
Jesse Peter Barnes avoids jail over dark web drug purchases

A TASMANIAN man who used the digital currency Bitcoin to buy drugs on the dark web has escaped a jail sentence.

A TASMANIAN man who used the digital currency Bitcoin to buy drugs on the dark web has escaped a jail sentence.

In the Supreme Court in Launceston before Justice Robert Pearce this week, Jesse Peter Barnes, 27, pleaded guilty to trafficking in a controlled substance and four summary charges under the Misuse of Drugs Act and Poisons Act.

The court heard between April 2016 and March 2017 Barnes accessed the dark web — a section of the internet accessible only via special software — to buy drugs for himself and others using Bitcoin.

The drugs were sent from within Australia and four parcels were intercepted by the police.

One contained 30.19 grams of methylamphetamine, also known as ice.

Barnes also admitted other purchases and sales, not only of more ice, but also LSD tablets, MDMA and testosterone.

On three occasions in 2016, he bought MDMA, and after the third occasion, sold about 40 pills for about $20 each through a social media application.

The court heard he injected some of the testosterone himself for muscle building, but also sold four vials to a friend.

Barnes had no prior convictions and said he had developed a recreational drug habit when he was working in mines interstate.

Justice Pearce said Barnes had taken steps to rehabilitate himself, but had acted in a “highly stupid and irresponsible” manner.

“Resorting to [the] purchase of drugs by means of the secret internet is to be condemned,” he said.

“The nature and scale of this trafficking, and the other offences, does not warrant imprisonment — the quantity and value involved is not high.

“However, distribution of controlled drugs is always serious and sentences should not only punish the offender and condemn his conduct, but serve to protect the community from activities like this by him and others.

“He cannot expect a second chance.”

Barnes was ordered to perform 84 hours of community service and received a fine of $2000.

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