head — Pavement Widening: $600,000

Kingborough Council: Sandfly Road, Sandfly — Bicycle facilities (sealed shoulders): $400,000

Northern Midlands Council: Woolmers Lane, Longford — Guideposts: $10,000

Northern Midlands Council: Liffey Road, Liffey — Guideposts: $33,650

Sorell Council: Kellevie Road, Nugent — Pavement Widening: $235,832

Waratah-Wynyard Council: Multiple roads, Wynyard and surrounding suburbs — Signage: $22,200

West Tamar Council: Greens Beach Road, Green Beach — Guideposts: $250,000.

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