
Triangle versus rectangle: Which is the 'right' way to cut a sandwich?

Which axis do you opt for when slicing a sandwich? Yes, there's a correct choice!

You've been eating your sandwich wrong

Picture this: The final piece of bread is placed on top of the sandwich of your dreams—all the toppings and trimmings your heart desires. The next question is...

Are you a triangle person or a rectangle person?

Sandwich-gate is back; this time, it's not about the bites you take, but the direction you slice it before eating that makes all the difference.

For some, one way tastes better.

"It seems the preferred agreed upon way to cut a sandwich is diagonally but I think a horizontal cut is much more appealing and satisfying," one Redditor starts his post in the subgroup @/unpopularopinion

"It gives more of a full bite every time instead of starting with a small point and working into a fuller middle."

"It also holds a sandwich together better if you have a lot of ingredients that may otherwise slip out from the points of a diagonally cut sandwich," he mic drops and leaves it up to the internet to agree. 

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Which way do you cut your sandwich? Image: supplied
Which way do you cut your sandwich? Image: supplied

RELATED: Debate explodes over the 'correct' way to eat a sandwich

"I can't stand a diagonal cut"

Spoiler alert: not everyone did!

Commenters were quick to share their preferred methods with each claiming their choice was superior. 

"I've always thought of that being the main benefit of the triangle cut, that I can carve away easy-to-fit-in-my-mouth bites from the corners rather than trying to negotiate with a flat surface," one shares. 

"Grew up with the horizontal cut," writes a sandwich lover. "Hubs was against the first time I made him a sandwich. He came from a diagonal home. We had conversations! LOL." 

"Yeah, no. Aesthetically, it's better looking. Practically, it's easier to eat because past bites don't get in the way. I also don't want a full bite every single time," shades a diagonal fan. 

"The diagonal cut is typically known as the fancy cut, whereas the straight vertical is called the standard cut," wrote another in favour of the diagonal.

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Is there a superior cut? Source: supplied
Is there a superior cut? Source: supplied

"There's less sandwich when it gets cut"

Then, one brave commenter said, "Sandwiches should not be cut. I swear there's less sandwich when it gets cut."

This caused another outrage from commenters, "THIS is the real unpopular opinion, holy sh*t!" 

The team have thoughts

With the answer unclear. I turned to the Kidspot team, given that my sandwiches are currently the discarded crusts my children refuse to eat. 

Eleanor wrote: “I feel like horizontally is for kids. Also, diagonally is so much more satisfying to eat for some reason... maybe because of the corners.”

Not holding back, Carly said: “I cut my partner's sandwich diagonally once, and he told me he only likes it in rectangles, and then I ate his sandwich,” 

“Depends on my mood - so I get it when kids change their minds and crack it at us! Mostly horizontal because it makes eating the sandwich easier with minimal mess on my cheeks,” Leah adds diplomatically. 

“It depends on what's in the sandwich. If it's a Nutella sandwich, horizontal, but everything else diagonal,” Dom writes, playing both sides. 

While Nama chose to embrace her inner child and said, “I cut in half to make triangles, and then I cut off crusts.”

Once again, we are back to the cutting board. So what will it be, triangles or rectangles? 

Originally published as Triangle versus rectangle: Which is the 'right' way to cut a sandwich?

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